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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,393 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.

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Identifying Opportunities and Reducing Uncertainty in Development of Bypassed Multilayer Reservoirs through Integrated Mass Spectrometry with Conventional Logs in Dina Terciario Field, Honda Group (La Victoria Formation), Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia; #20211 (2013)

Fabio Andrés Sánchez Salcedo, Juan Manuel León Hinestrosa, Diego Ortiz, Raul Daza, Don Hall, Cesar Patiño, and Raúl Osorio

Search and

..., Colombia 3 Fluid Inclusion Technologies (FIT), Tulsa, Oklahoma 2 Abstract This article illustrates how the first application in Columbia of innovative...


Chapter 6: Seismic Attributes: Exploiting Seismic Data to Understand Heterogeneous Reservoir Performance in the Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, U.S.A.

Kit Clemons, Hector Bello, Robert Bodziak, Matthew McChesney, Robert Meek, Andy Stephens

AAPG Special Volumes

... we present three seismic techniques used to identify, characterize, quantify, and map spatial distributions and variations of key attributes. Using...


Paleogeomorphology and its Application to Exploration for Oil and Gas (With Examples From Western Canada)

Rudolf Martin

AAPG Bulletin

... traps form a third and distinct group which ranks in importance with stratigraphic and structural traps as a major mechanism for localizing...


Continental Drift and Scientific Revolution

David B. Kitts

AAPG Bulletin

... interesting, for it is all that permits us to imagine that the past was in any significant way different from the present. I have in the above...


Unraveling the influence of throw and stratigraphy in controlling subseismic fault architecture of fold-thrust belts: An example from the Qaidam Basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau

Yangwen Pei, Douglas A. Paton, Rob J. Knipe, W. Henry Lickorish, Anren Li, and Kongyou Wu

AAPG Bulletin

...-dimensional modelling and visualisation in structural geology: New techniques for the restoration and balancing of volumes: Proceedings of the 1996...


Abstract: How to Evaluate Maturity of Kerogen When its Vitrinite Reflectance is Suppressed

H. B. Lo

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...Abstract: How to Evaluate Maturity of Kerogen When its Vitrinite Reflectance is Suppressed H. B. Lo 15th Annual Meeting Abstracts and Program...


Measurement and Error in Regional Stratigraphic Analysis

W. C. Krumbein

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... stratigraphic variation requires examination of the underlying physical and chemical laws that govern the geological processes involved. This is largely...


The Trace of Sandstone Distribution of Q Layers Using Seismic Amplitude and Inversion: A Case Study in Sangatta Field, East Kalimantan

Johny M. B. Mamuaya, Elan Biantoro, Roopa Gir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in Sangatta Field. Seismic amplitude and inversion, employing workstation techniques, were used as tools to predict the lateral distribution...


Flexure of Lithosphere Beneath Apennine and Carpathian Foredeep Basins: Evidence for an Insufficient Topographic Load

L. Royden , G. D. Karner

AAPG Bulletin

... of Geophysical Research, v. 85, no. B11, p. 6377-6396. Ogniben, L., M. Parotto, and A. Praturion, eds., 1975, Structural model of Italy: Consiglio...


Migration Pathways Leading to Oil Accumulation in Clastic Sediments

Robert J. Cordell

North Texas Geological Society

..., 1976). This study attempts to show how and where compaction waters and their incorporated organic material migrate in different geological settings...


Attracting, Developing and Retaining Top Technical People

Peter M. Lloyd

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... are most effective upon g raduation, and , as importantly, how to develop and retain them thro ugh their careers. Tools and techniques to define...


Subsurface Geotechnical Hazards in Petroleum and Geothermal Development

Robert C. Erickson

AAPG Special Volumes

... and structural properties of the rock being penetrated. The physical properties that determine how a given rock mass will respond to excavation...


Spectral Decomposition: Extending the Limits of Seismic Resolution for Reservoir Delineation

Sunu H. Praptono, Bambang Murti, Dylan Mair

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...., Partyka, G., 1998. Interpretation of Incised Valleys Using New 3D Seismic Techniques: A Case History Using Spectral Decomposition and Coherency...


Recent Developments in Prospect Mapping in the Hides/Karius Area of the Papuan Fold Belt

Andrew Grainge

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

...-surface structural elevations from the sections onto top reservoir structure maps. Options for different fault linkage patterns can also be rapidly...


Recognition of Carbonate Buildups on Seismic Sections

J. N. Bubb, W. G. Hatlelid

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... case, all available geological and geophysical data should be used in interpretation of carbonate buildups; the techniques of seismic stratigraphic...


3-D High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization from Crosswell Seismic Data

John Washbourne, Kenneth Bube

West Texas Geological Society

... sophisticated geostatistical interpolation techniques. The ability to delineate geologic properties within the reservoir at high resolution has an enormous...


An Iteratively Coupled Model for Flow, Deformation, and Fracture Propagation in Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs

Harun Rashid, Femi Olorode, Chukwudi Chukwudozie

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... differential equations that govern the flow, mechanical deformation, and hydraulic fracturing using a combination of an embedded discrete fracture model...


The Changing Mineral Situation

C. K. Leith

Tulsa Geological Society

... international in scope and so are many others for the different minerals. These large producing units are the answer to the economic necessity...


Efficiently Integrating Seismic Data into the Geosteering Process to Accurately Position Wells for Increased Production; #42061 (2017)

Hank P. Chambers, Kayla Ball

Search and

... operational efficiency and profitability. This work will examine how new techniques can provide highly efficient workflows for incorporating seismic...


PTTC Network News - Vol. 7, No.2 - 2001

Susan Jackson, Peter Robers, Ernie Majer


... for different media, and aggressively transferred through personal contacts, one-on-one or small group meetings, workshops, newsletters, reports and especially...


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