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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The development of seismic reflection sandbox modeling
Donald H. Sherlock, Brian J. Evans
AAPG Bulletin
..., and interpretation. By combining these two independent modeling techniques, the potential exists to expand the benefits of each method. For seismic physical...
Paleogeography of Oil-Bearing Deposits in Ponto-Caspian Countries
Stanislav Zuber
AAPG Bulletin
... to observe how the fluviatile or torrential deposits of semi-desert character gradually change into lagoonal and brackish deposits. Their thickness depends...
Arctic Oil and the World--One Perspective: Economics of Petroleum Exploration and Production in the Arctic
Daniel C. Ion
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 1515-1520. Alexin, G. A., 1962, in Proceedings of United Nations inter-regional seminar on techniques of petroleum development, January 23-February 21...
Treatise of Petroleum Geology: In Celebration of AAPG's Diamond Jubilee
Edward A. Beaumont , Norman H. Foster
AAPG Bulletin
...' (Levorsen, A. I., 1943, Discovery thinking: AAPG Bulletin, v. 27, p. 887-928). REPRINT SERIES Papers in different volumes of the Reprint Series were...
The Impact of New Geophysical Technology on Oil and Gas Exploration
William S. French, Charles Ramsden, Martin Bawden
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...: deep water offshore fields, conventional structural and stratigraphic offshore fields as well as onshore fields of all types. These stat istics also...
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 4: 2-D Inverse Thermal Modeling on the Norwegian Shelf Using Fast Approximate Forward Solutions
S. P. Trautner and S. B. Nielsen
AAPG Special Volumes
...) demonstrated how very different thermal histories can be consistent with borehole temperatures and vitrinite reflectance, and argued that the source rock...
Characterization of porosity and pore-size distribution using multiple analytical tools: Implications for carbonate reservoir characterization in geologic storage of CO2
Cristian R. Medina, Maria Mastalerz, and John A. Rupp
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... into the different pore-size categories. Studies of and comparison among techniques such as image analysis from thin section, mercury injection capillary...
To Frac or Not to Frac? CSG Under Fire
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of some compan ies ea rly on - even a couple The day after t he French Govern ment appreciate that in terms of the negot iations of years ago...
Depositional History of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: Linking Sediment Accumulation and Subsidence Rates to Tectonic Processes, Cardona, Paola A., #90100 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Jack and St. Malo, USGOM: Similarities and Differences in Two Co-Developed Deepwater Wilcox Fields
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Shale Gas Reservoir Modeling
C. Mike Du, Xu Zhang, Y. Zee Ma, Peter Kaufman, Brad Melton, Sherif Gowelly
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the natural fractures interpreted from the borehole images and low-stress contrast. It follows that different operational techniques...
Development Performance of an Unconventional Coal Seam Gas Reservoir Using Integrated Reservoir and Production Modelling
Olivier Abadie, Maria Renee Carrasco, Nicolas Mottet, Andrew Gotti, Remy Marmier
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Integrated Asset Model allows evaluating gas production performance for different field operating philosophies. The field case studied in this paper proves...
Application of an Inverse Method for Calculating Three-Dimensional Fault Geometries and Slip Vectors, Nun River Field, Nigeria
Hugh G. Kerr, Nicky White
AAPG Bulletin
... of each parameter and how different parameters Fig. 8. Continued. End_Page 439------------------------------ trade-off against each other [see Kerr...
Abstract: What are the Cognitive Processes that Students Experience as they Learn to Use a Stereonet?; #90172 (2014)
K. J. E. Boggs, D. Bennett, R. Gale
Search and Discovery.com
... of the different instructional techniques used in this course. These Likert scale results are reported as an average of the six responses with (5...
Gravity's Role in a Modern Exploration Program
Gene Greene
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., such as minimum readings from near surface limestone sinks present in areas with karst topography. This wavelength will govern the station spacing...
ABSTRACT: Geovolume Visualization and Interpretation Techniques from Rank Exploration to Secondary Recovery, by E. L. Harvey, T. M. Sheffield, D. E. Meyer, B. A. Payne, J. A. Less, and M. J. Zeitlin; #90908 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Conversion of Offshore Hydrocarbon Facilities for Use in Carbon Capture and Storage Challenges and Solutions
Nick Brown, Ross Weiter
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... identified include develop ment of design and operating philosophies, safety management including loss of containment characterisation and pipeline...
Evolution of Reservoir Characterization and Well Optimization in the Bakken/Three Forks Play
Search and Discovery.com
Elastic Dislocation Modelling and Coulomb Stress Change Investigations, #41679 (2015).
H. Broichhausen, R. Muir, C. Dunlop, E. Macaulay
Search and Discovery.com
... understanding of geologic prospectivity, independent of engineering, as well as indications of optimized engineering techniques for different geologic...
Seismic Imaging of Sturctural, Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Plays - Workshop Summary
Bruce Hart
..., amplitude, phase, frequency and bandwidth. A series of slides were used to show how P waves reflect from different structural and stratigraphic...
Geomechanical restoration as a tool for fractured reservoir characterization: Application to the Permian Basin, west Texas
Joseph M. Stockmeyer, John H. Shaw, Lee T. Billingsley, Andreas Plesch, Michael Wales, Leore C. Lavin, Ray Knox, and Luke Finger
AAPG Bulletin
... the Lower Devonian Thirtyone Formation within structural traps. The Thirtyone is a brittle chert with characteristics of a fractured reservoir: field...
LandCorp CEO Challenges the Oil and Gas Industry
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... © 2017 by Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA) company focus "Four feasibility studies, fu nded with $5 MM from t he State Govern ment's...
New Depositional Architecture for an Old Giant: The Matzen Field, Austria
Reinhard Fuchs, Walter Hamilton
AAPG Special Volumes
... govern the complex relationships of reservoir and cap rock distribution. Different pools are described by characteristic depositional environments...
Epilogue: Part II. Secondary Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott and Merrill J. Reynolds
AAPG Special Volumes
... of petroleum geology, and that govern its practice today, are presented in this Sourcebook. Petroleum geology has come a long way since its inception...
High-Resolution Multi Cross-Section Restoration and its Applications in Reservoir Quality Prediction
Search and Discovery.com