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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,221 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Predicting Fractured Reservoir Location and Characteristics in the West Texas Permian Basin, by K. Tuncay, G. Ozkan, A. Park, P. Ortoleva, T. Hoak, and K. Sundberg; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Primary and Secondary Controls on Reservoir Quality; Relationships between Lithofacies and the Development of Deformation Bands, #41970 (2016).
Oliver Wakefield, Ed Hough, Karl Clark
Search and Discovery.com
... or baffles. Post-depositional near surface and deep process diagenesis affects original porosity and permeabilities through mineral dissolution and re...
References Cited
Mark W. Longman
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Boles, J. R. and S. G. Franks, 1979, Clay diagenesis in Wilcox Sandstones of Southwest Texas: Implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone...
Diagenetic Pathways in Sedimentary Basins: Chapter 6: DIAGENESIS AND BASIN HYDRODYNAMICS
Wendy J. Harrison, Regina N. Tempel
AAPG Special Volumes
... in Wilcox sandstones of Southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, p...
Vadose, Phreatic, and Marine Diagenesis of Pleistocene-Holocene Carbonates in a Borehole: Mediterranean Coast of Israel
Laura G. Buchbinder, Gerald M. Friedman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and interpreted as a product of vadose diagenesis by Yaalon (1967). The calcareous sandstone interval between 30-34 m is underlain by an 8 m thick coquina...
Potential salinity-driven free convection in a shale-rich sedimentary basin: Example from the Gulf of Mexico basin in south Texas
John M. Sharp Jr., Thomas R. Fenstemaker, Craig T. Simmons, Thomas E. McKenna, Jennifer K. Dickinson
AAPG Bulletin
..., Texas, 303 p. Lynch, F. L., 1996, Mineral/water interaction, fluid flow, and Frio sandstone diagenesis: evidence from the rocks: AAPG Bulletin, v. 80...
Possible Groundwater Influence on Habitat of Oil in Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
James K. Rogers
AAPG Bulletin
... is mainly through sandstone, siltstone or permeable carbonate rocks. Evidence of the effects of groundwater in the first case must come mainly from...
Predicting Diagenetic Effects of Groundwater Flow in Sedimentary Basins: A Modeling Approach With Examples
Ming-Kuo Lee
Special Publications of SEPM
... the rates and nature of diagenetic alteration in several hydrologic systems including 1 diagenesis of quartz by flow through a wavy sandstone a sloping...
Hydraulic Entrapment of Relict Saline Water within Semi-Confined Aquifers in Southwest Florida
Thomas M. Missimer, W. Kirk Martin, Weixing Guo
GCAGS Transactions
... presented problems to water managers and users. These rather linear-oriented bodies of saline water occur within parts of the Sandstone Aquifer in Lee...
Isotopic Constraints on Mineral Diagenesis and Pore Water Evolution in Latrobe Group Sandstones: Implications for Basin Hydrology, Oil-Field Distribution, and Reservoir Quality
J M Bodard, P J Hamilton, A A Andrew
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Isotopic Constraints on Mineral Diagenesis and Pore Water Evolution in Latrobe Group Sandstones: Implications for Basin Hydrology, Oil-Field...
Diagenesis of Sandstones at Shale Contacts and Diagenetic Heterogeneity, Frio Formation, Texas (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... of different types of diagenesis on sandstone porosity: Proceedings of the 7th World Petroleum Congress, p. 354-369. Fuchtbauer, H., 1974, Sediments...
Fluvio-Lacustrine Sequences in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation and the Relationship of Facies to Tabular Uranium Ore Deposits in the Poison Canyon Area, Grants Mineral Belt, New Mexico
C. E. Turner-Peterson, L. C. Gundersen, D. S. Francis, W. M. Aubrey
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
..., Possible links between sandstone diagenesis and depth-related geochemical reactions occurring in enclosing mudstones: Journal of the Geological...
Hydrocarbon and Pore Water Migration History in Relation to Diagenesis in the Toro and Iagifu Sandstones, S.E. Gobe-2
Mark Lisk, Joe Hamilton, Peter Eadington, Takeru Kotaka
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
...Hydrocarbon and Pore Water Migration History in Relation to Diagenesis in the Toro and Iagifu Sandstones, S.E. Gobe-2 Mark Lisk, Joe Hamilton, Peter...
Abstract: The Deep Subsurface Geology, Hydrology, and Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Potential of NPR-3 (Teapot Dome), Natrona County, Wyoming, by Thomas C. Anderson and Jose A. Velez Gonzales; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
The Role of Meteoric Water in Diagenesis of Shallow Sandstones: Stable Isotope Studies of the Milk River Aquifer and Gas Pool, Southeastern Alberta: Part 1. Concepts and Principles
Fred J. Longstaffe
AAPG Special Volumes
...The Role of Meteoric Water in Diagenesis of Shallow Sandstones: Stable Isotope Studies of the Milk River Aquifer and Gas Pool, Southeastern Alberta...
Contact Diagenesis: The Effect of an Intrusion on Reservoir Quality in the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group, Northern Ireland
Jennifer M. Mckinley , Richard H. Worden , Alastair H. Ruffell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Contact Diagenesis: The Effect of an Intrusion on Reservoir Quality in the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group, Northern Ireland Jennifer M. Mckinley...
Paleohydrology and Paleomorphology of a Carboniferous, Meandering, Fluvial Sandstone
Thomas W. Gardner
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Paleohydrology and Paleomorphology of a Carboniferous, Meandering, Fluvial Sandstone Thomas W. Gardner 1983 Vol. 53 No. 3. (September), Analysis...
ABSTRACT: A Link between Sediment Fabric, Mineralizing Processes, and Hydrologic Properties: Evidence from Vanadium Ores in the Morrison Formation, Utah, by Richard B. Wanty, Neil S. Fishman, and Eileen Poeter; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Diagenetic Barite and Sphalerite in Middle Mesozoic Sandstones, Scotian Basin, as Tracers for Basin Hydrology
Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper, Yuanyuan Zhang, Isabel Chavez
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Diagenetic Barite and Sphalerite in Middle Mesozoic Sandstones, Scotian Basin, as Tracers for Basin Hydrology Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W...
Porosity Reduction and Major Controls on Diagenesis of Cretaceous-Paleocene Volcaniclastic and Arkosic Sandstone, Middle Park Basin, Colorado
Robert R. Remy
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Porosity Reduction and Major Controls on Diagenesis of Cretaceous-Paleocene Volcaniclastic and Arkosic Sandstone, Middle Park Basin, Colorado Robert...
Oxygen Isotope Studies of Diagenesis and Pore-Water Evolution in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Evidence From the Upper Cretaceous Basal Belly River Sandstone, Alberta
Avner Ayalon, Fred J. Longstaffe
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and erosion progressed. AYALON, A., AND LONGSTAFFE, F. J., 1985, Diagenesis and pore-water evolution of the basal Belly River sandstone, Alberta: mineralogic...
Structure and Function of a Coupled Two-Dimensional Diagenetic and Sedimentological Model of Carbonate Platform Evolution
Fiona Whitaker, Peter Smart, Yvette Hague, David Waltham, Daniel Bosence
Special Publications of SEPM
... end members the evolution of which can be monitored through time The three major compo nents of the model the sedimentology hydrology and diagenesis...
Chemical bleaching indicates episodes of fluid flow in deformation bands in sandstone
W. T. Parry, Marjorie A. Chan, Brenda Beitler
AAPG Bulletin
...Chemical bleaching indicates episodes of fluid flow in deformation bands in sandstone W. T. Parry, Marjorie A. Chan, Brenda Beitler 2004 175 191 88 2...
Mesogenetic Dissolution: Its Role in Porosity Development in Carbonate Reservoirs (1)
AAPG Bulletin
.... A. McDonald, 1979, The role of secondary porosity in the course of sandstone diagenesis, in P. A. Scholle and P. R. Schluger, eds., Aspects of diagenesis...