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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,174 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Bibliography of French Language Studies of Carbonate Rocks 1964-1974

Paul Edwin Potter, Bruce Harold Purser

CSPG Bulletin

... Ancient Geochemistry and Diagenesis (including cementation, dolomites) Stratiform Mineral Deposits Hydrology Techniques Figure 1. End_Page 187...


Controls on Reservoir Development in a Shelf Carbonate: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation of Alabama

David C. Kopaska-Merkel , Steven D. Mann , James W. Schmoker

AAPG Bulletin

... pore systems shaped primarily by diagenesis. Porosity evolution was controlled regionally by level of thermal exposure, mode of dolomitization...


Hydrocarbon Habitat of the Cooper/Eromanga Basin, Australia

A. J. Kantsler, T. J. C. Prudence, A. C. Cook, M. Zwigulis

AAPG Special Volumes

... of Australian Geology and Geophysics, n. 5, p. 47-55. Shibaoka, M., and A.J.R. Bennett, 1977, Patterns of diagenesis in some Australian sedimentary...


Carbonate Replacements After Sulfate Evaporites in the Middle Miocene of Egypt

Catherine Pierre, Jean Marie Rouchy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... or hydrocarbons. However, the timing of the diagenetic event was different in these two cases: In the Messinian evaporites, diagenesis occurred very soon after...


The rate of pressure dissipation from abnormally pressured compartments

Ann Muggeridge, Yafes Abacioglu, William England, Craig Smalley

AAPG Bulletin

..., 2002, Hydrology and hydraulic properties of a bedded evaporate formation: Journal of Hydrology, v. 259, p. 6688.Berg, R. R., 1975, Capillary pressures...


Evidence for Biological and Hydrological Controls on the Development of a Paleoproterozoic Paleoweathering Profile in the Baraboo Range, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Steven G. Driese, L. Gordon Medaris Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to Baraboo profile development beneath a regolith cover and under conditions of variable hydrology during weathering. In spite of its age...


Paleosol Diagenesis and Its Deep-Time Paleoenvironmental Implications, Pennsylvanian–Permian Lodève Basin, France

Lauren A. Michel, Neil J. Tabor, Isabel P. Montañez

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Paleosol Diagenesis and Its Deep-Time Paleoenvironmental Implications, Pennsylvanian–Permian Lodève Basin, France Lauren A. Michel, Neil J. Tabor...


Mechanical Stratigraphy and Stress History of Cap-rocks: Analysis of Exhumed Analogs in Central and Southeastern Utah and Implications for CCS; #80336 (2013)

Elizabeth S. Petrie and James P. Evans

Search and

... of the Impact of Faults on CO2 Injection into Sandstone reservoirs: Geofluids Oxford, v. 13/3, p. 344-358. Sibson, R.H., 2003, Brittle-failure...


Sequence Sets, High-accommodation Events, and the Coal Window in the Carboniferous Sydney Coalfield, Atlantic Canada

J. C. Pashin and R. A. Gastaldo, Martin R. Gibling, K. I. Saunders, N. E. Tibert, J. A. White

AAPG Special Volumes

..., F. Baechler, J. Shimeld, S. Forgeron, and B. Mackenzie, 2000, Fluid evolution and diagenesis of a Carboniferous channel sandstone in the Prince...


Alteration of Cenozoic Cool-Water Carbonates to Low-Mg Calcite in Marine Waters, Gambier Embayment, South Australia

T. Kurtis Kyser , Noel P. James , Yvonne Bone

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... or evolved pore waters. Marine diagenesis of the limestones was facilitated by their slow accumulation rates, which were ca. 15 mm/ky based on Sr-isotope...


Control of Terrestrial Stabilization on Late Devonian Palustrine Carbonate Deposition: Catskill Magnafacies, New York, U.S.A.

Stan P. Dunagan , Steven G. Driese

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., H.G., AND BURTON, E.A., 1991, Factors governing cathodoluminescence in calcite and dolomite, and their implications for studies of carbonate diagenesis...


Meteoric Calcitization and Incipient Lithification of Recent High-Magnesium Calcite Muds, Belize

S.J. Mazzullo, William D. Bischoff

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to and lithified by low-magnesium calcite in the meteoric environment. Such diagenesis, occurring in sediments less than 1000-1500 years old, is indicated...


Three-dimensional seismic geomorphology and analysis of the Ordovician paleokarst drainage system in the central Tabei Uplift, northern Tarim Basin, western China

Hongliu Zeng, Robert Loucks, Xavier Janson, Guizhong Wang, Yiping Xia, Bingheng Yuan, Ligui Xu

AAPG Bulletin

.... C., and P. W. Williams, 1989, Karst geomorphology and hydrology: London, Unwin Hyman, 601 p.Google Earth, 2011,


Weathering of Yucatan Limestones: The Genesis of Terra Rosas

W. C. Isphording

New Orleans Geological Society

.... and Hanshaw, B. (1970) Comparison of chemical hydrogeology of the carbonate peninsulas of Florida and Yucatan. Hydrology, V. 10, p. 330-368. End...


Salt Lake Sedimentology and Geochemistry: Introduction and Historical Perspective

Robin W. Renaut, William M. Last

Special Publications of SEPM

... National Committee of the International Geo logical Correlation Programme CNC IGCP and the Na tional Hydrology Research Institute Environment Canada...


Barform deposits of the Carolyn Shoemaker formation, Gale crater, Mars

Benjamin T. Cardenas,, John P. Grotzinger, Michael P. Lamb, Kevin W. Lewis, Christopher M. Fedo, Alexander B. Bryk, William E. Dietrich, Nathan Stein, Madison Turner, Gwénaël Caravaca

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... represented by the rocks examined thus far has been a perennial lake, represented by the mudstones and sandstone lenses of the Murray formation. Here, we...


Sr Isotopic Identification of Coal and Sandstone Aquifers and Monitoring of Aquifer Interactions in an Area of Active Coalbed-Methane Production, Powder River Basin, Wyoming

C. D. Frost, J. E. Viergets, B. N. Pearson, E. L. Heffern, R. M. Lyman, K. M. Ogle

Wyoming Geological Association

...Sr Isotopic Identification of Coal and Sandstone Aquifers and Monitoring of Aquifer Interactions in an Area of Active Coalbed-Methane Production...


Piceance Basin Bibliography

Ann Priestman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Olson, T., R. Brooks., H. Soetrisno and J. Mansoori, 2003, Integrated reservoir characterization in a combined coalbed methane and tight sandstone gas...


AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2015

Search and


Ground-Water Circulation in the Western Paradox Basin, Utah

John W. Thackston, Bryan L. McCulley, Lynne M. Preslo

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...), little is available in the literature regarding the ground-water hydrology of the Paleozoic formations associated with the Paradox Formation salt...


Regional Stratigraphy and General Petroleum Geology of the U.S. Portion of the Williston Basin and Adjacent Areas

James A. Peterson, Lawrence M. MacCary

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...: Montana Geological Society 21st Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 37-56. Sturm, S., 1982, Depositional environments and sandstone diagenesis...


Dolomitization in a Mixing Zone of Near-Seawater Composition, Late Pleistocene, Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula

W. C. Ward, R. B. Halley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... diagenesis, including precipitation of sparry calcite cement, stabilization of Mg-calcitic skeletal fragments, and partial dissolution of aragonitic components...


Groundwater resources evaluation using geospatial technology

Tesfa Gebrie, Ebissa Gadissa, Imran Ahmad, Mithas Ahmad Dar, Afera Halefom Teka, Asirat Teshome Tolosa, Ermias Sisay Brhane, and Assefa Fenta

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... in Hardrock terrain, Mamundiyar Basin: Journal of Hydrology, v. 394, no. 3–4, p. 285–295, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.022. Jaiswal, R. K...


Late Diagenetic Dolomitization of Lower Ordovician, Upper Knox Carbonates: A Record of the Hydrodynamic Evolution of the Southern Appalachian Basin

Isabel P. Montanez

AAPG Bulletin

... of diagenesis and porewater evolution in the western Canada sedimentary basin: evidence from the Upper Cretaceous basal Belly River sandstone: Journal...


References Cited

Dallas Geological Society

... type locality east Mexico: Unpub. Ph.D. Diss.:Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, Texas. Aguayo, C., J. E. 1977, Sediment acion y diagenesis de la...


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