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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,393 Results. Searched 198,380 documents.
Integrated geophysics-geology-engineering Technology in mountainous shale gas exploration and development: A case study in southern Sichuan, China
Xiaolan Wang, Furong Wu, Dianguang Zang, Xiao Yang, Hong Liang, Xiaojiang Deng
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... different structural units and structural locations, and the in-situ stress field is highly complex due to the influence of these fractures, making...
Structural inversion, imbricate wedging, and out-of-sequence thrusting in the southern Junggar fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tian Shan, China
Shuwei Guan, Joseph M. Stockmeyer, John H. Shaw, Andreas Plesch, and Jian Zhang
AAPG Bulletin
... detail how fold growth, fault activity, and structural style affected charge histories, trap formation, and reservoir compartmentalization. Our results...
Rejuvenate Unconventional Wells by Application of High-Pression Pulse Waves in the Fracture Network - An Alternative to Refracturing Operations
Charles Fensky, Youssef Fawaz, Mike Perri, Christian La Borderie, Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Antoine Jacques
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of a clogged fracture can increase its permeability. High Pulsed Power (HPP) techniques consist of igniting an electric arc with high peak power between...
R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister
AAPG Bulletin
... in different provinces will depend on how attractive each province has seemed to the oil-hunters. Thus Tertiary areas have in general been carefully...
Detection of Fluvial Systems Using Spectral Decomposition (Continuous Wavelet Transformation) and Seismic Multi-Attribute Analysis A New Potential Stratigraphic Trap in the Carbonera Formation, Llanos Foothills, Colombia; #42281 (2018)
Essam Saeid, James Kellogg, Christopher Kendall, Ibraheem Hafiz, Zyaid Albesher
Search and Discovery.com
..., hydrocarbon exploration in the Llanos Foothills has focused on structural traps in the hanging walls of thrust faults. There has been little...
Exploiting the Cooper Basin: Conventional Lessons and Appropriate Analogues to Guide an Unconventional Future
Brenton Richards, Alexander Côté
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... Cooper Basin gas developments and the exploitation strategies employed in analogous plays with an emphasis on the factors that govern their suitability...
Work-Flow for Selecting the Best Seismic Attributes for Effective Basin Analysis
Sigit Sukmono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of well and seismic data is limited. Therefore the challenge is how to select the best, most applicable seismic techniques which suit the objective...
Geological Interpretation of Exploratory Wells
Paul Weaver
AAPG Bulletin
... must recognize that new techniques are in demand. How shall we decide what ones to try out? Let us change the question to an equivalent one...
The science of discovery from Exploration 1.0 to Discovery 2.0
Timothy Craske
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... exploration will need different data, technology and techniques at different scales. The most important scale is the camp scale as camp scale targeting...
Simplifying Digital Rock Physics Workflows
Gareth A. James
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... Image segmentation on the quality of the original image and how the user techniques are used to label voxels that belong to specific chooses to segment...
Structural controls of fracture orientations, intensity, and connectivity, Teton anticline, Sawtooth Range, Montana
Kajari Ghosh, Shankar Mitra
AAPG Bulletin
... fracture sets with structural position and to understand the distribution of different fracture sets with structural position; and (3) to use cluster...
Regional Aspects of Inyan Kara Stratigraphy
Karl M. Waage
Wyoming Geological Association
... subjected to two different philosophies of stratigraphic division. The one defined units on gross lithologic characteristics, the other attempted...
3D Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir Analogue Outcrops Using CAMURES Methodology, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin (SEAL), Northeastern Brazil; #41631(2015)
Antônio Jorge Vasconcellos Garcia, Daniela Menezes Ribeiro, Samuel Silva Figueiredo, Márcio Santana Dantas, Izaura Oliveira, Karen Ariadne Santos Leite, Gustavo Gonçalves Garcia
Search and Discovery.com
... has been a common procedure to define predictive and geological models, integrating different scales to reduce uncertainty in production...
New Geologic Time Scale 2004
Ian Davison
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... million years different at certain stage boundaries. A comparison of these differences is available at www.stratigraphy.org, to see just how far out...
Abstract: Building a geological pressure model using global analogues
Sam Green, Alexander P. Edwards
Atlantic Geology
... global analogues SAM GREEN AND ALEXANDER P. EDWARDS Ikon Science, 1 The Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4BN, United Kingdom There are many different...
Abstract: Microseismic Case Study: Monitoring of a Multi Well Completion in the Muskwa & Evie Shale Play in Northeastern British Columbia, by Peter Morton, Jane Ling, William Barker, and Paige Snelling; #90206 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Measuring Uncertainty in Seismic Lithology Prediction Using Statistical Rock Physics: Application to Heavy Oil Orinoco; #90013 (2003)
Ezequiel F. Gonzalez, Tapan Mukerji, Reinaldo J. Michelena, Gary Mavko
Search and Discovery.com
... conditions not represented in the well training data. Monte-Carlo simulation based Bayesian classification was applied to investigate how different seismic...
Integration of structural and stratigraphic data using automated workflows
Hussein Abdallah, Sven Philit, Nicolas Daynac
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... Here, we discuss how new AI fault extraction algorithms, sophisticated automatic facies classification techniques and a new simplified workflow...
Imaging 3-D fracture networks around boreholes
Haiqing Wu, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
... the butting relationships or relative ages of different fracture sets? How do we describe the degree of fracture network development? How do we validate...
Union Oils Lyman Stewart: When Faith Meets Ambition on the California Oilfields
Paul W. Rood
Petroleum History Institute
... tools and techniques that were best practices for their young industry. Their wooden derricks were constructed much higher, the boring tools were much...
Reservoir Characterization of Fractured Basement Using Seismic Attributes, Dayung Field Case Study, South Sumatra Indonesia
Yan Darmadi, Agus Harahap, Rita Achdiat, Mugie Ginanjar, John Hughes
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... fractures around faults due to tectonic induced deformation. The characterisation of the basement reservoir in Dayung is complicated by different structural...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... surface structural controls. Techniques used in exploration for diamond pipes consist mainly of heavy mineral sampling and airborne or ground...
A Corporate Strategy for Reducing Dry Holes and Improving Resource and Reserve Estimates; #70390 (2019)
Robert C. Shoup
Search and Discovery.com
...) conducted a full audit of the maps using various quick look and quality control techniques to determine if the maps and interpretations were valid...
Near-Surface Characterization for Seismic Exploration Based on Gravity and Resistivity Data; #41892 (2016)
Jan Mrlina
Search and Discovery.com
... section quality is deteriorated by a certain level. It is evident that application of supporting geophysical techniques may be crucial in certain...
The Role of Geomodelling to Optimize Unconventionals Development in the AI era. Examples from an Operator Perspective
Rosa Aguilar
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... information relative to well performance or land and facilities layout, could define a different economic scenario and hence a different geomodelling...