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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Application of three-dimensional seismic texture analysis with special reference to deep-marine facies discrimination and interpretation: Offshore Angola, west Africa

Dengliang Gao

AAPG Bulletin

... into different categories in a resulting thematic texture class volume. An integrated interpretation of the texture classes and regular amplitude...


General Classification of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

M. K. Kalinko

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

....). These classifications were worked out in different branches of science - hydro-geology, speleology, engineering geology, etc. The criteria...


Reserves Estimation: Part 10. Reservoir Engineering Methods

Rick J. Sustakoski, Diana Morton-Thompson

AAPG Special Volumes

... by such factors as residual oil saturation, relative permeability, reservoir heterogeneity, and operational limitations that govern reservoir production...


Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost - Review of Selected Coalbed Methane Pilots

John P. Seidle

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... in order to test different completion techniques. The other employed the same completion technique to test the producibility of several coal seams. Both...


How to Generate Really Good Structural Maps

Francis Richards

GEO ExPro Magazine

...How to Generate Really Good Structural Maps Francis Richards Geology How to Generate Really Good Structural Maps The oil and gas industry has...


Editor’s Introduction: Federal Perspectives on Resources and the Environment

Lee C. Gerhard

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... of federal regulatory direction. Unfortunately, most petroleum operators have little concept of how individual federal agency philosophies affect the long...


Geophysical Exploration Comes of Age

Sigmund Hammer

AAPG Bulletin

... to prospecting. All of us realize how vast is our present profession. Few realize how quickly, in how very few years, it has developed. The history...


Efficient Field Development Decisions Driven by Artificial Intelligence: A Permian Basin Example

Hui Zhou, Johan A. Daal, Tom Williford, Qin Lu, Michael Burkard, Lee McAuliffe, M. D. Rincones, Rafael Paz Lopez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... URTeC: 4044067 3 For an investor in the Permian, this implies being prepared to evaluate and respond to multiple projects from different operators...


Geomechanical Modeling of Stimulation-Induced Stress Change for Casing Deformation Analysis

Roberto Wagner Alvarado, Scott Wilkins, Stephanie Cook, Robert Holman, Robin Pearson, Abbey Hale, Grant Loxton, Jonathan Woolley, Jennifer Roberts, Wei Zheng, Vincenzo De Gennaro, Doug Jordan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... that spans across different geological settings and operational scenarios. This multifaceted issue not only undermines the structural integrity of wells...


Natural Fracture Patterns and Attributes across a Range of Scales; #41486 (2014)

Julia F.W. Gale

Search and

... Natural fractures are a prominent and dramatic feature of many outcrops and are commonly observed in core, where they govern subsurface fluid flow...


ABSTRACT: Fractures, In Situ Stress, and Production: Examples from the Mid-Continent of How Recent Advances Offer Improved Recovery; #90020 (2003)

William D. Rizer

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Fractures, In Situ Stress, and Production: Examples from the Mid-Continent of How Recent Advances Offer Improved Recovery; #90020 (2003...



Visualizing Fracture-Matrix Fluid Exchange in Unconventional Tight Mudstone

John J. Valenza, Johnathan Moore, Sean Sanguinito, Dustin Crandall

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of unconventional reservoir materials (Josh et al. 2012; Katende et al. 2021). Mechanical properties govern the stress state experienced during hydraulic...


Handling risk and uncertainty in petroleum exploration and asset management: An overview

P. Craig Smalley, Stephen H. Begg, Michael Naylor, Sigrunn Johnsen, Antonella Godi

AAPG Bulletin

... decisions, protects the value of projects and assets, and maximizes the value of company project portfolios. This article shows how different combinations...


Changing the Growth Equation; Integrated Solutions' Contribution Through a Step-Change in Performance

Jim Reynolds, Bob Pendergraft

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... many different attitudes about how an operator can benefit best from relationships with its suppliers, all of the IOCs just mentioned are either...


Mechanical and fracture stratigraphy

Stephen E. Laubach, Jon E. Olson, Michael R. Gross

AAPG Bulletin

... = 0.3 m; 1 Mpsi = 6.895 GPa.Contrasts in shapes of individual layers within folds led to the early appreciation of how different rocks respond...


Groundwater Supplies and Availability in Texas: Results from Regional Water Planning

Mace, Robert E., Mullican, William F, III, Williams, Charles R.

GCAGS Transactions

... (e.g., recharge, volume of water, transmissibility). The TWDB has used a number of different techniques to estimate groundwater availability...


New Approach in Developing Minimum Facility Platform (MFP) Through Standardization Design in Medco E&P Offshore

Yasin Cahyono, Era Islami

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and design selection guideline are therefore possible to be quickly developed within a range of structural solutions and topside design which...


Extended Abstract: Using Geological Expression Techniques to Reveal Complex Regional Structural Information without Conventional Interpretation

Tom Wooltorton

GCAGS Transactions

...Extended Abstract: Using Geological Expression Techniques to Reveal Complex Regional Structural Information without Conventional Interpretation Tom...


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