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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Geochemical Allocation of Commingled Oil Production and/or Commingled Gas Production from 2-6 Pay Zones, #90110 (2010)
Mark A. McCaffrey, David K. Baskin, Brooks A. Patterson, Jeremy E. Dahl, Kate S. Weissenburger
Search and Discovery.com
... the shape of the calibration curve that defines how a given GC ratio changes as one moves from 100% Oil A to 100% Oil B. Furthermore, as mentioned above...
Applying Machine Learning Methods to Study Compartmentalization in Complex Reservoirs Based on Static Pressure Information; #42473 (2019)
Jose Victor Contreras
Search and Discovery.com
... be associated to different compartments resulting from heterogeneities or structural boundaries (layers, lobes or channels). Once these pressure...
Australia Offshore Well Inventory Characterisation and Decommissioning Cost Saving Opportunities through Cap Rock Restoration and Rigless/Riserless Techniques
Christopher Murphy, Stuart A. Higgins
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... Techniques Christopher Murphy, Stuart A. Higgins The APPEA Journal 2021, 61, 445–449 Extended abstract https://doi.org/10.1071/AJ20118 Australia...
Glomalin, a newly discovered component of soil organic matter: Part I Environmental significance
M. J. Haddad, D. Sarkar
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... that the glomalin found in SOM is the same glycoprotein produced by AM fungi and found on their hyphae?How do the different fractions of glomalin...
Israa Abu-Mahfouz
Search and Discovery.com
... fracture systems helps to understand the impact of fractures on fluid storage and flow. However, it is poorly understood how stratigraphic architecture...
Predicting Realistic Natural Fracture Distributions Using Structural Modelling - Best Practice Workflows for Evaluating Prospects and Targeting Sweet Spots in Unconventional Reservoirs
Euan Macaulay, Cathal Reilly, Hugh Anderson, Heike Broichhausen, Alan Vaughan, Roddy Muir, Colin Dunlop
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... modelling techniques that can supply information about natural fracture systems. Initially, we describe how these structural modelling techniques can be used...
Biomarkers in Sediments, Sedimentary Rocks and Petroleums: Biological Origins, Geological Fate and Applications
Simon C. Brassell
Special Publications of SEPM
... of separating fractions into further subsets of branched and cyclic compounds, although these techniques are comparatively little used. different rates...
Basement Influence on Later Deformation: The Problem, Techniques of Investigation, and Examples from Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Richard A. Hoppin , John C. Palmquist
AAPG Bulletin
...", "very similar", "the same", and "different" are used. How much angular separation between maxima is permissible in calling them similar? Five...
Hydraulic Fracturing in Coals Can the Data Assist Us in Better Understanding Reservoir Complexities in Coal Seam Methane Reservoirs?
Ray Johnson Jr., Thomas Flottmann, David Campagna
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... fracturing treatments. We use the Baralaba Coal measures as an example to illustrate how a more thorough understanding of this important reservoir...
Petroleum Origin and Accumulation in Basin Evolution--A Quantitative Model
D. H. Welte, M. A. Yukler
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the system studied and how well it fitted a predetermined frequency distribution. Our studies show that most processes in a sedimentary basin...
Evolution of DHI Techniques in Offshore Nile Delta
Search and Discovery.com
Fractures, In Situ Stress, and Production: Examples from the Mid-Continent of How Recent Advances Offer Improved Recovery: Abstract
William D. Rizer
Tulsa Geological Society
...Fractures, In Situ Stress, and Production: Examples from the Mid-Continent of How Recent Advances Offer Improved Recovery: Abstract William D. Rizer...
Financing an Energy Company Yesterday and Today
Robert V. West, Jr.
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... some of the highlights of the ten-year history of Tesoro Petroleum Corporation. In these comments I want to tell you how Tesoro came into being...
ABSTRACT: Integrated Data Access for Geoscience Interpretation Systems, by K. Waagbo, S. B. Guthery, K. M. Landgren; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Application of migration modeling to unconventional reservoirs: An example from the Montney Formation northeastern British Columbia
Victoria Chevrot, Nicholas B. Harris, Stephany Hernandez Medina, Noga Vaisblat
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... different geothermal gradients to understand how this affects migration in an unconventional reservoir like the Montney Formation. The insights gained...
2 Integrated Preparation and Imaging Techniques for the Microstructural and Geochemical Characterization of Shale by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Natasha Erdman, Nicholas Drenzek
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the internal shale structure. Moreover, we show how such preparation affords a wider choice of imaging options for both chemical and structural...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
...: URANIUM EXPLORATION TECHNIQUES. 1978 November 16 - 17 Regina Symposium Proceedings. Edited by G. R. Parslow, 1978. Pages 1-10. OPENING ADDRESS...
Abstract: APIA Warns on Renewable Energy Target
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... t he price sufficiently highlighted how t he MRET policy co uld discourage clean energy innovation . of energy prod uctio n so hig h t hat t he non...
SURFIM Network: The Value of Sharing Lessons Learned on the Industrys Longest Running Joint Industry Project Regarding SURF Facilities Integrity Management
Adriana Botto
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... focused on different but common industry challenges, such as life extension best practice, subsea control module reliability, choke valve reliability...
The Application of Shallow Structural Mapping to Understand the Deep Structure in the October Field Area
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 19: Uncertainty of Petroleum Generation Using Methods of Experimental Design and Response Surface Modeling: Application to the Gippsland Basin, Australia
Wendebourg, J.
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Multidimensional Basin Modeling Experimental design and response surface modeling techniques generate a regression model approximation...
Abstract: Geochemical Methods for Assessing liquid-rich Plays, Past, Present and Future, by Martin Fowler; #90186 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Advances in Subsurface Prediction Using Borehole Imaging
Tom Fett
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... imaging provides a detailed, three-dimensional insight into how a reservoir is put together. Since this information is presented in an image or picture...