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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,221 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Damage Zone Structure and Structural Diagenesis Associated with Thrust Faults - Emery County, Utah, #51520 (2018).

Elizabeth S. Petrie, Anja J. Sundal, C. Ward, Sarah S. Wigginton, James P. Evans

Search and

...Damage Zone Structure and Structural Diagenesis Associated with Thrust Faults - Emery County, Utah, #51520 (2018). Elizabeth S. Petrie, Anja J...


Multimineral diagenetic forward modeling for reservoir quality prediction in complex siliciclastic reservoirs

William L. Esch

AAPG Bulletin

... in sandstone diagenesis. A commercially available RTM, GWB® X1t, was configured to model chemical diagenesis in a time–temperature burial framework...


Petrography, Stable Isotope Geochemistry and Diagenesis of Miocene Sandstones, Vermilion Block 31, Offshore Louisiana

E.F. McBride , L.S. Land , T.N. Diggs , L.E. Mack

GCAGS Transactions

... that tight cementation by calcite retarded feldspar diagenesis and that waters of different composition or temperature must have invaded different sandstone...


Distribution of Diagenetic Alterations in Siliciclastic Shoreface Deposits within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Evidence from the Upper Jurassic, Boulonnais, NW France

Khalid Al-Ramadan, S. Morad, J.N. Proust, I. Al-Aasm

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... siliciclastic sequence: the point Lookout Sandstone, San Juan Basin, Colorado, in Crossey, L.J., Loucks, R., and Totten, M.W., eds., Siliciclastic Diagenesis...


Fossilized worm burrows influence the resource quality of porous media

Murray K. Gingras, Carl A. Mendoza, S. George Pemberton

AAPG Bulletin

... the relative dispersivities of three geologic media: homogeneous sandstone, fractured limestone, and burrowed dolomitic limestone. Results show that the flow...


Origin and Growth Mechanism of Authigenic Chlorite in Sandstones of the Lower Vicksburg Formation, South Texas

Jeffry D. Grigsby

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., K., 1997, Mineral/water interaction, fluid flow, and Frio sandstone diagenesis: Evidence from the rocks: Discussion: American Association...


Cyclic Hydrologic and Diagenetic Events in San Andres Formation: Geologic Implications: ABSTRACT

Alonzo D. Jacka, William E. Barone, Nancy J. Muir

AAPG Bulletin

..., and sedimentation were transmitted to San Andres carbonates through changes in hydrology which produced distinctive diagenetic overprints. The following...


Volumetric Relations Between Dissolved Plagioclase and Kaolinite in Sandstones: Implications for Aluminum Mass Transfer in the San Joaquin Basin, California

Michael J. Hayes, James R. Boles

Special Publications of SEPM

... Diagenesis Society of Economic Pa leontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 38 p 111 122 1984 Frio sandstone diagenesis Texas Gulf Coast a re...


Salt Dome Related Diagenesis of Miocene Sediment; Black Bayou Field, Cameron Parish, Louisiana

William R. Leger

GCAGS Transactions

...), near the dome. Local effects of the salt dome on clastic diagenesis have been determined by studying sandstone samples adjacent to and away from...


Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration and cementation along the Moab fault, Utah

Peter Eichhubl, Nicholas C. Davatzes, Stephen P. Becker

AAPG Bulletin

.... Becker 2009 653 681 93 5 The Moab fault, a basin-scale normal fault that juxtaposes Jurassic eolian sandstone units against Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous...


Review of Conference on Hydrology of Deep Sedimentary Basins: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Parke A. Dickey , Paul H. Jones

AAPG Bulletin

...Review of Conference on Hydrology of Deep Sedimentary Basins: GEOLOGIC NOTES Parke A. Dickey , Paul H. Jones 1975 1198 1201 59 7. (July...


Frio Sandstone Diagenesis, Texas Gulf Coast: A Regional Isotopic Study: Part 1. Concepts and Principles

Lynton S. Land

AAPG Special Volumes

... formation water, Lower Cretaceous Carbonates, South Central Texas: Journal of Hydrology, v. 54. p. 51-74. Lindquist, S. J., 1976, Sandstone diagenesis...


The impact of diagenesis on the heterogeneity of sandstone reservoirs: A review of the role of depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy

S. Morad, Khalid Al-Ramadan, J. M. Ketzer, L. F. De Ros

AAPG Bulletin

...The impact of diagenesis on the heterogeneity of sandstone reservoirs: A review of the role of depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy S. Morad...


The Distinctive Hydrology of Tropical Islands

Allen L. Zack

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...The Distinctive Hydrology of Tropical Islands Allen L. Zack © Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources 2009 – Energy and Mineral...


Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps. Chapter 9: Predicting Reservoir System Quality and Performance

Dan J. Hartmann and Edward A. Beaumont

AAPG Special Volumes

... Hydrology and Sandstone Diagenesis 9-80 Influence of Depositional Environment on Sandstone Diagenesis 9-83...


Development and Distribution of Hypogenic Caves and Paleokarst Features in the Arbuckle Mountains of South Central Oklahoma, USA, #51156 (2015)

Kevin Blackwood, Todd Halihan, Kaitlyn Beard

Search and

..., 1993, Paleomagnetic dating of diagenesis by basinal fluids, Ordovician carbonates, Arbuckle Mountains, southern Oklahoma: in D.M. Aissaoui, D.F....


Diagenesis, Chemical Sediments, and the Mixing of Natural Waters

Donald D. Runnells

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Diagenesis, Chemical Sediments, and the Mixing of Natural Waters Donald D. Runnells 1969 Vol. 39 No. 3. (September), Mixing of aqueous solutions...


Evolution of a hydrocarbon migration pathway along basin-bounding faults: Evidence from fault cement

James R. Boles, Peter Eichhubl, Grant Garven, Jim Chen

AAPG Bulletin

... Bulletin, v. 78, p. 355377.Appold, M. S., and G. Garven, 1999, The hydrology of ore formation in the southeast Missouri district: Numerical models...


Mineralization, fluid flow, and sealing properties associated with an active thrust fault: San Joaquin basin, California

Renee J. Perez, James R. Boles

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Stevens sandstone, San Joaquin Valley, California, in D. A. McDonald and R. C. Surdam, eds., Clastic diagenesis: AAPG Memoir 37, p. 217224.Boles...


Early Diagenesis of High Plains Tertiary Vitric and Arkosic Sandstone, Wyoming And Nebraska

K. O. Stanley, L. V. Benson

Special Publications of SEPM

...Early Diagenesis of High Plains Tertiary Vitric and Arkosic Sandstone, Wyoming And Nebraska K. O. Stanley, L. V. Benson Copyright © 2012, The Society...


Porosity Development and Diagenesis in the Orfento Supersequence and Its Bounding Unconformities (Upper Cretaceous, Montagna Della Maiella, Italy)

M. Mutti

AAPG Special Volumes

...Porosity Development and Diagenesis in the Orfento Supersequence and Its Bounding Unconformities (Upper Cretaceous, Montagna Della Maiella, Italy) M...


Origin of Dolomite Cement in Chesapeake Group (Miocene) Siliciclastic Sediments: An Alternative Model to Burial Dolomitization

Michael R. Rosen , George R. Holdren, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., S. G., 1979, Clay diagenesis in Wilcox sandstones of Southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation: Jour. Sed. Petrology...


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