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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Predictive Fracture Mechanics of Normal Faults: Field Examples from the Española Basin, New Mexico
K.E. Carter Krogh
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of the preexisting crust contains a regional structural grain contributed by Precambrian through Laramide orogenic events. These preexisting fabrics...
Three-dimensional visualization of the Neogene structures of an external sector of the northern Apennines, Italy
Mauro De Donatis
AAPG Bulletin
... this, several 3-D structural models were built using different interpretations to identify the structural geometry that most closely honors the data...
Artificial Neural Network Based Facies Modeling for Multi-Layer Injection Fall-off Transient Analysis
Arvind Kumar, Saunil Rajput, Poorna Venkata Sai Teja Nukala, Tety Benedicta Wydiabhakti, Eduardo Antonio Trevisan, Keka Ojha
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... into distinct layers based on petrophysical facies distribution. Different sets of input parameters are assigned to the base model before initiating...
Abstract: Fracture Analysis of Circum-Bighorn Basin Anticlines, Wyoming-Montana, by Julian Stah; #90199 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Evolution of fractures in a fold-and-thrust belt and the associated deformed foreland basin: An example from the northeastern Brooks Range and the eastern Colville Basin, Alaska; #90018 (2003)
Andrea Loveland
Search and Discovery.com
... data will be integrated on balanced cross sections to constrain conditions at different structural levels. By integrating these data sets, this study...
AI: Game-Changer in Development or Exploration or Both?
Mark Brownless, Ryan Williams, Dave Brett
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and interpret key components of the petroleum system, such as hydrocarbon kitchen areas and structural closures. The time slice image through the SNS...
Thermal Maturity and Reservoir Quality of the Velkerri Formation, Beetaloo Sub-Basin, Northern Territory
Claudio Delle Piane, I. Tonguç Uysal, Mohinudeen Faiz, Zhejun Pan, Julien Bourdet, Zhongsheng Li, Mark D Raven, David N Dewhurst
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... further work to understand and reconcile results from different analytical techniques and their variability across the basin. C. Delle Piane et al. Con...
Subsalt Imaging Below the Mahogany Salt Sill
Davis W. Ratcliff and David J. Weber
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of subsalt exploration is Depth Imaging. Depth imaging technology (poststack and prestack) has allowed explorationists to identify and map structural...
Mapping Thin Sand Reservoirs in Eastern India
U. K. Guru, M. Krishnamurty, V. C. Ramalah, E. W. Wiltse, Robin Westerman
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... Vertical Seismic Profiling techniques are being tried to improve the detailed mapping of thin sands. After dynamite source-tuning, a high frequency image...
Methods Used in Computing Secondary Equities, Wilmington Field, Los Angeles County, California
Dennis R. Allen
AAPG Bulletin
... zonal productivity and suitability to water flooding. d. Net value due to different operating costs. SAND COUNTING TECHNIQUES General...
Contributions of Compaction And Aquathermal Pressuring to Geopressure and the Influence of Environmental Conditions: DISCUSSION
T. W. Miller, C. H. Luk
AAPG Bulletin
..." is substituted for the terms that govern fluid flows caused by pressure gradients. To generalize the equation, ßs has been substituted for the sediment's...
Uncertainty, Subjectivity and Bias, #120048 (2012)
Andrew Curtis, Matthew Walker
Search and Discovery.com
..., and show how expert knowledge may be elicited to encapsulate uncertainties and reveal natural human bias. Compared to many other areas of industrial...
Enhancing the Process of Knowledge Discovery from Integrated Geophysical Databases Using Geo-Ontologies
Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Heinz Dreher, Andi Noventiyanto, Aswin Mostafa, Giuseppe Fiume
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in different formats and domains have different dimensions, properties and attribute strengths. Conventional data mining and interpretation methods alone...
Building Creative Environments and Leading Creative People: Chapter 17: Part IV. Managing the Business
Kenneth F. Wantland
AAPG Special Volumes
... tape set: Phoenix, AZ, General Cassette Corp., 10 pp. Waterman, R. H., Jr., 1987, The renewal factor: How the best get and keep the competitive edge...
Evaluating Diagenetically Complex Reservoirs: Part 6. Geological Methods
Michael D. Wilson
AAPG Special Volumes
... Reservoir Heterogeneities End_Page 314------------------------ structural history, the history of exploration and production in the area, the burial...
Use of Bulk Volume Water: Chapter III
George B. Asquith
AAPG Special Volumes
... to progressively lower structural positions from the top crossplot to the bottom one. Note in the top crossplot (i.e., from the structurally highest well), how...
ABSTRACT: Evaluation of the Physical Properties of Coal Macerals Using Atomic Force Microscopy
F. Andrew Bruening, Arthur D. Cohen
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... description of this method and demonstrate how it can be used to precisely measure (at nanometer scale) the surface properties (topography, relief, hardness...
The Austin Chalk-Buda Trend of South Texas
Robert J. Scott
GCAGS Transactions
... techniques were developed. Based on the results of production to date, it is estimated that 50 percent of the wells in the trend will produce at a rate of 40...
Abstract: A Robust Technique for Resolving Faulting Problems on the Steeply Dipping Flanks of Salt Bodies, Using the Multiple Bischke Plot Analysis (MBPA)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: The Application of Ground-Based Lidar to Conduct Multiscale, Outcrop Structural Evaluation with examples from the Anadarko Basin and the Colorado Plateau; #90106 (2010)
Timothy F. Wawrzyniec, Roger M. Slatt
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: The Application of Ground-Based Lidar to Conduct Multiscale, Outcrop Structural Evaluation with examples from the Anadarko Basin...
Chapter 11: Earth, Mind, and Paper: Field Sketches as Expert Representations of the Hat Creek Fault Zone
Heather L. Petcovic, Carol J. Ormand, Bob Krantz
AAPG Special Volumes
... vary across field locations that have different geologic expression, vantage points, and instructional purposes? How do sketch representations vary...
Challenges in Reservoir Characterization: GEOHORIZONS
H. H. Haldorsen, E. Damsleth
AAPG Bulletin
... and if fractures may cross, and how different lithofacies tend to attract or repulse each other. Important measures, such as the accessible sand End_Page 546...
Abstract: Play Attributes of Cretaceous Rudist Reef Reservoirs- Examples from the Gulf of Mexico and Middle East
Jeffrey J. Dravis
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... are structural-stratigraphic traps. Understanding how physiographic setting influences carbonate sedimentation can be the key to exploiting some of these play...