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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT CO2 Storage Capacity Estimation and Storage Site Selection, #90104 (2010)
Kaldi John
Search and Discovery.com
... for the selection of appropriate sites to store carbon dioxide safely and securely. There are various scales of site selection and different levels of storage...
Linking Channel Dynamics to Deposits: How Does Process Understanding Change With the Scale of Observation?
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Shaly Behaviors Revealed: Some Lessons Learned Using Microseismic Monitoring during Hydraulic Fracturing and Re-Fracturing, by J. Le Calvez, J. Daniels, S. Taylor, and M. Appelt; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Basement Topographic Control of Structural Highs and Lows in the Sedimentary Section in the Midcontinent, U.S.A.
S. Parker Gay, Jr., Joseph A. Laravie
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
.... Through the use of quite new and different aeromagnetic processing techniques that map the detailed lithology of the basement surface rocks, we have found...
ABSTRACT Enhanced Visualization of Seismic Attributes for Structural Interpretation, #90104 (2010)
Mironova Anastasia, Thompson Jennifer,
Search and Discovery.com
... we demonstrate how seismic structural attributes coupled with modern visualization techniques can be leveraged to enhance interpreters’ perception...
Lost Time and Lost Opportunity: The Realities of Poor Data Management
Alaa E. Sallam
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... to the project with a geologist and discovered that he had very different views as to how the data should be captured that were not mentioned in the manual...
Integrated Reservoir Characterisation of Cycle III, Brent Group, Brent Field, UK North Sea for Reservoir Management: Utilization of Geoscience and Engineering Technologies to Increase Hydrocarbon Recovery
I. D. Bryant, A. H. M. Paardekam, P. Davies, M. C. Budding
AAPG Special Volumes
... of these individual genetic units. We have constructed such a model by using workstation-based data integration and modelling techniques. Well data have been used...
Insights into the mechanisms of fault-related folding provided by volumetric structural restorations using spatially varying mechanical constraints
Chris A. Guzofski, Joachim P. Mueller, John H. Shaw, Pierre Muron, Donald A. Medwedeff, Frank Bilotti, Carlos Rivero
AAPG Bulletin
..., structural restoration techniques that incorporate similar mechanical constraints have heretofore been unavailable. In this article, we use a new...
Direct Paleo-Overpressure Estimate, from Demonstration to Practical Application: The Sheep Mountain Anticline Example, #40974 (2012)
Jean Marc Daniel, Olivier Lacombe, Jean-Paul Callot, Nicolas Bellahsen, Mickael Barbier, Khalid Amrouch, Nicolas Beaudoin
Search and Discovery.com
... other rights contact author directly. 1 2 Structural Geology, IFPEN, Rueil Malmaison, France (jean-marc.daniel@ifpen.fr) UMR 7193, ISTEP, UPMC...
Salt-Sediment Interaction, Northern Green Canyon and Ewing Bank (Offshore Louisiana), Northern Gulf of Mexico
Mark G. Rowan and Paul Weimer
AAPG Bulletin
... Bank were integrated to evaluate how salt deformation influenced the distribution of Pliocene-Pleistocene facies in time and space. Two techniques...
The 1986 PESA Australian Distinguished Lecture: Years of Dramatic Change the Growth in Expertise in Australian Oil Exploration 1950 1986
Murray H. Johnstone
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... person but derived from the integration of data and techniques from a number of different scientific disciplines. It is not something that could have been...
Hydrodynamic effects on low-dip stratigraphic traps
S. A. Stewart
AAPG Bulletin
...Hydrodynamic effects on low-dip stratigraphic traps S. A. Stewart 2024 1 13 108 1 Existing descriptions and mapping techniques of hydrodynamic...
Well Site Techniques for the Study of Unconventional Reservoirs; #90131 (2011)
Jerad Dudley and Ken Bohnert
Search and Discovery.com
... This is an ongoing study in which we examine different analytical techniques that can be used on the unconventional Marcellus Shale reservoir...
Corrosion Management - Workshop Summary
Mike Cloud, Rich Martin, Ken Barker, Kent Gantz
... monitoring techniques, including brine analyses, corrosion coupons, and visual inspection, are used to monitor treatment effectiveness. Chemical...
Abstract: Techniques for Improved Prospect Evaluation: Examples from Gulf of Mexico, by Tony Marsh; #90076 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Structural Analysis of the Cerro Fortunoso Block, Neuquen Basin, Argentina: Results and Applications on Exploration and Development Projects; #90017 (2003)
P. Giampaoli, M. A. Gait, F. Dzelalija
Search and Discovery.com
... and Development Projects This study illustrates how new structural interpretations in mature oil provinces may lead to the elaboration of models that improve...
Integrated Analysis of Borehole and Seismic Data
E. Poggiagliolmi, R. D. Allred
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Neidell, N.S. & Poggiagliolmi, E., 1977. Stratigraphic modelling, interpretation, geophysical principles and techniques. Seismic Stratigraphy Application...
Mechanics of low-relief detachment folding in the Bajiaochang field, Sichuan Basin, China
Andreas Plesch, John H. Shaw, David Kronman
AAPG Bulletin
... how the growth of the Bajiaochang structure was governed by this mechanical stratigraphy. Based on a 3-D structural model developed from interpretations...
Abstract: Exploration Application of High Resolution Aeromagnetic Surveys in the Gulf Of Mexico, USA, by Z. Berger and G. Reudavey; #90951 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Lower Cretaceous Geology, Northwestern Karnes County, Texas
Delos R. Tucker
AAPG Bulletin
... and subtracted from them on the southeastern side. Hydrocarbons probably accumulated in the structural closure formed along the trough's southeastern...
Maintaining an Adequate Level of Geophysical Exploration
F. Goldstone
AAPG Bulletin
... different contentions. Probably the safest course is to study the trend of estimates made periodically on the same basis. Published estimates which...
Abstract: Integration of Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy in Characterizing Unconventional Reservoirs: Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, by Workman, Seth; Grammer, Michael; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Microseismic Monitoring: A Tool for Evaluating Hydraulically-Induced Fracture Network Complexity in Various Geological Settings
Search and Discovery.com
Digital Transformation: The Opportunities and Challenges in Generating Value from Subsurface Data
Search and Discovery.com