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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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A Data-Driven Approach to Detect and Quantify the Impact of Frac-Hits on Parent and Child Wells in Unconventional Formations

Ishank Gupta, Chandra Rai, Deepak Devegowda, Carl Sondergeld

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the reservoir is) and fracture propagation (how good/bad frac hits are). Such plots (Figure 14) can also be created for different completion designs, parent...


Seismic Resolution in the Mahakam Delta

J. B. Beauchamp

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... a number of different horizons in the area and thereby to obtain a fairly accurate picture of the overall structural configuration. However...


Comparison of Simultaneous Acoustic and Resistivity Images in a Cored Nisku Interval, Southern Alberta

Ian F. Smith, Richard C. Thom

CSPG Special Publications

... Of Structural Information From Borehole Imaging Techniques - A Case History For Deep Carbonate Reservoir”, SPWLA 31st Annual Logging Symposium, June 24–27, 1990...


Outcrops as Analog of Fractured Reservoirs: Capture Explicit Geometries, Derive Statistics and Model Behaviour; #120144 (2014)

N. J. Hardebol and G. Bertotti

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... for storing both Geometry and Attribute aspects of structural elements. Spatio-relational arrangements of the different features and their geometric parts form...


Abstract: A new Frontier Being Revealed; Using Spectral Decomposition in an Old Universe of Multiples and Noise; #91204 (2023)

Miguel Mora-Glukstad, Hamza Khanjari, Wathab Al Mahrezi, Marwa AL Dhahli, Martin Dvorak, Said Abri

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.... The normal practice with this demultiple technique is to generate different versions based on the wavelength of the structural filtering...


Recent Sedimentology, Northwest Gulf of Mexico; Retrospect and Prospect

Fred B Phleger

AAPG Special Volumes

... Bay, although the faunas were different. This, along with other compositional, textural and structural features (Shepard, this volume; Moore and Scruton...


Integrating Tidal Modeling and Facies Analysis for the Miocene, Northwest Borneo, South China Sea, #50990 (2014).

Daniel S. Collins, Peter A. Allison, Howard D. Johnson, Alexandros Avdis, Jon Hill, Matthew Piggott

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..., where tide and mixed energy processes govern sedimentation. (Presenter’s notes continued on next page) (Presenter’s notes continued from previous...


The Use of CSEM within an Integrated Exploration Project "Best of EAGE", #40866 (2012)

Andrea Lovatini, Elena Medina Tracy Campbell, Keith Myers

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... complex targets. Synthetic modeling showed how several frequencies were sensitive to different target depths. To cover as broad a range of depths...


ABSTRACT: Geochemical Exploration Fluorescence Applications in Southern US Basins; #90129 (2011)

Gary K. Rice

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... sensitivity are advantages of fluorescence techniques. Laboratory fluorescence measurements start with solvent extraction of soil or sediments. Ultraviolet...


Lithotectonic Terranes and the Plate Tectonic Theory of Orogeny: A Critique of the Principles of Terrane Analysis

A.M.C. Sengor

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., 1987, esp. p. 66-67). The rules that govern the growth of accretionary complexes are wholly different from those that determine the course of collision...


Geophysical Frontiers

George E. Wagoner

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ such as the automatic volume control, and new techniques. The repetition indicates that reserves have been overlooked, and that closer inspection is profitable...


Global Energy Outlooks and Australias Net Zero Energy Future

Jerome Paz

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... a monumental shift in attitudes and priorities by govern­ ments, industries and individuals. The International Energy Agency’s ‘Net Zero by 2050’ report...


Using Unsupervised Machine Learning to Identify Risk of Failure at Ageing Oil and Gas Assets

Uday Manchanda, Ammar Pervez

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... it such that similar data is as close as possible and different from objects in other clusters (Syakur et al. 2018). Clustering techniques have been utilised...


Technology Strategy Considerations in Reservoir Optimization; #70154 (2013)

Susan Smith Nash

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..., and engineering, and different approaches should be developed for different stages in the lifecycle of the project. In addition to identifying processes...


Mercury Management during Decommissioning: Predicting Accumulation and Mitigating Risk of Release

Luke Ellery, Peter Crafts, Andrew Sturgeon, Amit Rajani

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

.... A series of guidelines were produced including guidance on environmentally sound interim storage, best available techniques and best environmental...


Whats the problem with CSEM?

Antony Price

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

..., for seismic amplitude analysis – which is now reached a consensus for the industry although the methodologies and techniques are not always the same...


Two Companies Collaborating to Make Real Safety Improvements: Arrow Energy, Shell QGC and the Queensland Coal Seam Gas Industry

Michelle L. Zaunbrecher, Timothy Johnston, Rachael Wood

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... height.  High potential incidents (HiPos), or serious near misses, largely have different causes including: land transport; process safety; drops...


EnergyQuest: Knowledge is Power

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of LPG t he whole system isn't set up to do different "We've done quite a lot of work on how much or compressed natural gas. I'm su re t here'll...


Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #41821 (2016)

Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, Quentin Fisher

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... field & fault orientation) How does a fault seal? Sealing units are juxtaposed against the reservoir The subsurface structural framework...


CSEM Continues to Stride Forward

Jane Whaley

GEO ExPro Magazine

... into the subsurface. the edges of an accumulation. “When this is combined with the structural information found by seismic,” Andy continues, “we...


Geological Prediction of Subseismic Deformation from Seismic-Reflection Profiles of Contractional Structures, #41247 (2013)

Richard H. Groshong Jr., Roy W. Schlische, Martha Oliver Withjack

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..., eds., Chamberlin centennial; a critical assessment of balance and restoration techniques and interpretation: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 41, p...


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