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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Applying Hyperextended Models to Rifted Margins: Lessons Learned, Implications and Limitations
Search and Discovery.com
Influence of Structural and Tectonic Evolution on the Petroleum System(s) Development Within the Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Fritz Agbor, Sanelisiwe Mhlambi, Nimuno Achu Teumahji, Wasiu Sonibare, Tapas Chatterjee, Johannes Marinus van Bever Donker
Search and Discovery.com
...Influence of Structural and Tectonic Evolution on the Petroleum System(s) Development Within the Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications...
Implementation of cloud-ready technology designed to address longstanding data interoperability and accessibility issues through the use of a comprehensive semi-automated seismic interpretation workflow
Marion Barr, Stuart Walley, Vianney Savajol, Jie Deng, Christine Rhodes, Aurelien van Welden, Paul Endresen, Marius Storm-Olsen, Andy James
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the full potential of upstream data by standardizing how data types are formatted, organized, stored, and accessed. Combining this platform with compatible...
Abstract: Improving Geomodeling Projects with Team Management Techniques; #90224 (2015)
Thomas Jerome and Greg Best
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Improving Geomodeling Projects with Team Management Techniques; #90224 (2015) Thomas Jerome and Greg Best Datapages/Search and Discovery...
Old Structures Never Die
Robert R. Wheeler, Norman C. Smith
Tulsa Geological Society
... in the blanketed plains of the continental interior, but it is remarkable how widespread are the areas and how abundant is the structural detail revealed...
Characterisation of Stress and Strength Dependent Fracture Flow Properties in Carbonate Reservoirs, #120080 (2013)
Daniel Moos, Colleen Barton, Thomas Finkbeiner
Search and Discovery.com
... and Barton, 2008; Barton, et al., 2009) to describe the variation in aperture as a function of effective normal stress. Different relationships govern...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Geomechanical Techniques to Better Characterizing Complex Structural Models: (i) Slip Inversion and (ii) Restoration, by Maerten, Frantz, Laurent Maerten; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Gas Commercialisation Projects
G. J. Dodds, S. A. Strickland
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... the frame work fo r the project structure and determ ines how the commercial aspects of the project will be assembled, financed and operated...
Reservoir Potential of Fluvial Successions Accumulated in Salt-Walled Mini-Basins
Search and Discovery.com
Inversion of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data with Enhanced Structural Fidelity, #42333 (2018).
Federico Golfre Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti
Search and Discovery.com
.... Unfortunately, these techniques lack the resolution required to infer the geologic setting at depth and to build a structural model with adequate...
Rapid History Matching of Petroleum Production from Well Logs and 4D Seismic via Machine Learning Techniques in the Norne Field, Offshore Norway
Jones Ebinesan, Greg Smith, Ritu Gupta
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
...Rapid History Matching of Petroleum Production from Well Logs and 4D Seismic via Machine Learning Techniques in the Norne Field, Offshore Norway...
Abstract: Fundamentals of 3D Seismic Volume Imaging, by Gerald D. Kidd; #90206 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Surface Modeling for Sedimentary Basin Simulation: Chapter 8
John C. Tipper
AAPG Special Volumes
...-solving are quite different contexts for surface modeling, and it is hardly surprising that the techniques used in each context are usually quite distinct...
The Concept of Ancient-Rock Source Beds: Chapter 7: Part I. Genesis of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott
AAPG Special Volumes
... to visualize how the many different kinds of crude oils could have originated solely from these two types of kerogen. A more reasonable explanation would...
Dr. H. K. van Poollen, Sam J. Bateman
Williston Basin Symposium
... TESTING TO HYDRODYNAMIC STUDIES The conventional method of petroleum exploration has been to search for structural and stratigraphic traps...
Looking Beyond Just Seismic! Gravity Gradiometry and its Application in Complex Geologies
Phill Houghton
GEO ExPro Magazine
... this expansive area. contour map, showing how GGI could be used as an initial screening tool to provide detailed structural information on which to plan...
How Accurately Can Seismic Image Complex Structures in Foldbelts? A Case Study in Pakistan, by W. P. Wilson, W. J. Sercombe, M. A. Stratton, M. L. Albertin, and A. P. Longo; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Prediction of Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoirs in Kenkiyak, Kazakhstan presented by Zhenglian Pang
Search and Discovery.com
Optimizing Microproppant Placement using Available Drilling Data - A Case History
Terry Palisch, Koras Shah, Wadhah Al-Tailji
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... present should dictate how much microproppant should be used. A novel methodology has been developed which takes readily available drilling data...
Streamlining Production System : A Comprehensive and Collaborative Approach to Production Efficiency
Yunita Dyah, Diki Hermawan, Paulus Wahyudin, Andi Priyono, Medianestrian
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... was the crucial understanding of the subsurface attributes. This involved comprehending how the reservoir operated to assure effective production. Secondly...
Factors Necessary to Define a Pressure Seal: Reply
David Deming
AAPG Bulletin
..., Groundwater flow in low-permeability environments: Water Resources Research, v. 22, p. 1163-1195. Neuzil, C. E., 1994, How permeable are clays and shales...
Abstract: Second Generation 3D Gridding: Changing the Way We Think from Reservoir Modeling, by Stan Abele and Jim Thom; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Mini thief zones: Subcentimeter sedimentary features enhance fracture connectivity in shales
Alistair T. McCay, Zoe K. Shipton, Rebecca J. Lunn, and Julia F. Gale
AAPG Bulletin
...l, 2004), that is significantly beyond the scale of this current study. Figure 6 shows how bands of these different connectivities tend to manifes...
Geometry and Kinematics of Single-Layer Detachment Folds
Josep Poblet, Ken McClay
AAPG Bulletin
.... Huber, 1987, The techniques of modern structural geology. Volume 2: folds and fractures: London, Academic Press Limited, 700 p. Summers, J. M., 1979...