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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Abstract: Quantifying the Relationship Between Structural Growth Rate and the Morphology of Submarine Channels and Reservoir Facies From Shelf-Edge to Deep Water: Case Studies From the Niger Delta System; #90310 (2017)
William Hamish Mitchell, Alex Whittaker, Lidia Lonergan, Mike Mayall
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Quantifying the Relationship Between Structural Growth Rate and the Morphology of Submarine Channels and Reservoir Facies From Shelf-Edge...
Abstract: Modeling Fracture Networks During Exploration Stages; A Case Study from West Kuwait; #90319 (2018)
Hanan Abu-Hebail, Meshal Al-Wadi, Talal Mutlaq Al-Otaibi, Aimen Amer
Search and Discovery.com
... advantage and disadvantage. Geomodelers may combine these techniques to create a hybrid model to resolve complexities and overcome the disadvantages...
ABSTRACT: The Use of Structural Modelling in the Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: An Example from the Tarija Basin, South American Andes as an Analogue for Algerian Atlas Uplift Reservoirs; #90016 (2003)
Stuart Bland, Carlo Sanders, Massimo Bonora, Alan Gibbs
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: The Use of Structural Modelling in the Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: An Example from the Tarija Basin, South American Andes...
Abstracts: Application of FX Singular Spectrum Analysis on Structural Data; #90173 (2015)
Alexander Falkovskiy, Elvis Floreani, Gerry Schlosser
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstracts: Application of FX Singular Spectrum Analysis on Structural Data; #90173 (2015) Alexander Falkovskiy, Elvis Floreani, Gerry Schlosser AAPG...
Development of Porosity in Limestones
W. V. Howard , Max W. David
AAPG Bulletin
.... The former porosity may in turn consist of original and secondary porosity. There may even be several different stages of former porosity corresponding...
Statistical Curvature Analysis Techniques for Structural Interpretation of Dipmeter Data
C. A. Bengtson
AAPG Bulletin
...Statistical Curvature Analysis Techniques for Structural Interpretation of Dipmeter Data C. A. Bengtson 1981 312 332 65 2. (February) Variations...
Abstract: Forward Modeling of Log Response in Geopressured Formations Reveals Valuable Insights to the Various Pore Pressure Prediction Techniques, by J. C. Rasmus; #90923 (1999)
Search and Discovery.com
Resolving Predictable Reservoir Behavior in Heterogenous Carbonates using Integrated Rock Typing Methods: A Field Scale Case Study of a Michigan Basin Silurian-aged Niagaran Brown Reef
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Characterizations of a Nano-Scale Pore System and Petrographic Properties of Shale Using Multiple Techniques and their Implications on Gas Storage Capability;
Hao Xu, Wen Zhou
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Characterizations of a Nano-Scale Pore System and Petrographic Properties of Shale Using Multiple Techniques and their Implications on Gas...
Case Study - Advanced Seismic Acquisitions and Processing Results in Indonesia
Michele Buia, Bakhrudin Mansyur, Herastya Iman Priyonggo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... any stacking). Data are affected as a function of the water depth, varying inside the circle, and as a function of how many different circles...
Abstract: Fe-Bearing Clay Minerals and Festr Reduction Implications on Oil Adsorption;
Nikolaos Apeiranthitis, Cédric Carteret, Anke Neumann, H. Chris Greenwell
Search and Discovery.com
..., clay swelling and double layer expansion. One factor that has hitherto been little examined is how structural iron (Fe) in clay minerals can affect...
Improving Techniques: Addressing Reservoir Continuity Issues in Near "Real-Time"; #40415 (2009)
Myrt Cribbs, Stan Teerman, Jefferson Creek, Oliver Mullins, and Soraya Betancourt
Search and Discovery.com
... with different crude types and longer equilibrium times. Improving Techniques Addressing Reservoir Continuity Issues in Near Real Time New Developments...
Palynological in Techniques Deep-Basin Stratigraphy
L. R. Wilson
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...Palynological in Techniques Deep-Basin Stratigraphy L. R. Wilson 1973 281 295 Fuller, M. L., 1920, Carbon ratios in carboniferous coals of Oklahoma...
Salt Biostratigraphy: An Untapped Source of Data?
Gil Machado
GEO ExPro Magazine
... successfully in the industry for decades. The main reasons for their success is, firstly, the small size of the fossils used in all these techniques...
RokDoc's Role in Facilitating Innovation in Exploration and Production
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... buzz word in the mid90s when the larger and more progressive oil What is a rack physics model? companies were looking into how software technology...
3-D Seismic Acquisition, Processing and Display
Bruce S. Hart
Special Publications of SEPM
... (1999) showed how voxel rendering can be used to identify stratigraphic and structural features (Fig . 5.13) . Co bination Displays So e software...
Folding or Shearing, Which?
Bailey Willis
AAPG Bulletin
... is not to draw you into a discussion of theories, but to indicate the desirability of distinguishing between three different structural developments End_Page 44...
A New Approach for Stimulation Treatment in Old Wells
Okti Barmi, Alfian Syarofie, Beddy Damin, Windu Hernowo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... wellbore. The basic methods of acid stimulation are dependent on various techniques and materials. Basically, acidizing treatments are characterized...
Extracting Reservoir Properties from 3-D Seismic Attributes at Ubi-Sikladi Fields, Central Sumatra
Hazairin, Bambang Wisnu H., Kent M. Mangold
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... used to determine how seismic attribute(s) correlate with the reservoir property(ies). For these fields, a correlation was established between...
ABSTRACT: The Use of Hydrocarbon Systems in Exploration, by Richard S. Bishop, Parke D. Snavely III; #91020 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Use of Hydrocarbon Systems in Exploration, by R. S. Bishop and P. D. Snavely III; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Structurally Controlled Diagenesis in Upper Devonian Dolomite: North-Central Montana and Southern Alberta, by Lori Babcock; #90199 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Carbonate Reservoirs: How Important Is the Late Diagenesis?; #90007 (2002)
Mateu Esteban, S. Qing Sun
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Carbonate Reservoirs: How Important Is the Late Diagenesis?; #90007 (2002) Mateu Esteban, S. Qing Sun AAPG Search and Discovery Article...
Abstract: Offshore Evidence for Contractional Tectonic Reactivation of the North Africa Margin, Western Mediterranean Sea, and Geodynamic Implications
Jacques Deverchere, Abdelkarim Yelles, and the MARADJA-MARADJA Scentific Parties
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Internal Zones with the African passive margin by 15 Ma, the slow convergence between Africa and Europe is accommodated in a different way...
ABSTRACT How Palynology Contributes on Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case of Study from Colombia South America, #90104 (2010)
Mantilla Duran Fernando; Garzón Sandra; Torres Vladimir
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT How Palynology Contributes on Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case of Study from Colombia South America, #90104 (2010) Mantilla Duran Fernando...