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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,393 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.
Integrated Approach to Search for Stratigraphic Traps: Geologic Exploration Methods
D. C. Swanson
AAPG Special Volumes
... as stratigraphic or structural traps. The fabric and prevailing characteristics of a basin can be defined by four reconnaissance exploration techniques. 1...
The Odyssey in Obtaining Forestry Lend Use Permit for Oil and Gas Industry
Enjang Mukhtar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... that the Government was struggling to resolve different interest of different stakeholders in Forest Area utilization. Some of the challenging issues in Indonesian...
Abstract: Hydraulic Fracturing as a Global Cascade in Networked Systems; #90187 (2014)
David Cho and Gary F. Margrave
Search and Discovery.com
..., resulting in behavior that can exhibit nonlinearities. These network interactions govern phenomena ranging from collective behavior in schooling fish...
An Appraisal of Computer Mapping Techniques as Applied to the Miocene Formations of Bayou Carlin and Lake Sand Fields, Southwestern Louisiana
Madhurendu B. Kumar , Donald H. Kupfer
GCAGS Transactions
...) structural maps of four horizons and one isochore map. The same data were then employed to generate computer maps by three different approaches...
Integration of Surface and Subsurface Data With New Technologies to Enhance Reservoir Knowledge in Mesozoic Fractured Carbonates Analogues of Mexico
Search and Discovery.com
Reducing Exploration Risk and Uncertainty in the Gulf of Thailand and on the Khorat Plateau The Role of Tectonics, Palaeodrainage and Earth System Modelling (Poster 1)
John M. Jacques, Kerri L. Wilson, Paul J. Markwick, David G. Wright, Claudia Fintina
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... datasets (e.g., seismic, well and outcrop) to thoroughly constrain tectonic and structural interpretations for the Mesozoic and Tertiary petroleum systems...
Efficient acquisition and imaging of high-resolution seismic data with the continuous wavefields method
Tilman Klver, Torben Hy
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... by different sources. This method provides significant improvements in source-side sampling both inline and crossline without penalty on acquisition...
Investigating rock micro-structure of sandstones by pattern recognition on their X-ray images
Ankita Singh, Ryan Armstrong, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Peyman Mostaghimi
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... illustrate how different features (pores and minerals) can be identified based on the relative occurrence of the greyscale information from micro-CT...
Abstract: Learn from the Past: Economic Production of Coal Seam Gas; #90234 (2015)
John M. Pope
Search and Discovery.com
... of hindsight to model how a different development approach based on reservoir properties might have improved overall development economics...
Structural Framework of the Appalachian Plateau of Central West Virginia; #90131 (2011)
Elise Swan, Jaime Toro, and Pete Sullivan
Search and Discovery.com
...Structural Framework of the Appalachian Plateau of Central West Virginia; #90131 (2011) Elise Swan, Jaime Toro, and Pete Sullivan Structural...
Abstract: Wide Azimuth Interpolation; #90211 (2015)
Daniel Trad, Jeff Deere, and Scott Cheadle
Search and Discovery.com
... techniques, such as migration, have strict requirements on information content in the input seismic data. Although not a substitute for well-sampled field...
A New Look Finds a Giant
Thomas Smith
GEO ExPro Magazine
... unravel the paleogeography in the northeastern Sichuan Basin. Correctly identifying the different marine platform carbonate facies and prospective...
Oil & Gas Operations are Taking Off with Drone Technology
Dale Granger
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... it’s not well understood.” Knowing how to use gravity and magnetics, and at what stage in your exploration program, is key to optimizing its value...
A new approach for outcrop characterization and geostatistical analysis of a low-sinuosity fluvial-dominated succession using digital outcrop models: Upper Triassic Oukaimeden Sandstone Formation, central High Atlas, Morocco
Ivan Fabuel-Perez, David Hodgetts, Jonathan Redfern
AAPG Bulletin
..., two different techniques were applied to correct the measurements.Perpendicular Projection Plane TechniqueThe channel width needs to be measured...
Abstract: Maximize the Potential of Seismic Data in Shale Exploration and Production Examples from the Barnett Shale and the Eagle Ford Shale; #90187 (2014)
Joanne Wang and Duane Dopkin
Search and Discovery.com
.... The color represents different trace shape (facies). The background discontinuity is the curvature attribute. Co-visualization of structural...
The exploration play: What do we mean by it?
Harry Doust
AAPG Bulletin
... that no structured means to compare plays exists other than rather locally. Better definition of plays would help us learn how they are developed in different...
ABSTRACT: Lankahuasa Prospect: Open Door to Deeper-Water Exploration in Offshore Veracruz Area; #90007 (2002)
Rosa Adriana Anguiano-Rojas
Search and Discovery.com
... the use of interpretative techniques, which include amplitude attributes and coherence cube. The importance of this prospect is paramount considering...
Provenance, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Hydrogeologic Influence of Turbidites on the Mid-Ocean Ridge Flank of Northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean
Michael B. Underwood, Kimberley D. Hoke, Andrew T. Fisher, Earl E. Davis, Emily Giambalvo, Lars Zuhlsdorff, Glenn A. Spinelli
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... properties govern where and when hydraulic communication with the underlying basement shuts down. The basal hemipelagic layer of Cascadia Basin...
Limiting Pitfalls of 3-D Seismic Design and Interpretation in the Permian Basin
Louis J. Mazzullo
West Texas Geological Society
... how changing stratigraphic and structural styles are present beneath the base of the Woodford, and in some cases established conditions that resulted...
Growth Analysis (Dd/d): Case Histories of the Resolution of Correlation Problems as Encountered while Mapping around Salt
R. E. Bischke , W. Finley and D. J. Tearpock
GCAGS Transactions
..., the depth in the structurally higher well (Figure 1a). In a stable tectonic environment, if two wells are situated on different structural levels...
Oil and Gas Possibilities of Ouachita Structural Belt in Texas and Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
August Goldstein, Jr. , Peter T. Flawn
AAPG Bulletin
... and in the basins on the north and west. Miser (1934) has emphasized how the Ouachita structural belt separates the Paleozoic production of the Mid-Continent...
3-D Geological Modeling of the Worlds Largest Siliciclastic Reservoirs: Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait; #20169 (2012)
Jean-Michel Filak, Julien Van Lint, Erwan Le Guerroué, Nicolas Desgoutte, Gilles Fabre, Farida Ali, Eddie Ma, Kalyanbrata Datta, Reham Al-Houti, and Sethu Madhavan
Search and Discovery.com
... on the new structural and stratigraphic framework interpretations to capture the complexity of the Burgan Field reservoirs. Rock-types are defined...
Smart Control: Advancing the Optimization and Control of Artificial Lift Systems
Sam Bost, Jackson Searle
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) as an advanced control mechanism for artificial lift optimization. It focuses on how AI can be utilized for automated setpoint adjustments across artificial lift...
Non-conventional methods of determining clastic reservoir orientation using paleocurrenUpaleoslope studies in oriented core: application to subsurface Trinidad
Larue, D.K. and Sprague, A.R.
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... to paleocurrent and paleoslope studies are: not enough oriented core, or sedimentary structures, large variance in orientations, different sedimentary...
Biogeographic Units as Biostratigraphic Units
James W. Valentine
AAPG Bulletin
.... Application of different criteria and use of different kinds of faunal data have led to the establishment of several competing provincial schemes...