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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Broadband Data: How Changes in Seismic Techniques Have Changed Geologic Interpretation; #90310 (2017)
David J. Monk, Marnix Vermaas
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Broadband Data: How Changes in Seismic Techniques Have Changed Geologic Interpretation; #90310 (2017) David J. Monk, Marnix Vermaas AAPG...
Chapter 1: Learning from the 2013 3-D Interpretation Hedberg Conference: How Geoscientists See 3-D
Bob Krantz, Carol Ormand, Brett Freeman
AAPG Special Volumes
... aspects of structural geology, from descriptive analysis to kinematic and dynamic analysis. It shows how metaphors can inform and enhance 3-D...
AAPG Special Volumes
..., notice how similar--yet different--these anticlinally trapped fields are. For example, many of the fields in this volume are sourced from continentally...
Navigator Field, Dickens County, Texas a Case of Integration
Robert A. Cannon
Abilene Geological Society
... with other surface exploration techniques employed in the area. The discovery showed how an integrated exploration program, using area-proven tools...
Abstract: The Next Generation: Young Professionals and the AAPG Petroleum Structure and Geomechanics Division; #90310 (2017)
Anouk Beniest, William Sassi, Richard J. Wessels, David A. Ferrill, Julia Gale, Orlando Ortega, Bob Krantz
Search and Discovery.com
... geoscientists in their early careers. Combining techniques from structural geology to reservoir characterization and tectonic processes, employing unprecedented...
Abstract: Exploration Revival from Multi-Vintage Diverse Source Dataset - Bay of Biscay; #90255 (2017)
Howard Nicholls, Lauren Penn, Neil Hodgson, Roger Oldfield, Mike Saunders, Milos Cvetkovic
Search and Discovery.com
... of seismic acquisition techniques used. Fourteen different surveys, totaling 6200km and acquired using a variety of seismic sources, were selected...
Abstract: Learning from the 2013 3D Interpretation Hedberg: How Geoscientists See 3D, by Bob Krantz; #90206 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Structural Conditions in Portions of Eastern Ohio
Kenneth Cottingham
AAPG Bulletin
...Structural Conditions in Portions of Eastern Ohio Kenneth Cottingham 1927 945 958 11 9. (September) Regional contour maps are shown on the surface...
Structural Conditions in Portions of Eastern Ohio
Kenneth Cottingham
AAPG Special Volumes
...Structural Conditions in Portions of Eastern Ohio Kenneth Cottingham 1929 124 137 SP 3: Structure of Typical American Oil Fields, Volume I Regional...
Abstract: Extrapolating Fold Belt-Scale Structural Data to Subsurface. Example from the Zagros; #90297 (2017)
J. L. Rudkiewicz, R. Darnault, S. Sherkati, F. Nader
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Extrapolating Fold Belt-Scale Structural Data to Subsurface. Example from the Zagros; #90297 (2017) J. L. Rudkiewicz, R. Darnault...
3D Natural Fracture Prediction Using Integrated Method of Structural Restoration and Geomechanical Forward Modelling: Case Study in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Mohammad Risyad, Restio Brata, Muhtar, Iqbal Buldani, Agus Heru Purwanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...3D Natural Fracture Prediction Using Integrated Method of Structural Restoration and Geomechanical Forward Modelling: Case Study in South Sumatra...
Applications of Pressure Analysis and Hydrodynamics to Petroleum Exploration in Indonesia
P. J. Cockroft, G. A. Edwards, R. S. K. Phoa, H. W. Reid
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is in a mature phase, i.e. in the well-explored areas most of the large structural anomalies defined by geophysical techniques have been drilled...
Abstract: Pre-stack Amplitude Analysis: An Integrated Overview, by Brian Russell; #90205 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geovolume Visualization and Interpretation Techniques from Rank Exploration to Secondary Recovery
Elizabeth Lorenzetti Harvey, T. Mike Sheffield, D.E. Meyer, B.A. Payne, J. A. Less, M.J. Zeitlin
GCAGS Transactions
... through secondary recovery. At each stage, different seismic and reservoir attributes and various GVI techniques are used. At the rank exploration stage...
Abstract: Combing Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling With Classical Basin Modeling Techniques to Identify Sweet-Spots in Unconventional Reservoirs; #90254 (2016)
Jeffrey M. Yarus, Elham Mohsenian, Jordan M. Yarus
Search and Discovery.com
..., different log interpretation techniques, and special development methods (e.g., hydraulic fracturing). Considering the high costs of non-standard...
The (Forgotten?) Art of Geological Field Sketches; #41853 (2016)
Jon Noad
Search and Discovery.com
... are to scale. Different shading techniques will be presented and evaluated, and recommendations provided for which style to use in various situations...
Abstract: 4D Seismic Analysis and Reservoir Management at Christina Lake; #90187 (2014)
Samuel Quiroga, Lori Barth, and Maliha Zaman
Search and Discovery.com
... recovery. This paper will show how integration between time-lapse seismic analysis and reservoir optimization techniques in Cenovus Energy’s Christina...
Complex fracture development related to stratigraphic architecture: Challenges for structural deformation prediction, Tensleep Sandstone at the Alcova anticline, Wyoming
Christopher K. Zahm, Peter H. Hennings
AAPG Bulletin
... the relationship between controls exerted by stratigraphy and structural deformation. Several techniques were used to improve our understanding...
Modeling of Near-Wellbore Hydraulic Fracture Complexity
Christopher Sherman, Joseph Morris, Scott Johnson, Alexei A. Savitski
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is prohibited. An outstanding question in the design of a hydraulic fracturing treatment is how fractures, which often initiate in ‘non-ideal...
Abstract: An Integrated Approach to Seismic Interpretation and Structural Validation in 3D, by F. Jaffri, J. Brown, A. Gibbs, and C. Whitefield; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: An Integrated Approach to Seismic Interpretation and Structural Validation in 3D, by F. Jaffri, J. Brown, A. Gibbs, P. Griffiths, and C Whitefield; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Developing a System of Criteria for Recognizing and Characterizing Recrystallization of Sedimentary Dolomites Using Advanced Diffraction and Geochemical Techniques; #90321 (2018)
Georgina Lukoczki
Search and Discovery.com
... it will apply a novel combination of advanced techniques to study the crystal structural and chemical characteristics of recrystallized dolomites. AAPG...
The mechanics of initiation and development of thrust faults and thrust ramps
Sarah S. Wigginton, James P. Evans, Elizabeth S. Petrie
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... techniques: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 8, p. 305–312, https://doi.org/10.1016/0191-8141(86)90051-9. Corbett, K, Friedman, M., and Spang, J. 1987...
Recent Advances and New Insights of Fiber Optic Techniques in Fracture Diagnostics Used for Unconventional Reservoirs
Fatick Nath, S M Shamsul Hoque, Md. Nahin Mahmood
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Fiber Optic Method Fiber optic (FO) system comprises Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) techniques which utilize different properties...
Beyond Tadpoles, Beyond SCAT
Jim Morse, Dimitri Massaras
GEO ExPro Magazine
... of structural principles for analyzing and interpreting them. The software then produces several different plots of the data and a number of structural principles...