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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,393 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.

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ABSTRACT How Palynology Contributes on Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case of Study from Colombia South America, #90104 (2010)

Mantilla Duran Fernando; Garzón Sandra; Torres Vladimir

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...ABSTRACT How Palynology Contributes on Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case of Study from Colombia South America, #90104 (2010) Mantilla Duran Fernando...


Outcrop Studies of Faulted Depositional Sequences of Indio Mountains, South West Texas, #90112 (2010)

Pawan Budhathoki,

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... investigates how this thickening is accommodated by syndepositional faulting and stratigraphic architecture. In particular, I will investigate how sequence...


Abstract: How 3D Seismic in the Talara Basin Might help to Maximize the Recovery of Hydrocarbons; #90243 (2015)

Edgar Borda

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... to the reinterpretation of the different reservoir levels in the field. As a result of the re-processing and re-interpretation of the area, the structural...


VI. Qualitative Stratigraphic Correlations

Norman S. Neidell

AAPG Special Volumes

... and Techniques A. Lateral Transitioning With the tools available, we may profitably consider case studies both simulated and real to develop guidelines...


Regulation of Processes of Working Horizon DI of the Romashkino Field

F. A. Begishev, G. G. Vakhitov, S. A. Sultanov, I. P. Cholovskiy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... complications do not arise in extracting the reserves of the higher strata. The situation is different in other areas where the strata of horizon DI have another...


Probabilistic modelling of sedimentary basin evolution using Bayeslands

Rohitash Chandra, Danial Azam, R. Dietmar Muller

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... to determine the relative importance of different parameters driving basin stratigraphic evolution. Parameters that can be explored include timedependent...


A Robust Technique for Resolving Faulting Problems on the Steeply Dipping Flanks of Salt Bodies, Using the Multiple Bischke Plot Analysis (MBPA)

R. E. Bischke, J. Brewton, D. J. Tearpock

GCAGS Transactions

.... In this structural environment well log correlations provide the least expensive data available to geoscientists, and we show how better use can be made of the well...


Fault control on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the Tertiary Dongying depression, Bohai Basin, China

Carolyn Lampe, Guoqi Song, Liangzi Cong, Xing Mu

AAPG Bulletin

..., however, faultsactive at different times throughout basin evolutionadd important additional conduits for petroleum migration, as well as acting locally...


How Geocellular Models Handle Net Pay Mapping Issues; #120022 (2009)

Dave Hamilton

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...How Geocellular Models Handle Net Pay Mapping Issues; #120022 (2009) Dave Hamilton How Geocellular Models Handle Net Pay Mapping Issues* Dave...


Correlation Mapping Technique, a Powerful Tool to Minimize Risk and to Guide Future Development Plans

Gertjan van Mechelen, Jurgen Meyer, Roopa Gir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the structural interpretation of six geological surfaces, all corresponding intervals have been analyzed with correlation mapping techniques. Windowed/Volume...


The Growing Role of Geophysics

Fred Aminzadeh, Larry Lines

GEO ExPro Magazine

... and acquisition methods. Obtaining detailed images below thick layers of salt in the deep ocean, understanding how reservoirs have evolved over time...


Introduction: Chapter I

George B. Asquith

AAPG Special Volumes

...Introduction: Chapter I George B. Asquith 1985 1 6 ME 5: Handbook of Log Evaluation Techniques for Carbonate Reservoirs General Will a reservoir...


Gas Transmission Pipelines „ The Politics and Economics in 2000

Bruce McCaul

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... or consumer, you may see this as good or bad. Let nobody be under the misapprehension how• ever, that transmission pipelines are deregulated...


ABSTRACT: Qatif 3-D Survey: A Case History of a Large Transition Zone Survey; #90051 (2006)

AbdulRahim A. Al-Mubarak, Robert E. Ley, II, Ralph Bridle, Hashim Hussein, William L. Weibel

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... how the integration of all the different variables in processing produces a final migrated dataset suitable for the interpretation objectives...


Meeting the Challenge of Penjom Gold Mine's Geology in the Recovery of Fine Gold in Carbonaceous Ores

Siearra Celastra Sarina Ramli, Ramli Mohd Osman

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... and appears as a result of thorough development work conducted since late 1940s. The objective of this paper is to analyse how preg-robbing carbonaceous gold...


Interaction with Reservoir Engineers

Mike Shepherd

AAPG Special Volumes

... of deposition may not be obvious from the limited well data available. Several different models could then be constructed to investigate how different...


Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow in Seismic Exploration

Emil J. Mateker, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

..., largely because the use of high-speed computers made the common-depth-point shooting techniques, the repetitive use of low energy, non-dynamite (low...


The Jason Geoscience Workbench: "Teamware" for Finding Oil & Gas - The Smart Way

Paul D. Vrolijk

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... Figu re shows the different modu les comprising the Workbench. As depicted, the modules in the Workbench can be used in different workflows, depending...


Mapping Unconventional Reservoir Stress Conditions: An Integrated Workflow Using Geological, Stimulation and Microseismic Data

Orlando J. Teran

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... fitting techniques, and the ambiguity in identifying the true fracture plane is resolved by simply choosing the nodal plane that aligns...


Implications of Trade Liberalisation to Malaysia's Mining Industry

Azimah Ali

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... to the environment when trade is liberalized? Economic theory suggests that trade between countries with different levels of environmental protection could...


A Discussion of the Groundwater Monitoring Requirements for RCRA Permitted and Interim Status Facilities

David L. Hippensteel

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... groundwater monitoring systems are highly different. Interim Status (40 CFR 265 Subpart F) The Part 265 groundwater monitoring focuses...


Assessing Wave Energy Resources: An Overview of New Zealand

David Johnson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... operational forecasts for ports and offshore ope rators, m easure for different locations. Published data MetOcean Solutions' extensive work the techniques...


Flow Geology

Mike Shepherd

AAPG Special Volumes

... to analyze and understand how the geological framework influences fluid flow within a reservoir. Flow geology is the term used...


Discovery Challenge of the Rockies

A. I. Levorsen

AAPG Bulletin

... reports from the students. In telling how to organize a report I suggested they start it off with something interesting--something that would excite...


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