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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,221 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Developing British Columbias Largest Bluesky Oil Pool - The Hay Pool - Using a Unique Horizontal Well Plan; #90225 (2015)

D.M. Vanbeselaere

Search and

... Bluesky have average net sandstone isopachs of 4.5 and 5.0 meters, respectively. They are composed of quartz and chert-rich sands which were deposited...



Marisa Earll

Search and

... THE SOURCE AND AVAILABILITY OF NUTRIENTS TO MICROBES IN A COALBED METHANE SYSTEM Marisa Earll Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, Tucson...


Petrography, Geochemistry, and Origin of Burial Diagenetic Facies, Siluro-Devonian Helderberg Group (Carbonate Rocks), Central Appalachians

S. L. Dorobek

AAPG Bulletin

... diagenesis on sandstone cementation: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, p. 55-70. Bottinga, Y., 1968, Calculation of fractionation factors for carbon...


Diagenesis and Organic Maturation of Sedimentary Rocks Under Volcanic Strata, Oregon (1)


AAPG Bulletin

...Diagenesis and Organic Maturation of Sedimentary Rocks Under Volcanic Strata, Oregon (1) NEIL S. SUMMER and KENNETH L. VEROSUB 1992 1190 1199 76 8...


Depositional Environments and Diagenesis of the Tensleep Sandstone, Eastern Big Horn Basin, Wyoming

David Mankiewicz, James R. Steidtmann

Special Publications of SEPM

...Depositional Environments and Diagenesis of the Tensleep Sandstone, Eastern Big Horn Basin, Wyoming David Mankiewicz, James R. Steidtmann Copyright...


Geochemistry, Hydrology, and Mineralogy of the Sand Bulge Area, Laguna Madre Flats, South Texas

Michael Amdurer , Lynton S. Land

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Geochemistry, Hydrology, and Mineralogy of the Sand Bulge Area, Laguna Madre Flats, South Texas Michael Amdurer , Lynton S. Land 1982 Vol. 52 No. 3...


Diagenesis of the Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation, Primrose Area, Northeastern Alberta

Jennifer L. McKay, Frederick J. Longstaffe

CSPG Special Publications

....). Mineralogical Association of Canada, Short Course 15, p. 201-277. Longstaffe, F.J. 1993. Meteoric water and sandstone diagenesis in the Western Canada...


Electric Log Detection of Diagenetically Altered Reservoirs and Diagenetic Traps

William R. Almon , Alvin L. Schultz

GCAGS Transactions

... result of sandstone diagenesis is the development of a very large surface area within the pore system. The extremely large surface area available...


Carbonate Lake Deposits Associated With Distal Siliciclastic Perennial-River Systems

Elizabeth Gierlowski-Kordesch, David B. Finkelstein, Jessie J. Truchan Holland, Kevin D. Kallini

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: the lower Mesopotamian Plain and the Arabian Gulf: Sedimentary Geology, v. 67, p. 175– 197. Bedient, P.B., Huber, W.C., and Vieux, B.E., 2007, Hydrology...


Predicting the Thickness of Fresh-Water Lenses in Carbonate Paleo-Islands

David A. Budd, H. L. Vacher

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... diagenesis of biocalcarenites: G.S.A. Bull., v. 87, p. 1301-1316. ROWE, M., 1984, The freshwater "Central Lens" of Bermuda: Jour. Hydrology, v. 73, p...


Stress-Induced Fluid Flow in Rifted Basins: Chapter 7: DIAGENESIS AND BASIN HYDRODYNAMICS

R. T. van Balen, S. A. P. L. Cloetingh

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 287-315. Bjoerlykke, K., M. Ramm, and G.C. Saigal, 1989, Sandstone diagenesis and porosity modification during basin evolution: Geologische Rundschau, v...


Late Authigenic Pyrite - An Indicator of Oil Migration and Entrapment in the Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea, Australia; #10655 (2014)

Grant Ellis

Search and

... authigenic pyrite cementation is common to abundant in the Middle Jurassic Laminaria and Plover Formation sandstone in numerous wells on the Laminaria...


The Chemical Discrimination of Clastic Sedimentary Components

Scott Argast, Thomas W. Donnelly

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., 1979, Clay diagenesis in Wilcox sandstones of southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v...


Diagenesis of Neogene Delta-Front Patch Reefs: Alteration of Coastal, Siliciclastic-Influenced Carbonates from Humid Equatorial Regions

Robert H.C. Madden, Moyra E.J. Wilson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... regimes of sandstone diagenesis, in McDonald, D.A., and Surdam, R.C., eds., Clastic Diagenesis: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir...


Petrography and Significance of Zoned Dolomite Cements from the Cayman Formation (Miocene) of Cayman Brac, British West Indies

Brian Jones

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... successions that record three main phases of diagenesis. Phase I cements, formed of low-Ca calcian dolomite (LCD) and high-Ca calcian dolomite (HCD...


The Hydrogeochemistry of Early Meteoric Diagenesis in a Holocene Deposit of Biogenic Carbonates: REPLY

Michael E. McClain, Peter K. Swart, H. L. Vacher

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., BENGTSSON, T.O., AND PLUMMER, L.N., 1990, Hydrology of meteoric diagenesis: residence time of meteoric groundwater in island fresh-water lenses...


Variations in Gulf Coast Heat Flow Created by Groundwater Flow

Daniel P. Bodner , Paul E. Blanchard , John M. Sharp, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

.... S. 1984, Frio sandstone diagenesis, Texas Gulf Coast: A regional isotopic study, in D. A. McDonald and R. C. Surdam, eds., Clastic Diagenesis; AAPG Memoir...


Petrology and Diagenetic History of Deltaic Litharenites, Oligocene Kugmallit Sequence, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Arctic Canada

Franz W. Nentwich, Raymond W. Yole

CSPG Bulletin

... composition and texture. Three sandstone diagenetic stages are recognized: 1) early diagenesis at shallow to intermediate burial depths, especially...


Early Meteoric Diagenetic Control of Upper Smackover Production, Oaks Field, Louisiana

John D. Humphrey , Kenneth L. Ransom , R. K. Matthews

AAPG Bulletin

... Formation at Oaks field, Louisiana, suggests that early meteoric diagenesis was directly responsible for the present observed porosity distribution...


Quantifying Compaction, Pressure Solution And Quartz Cementation in Moderately-And Deeply-Buried Quartzose Sandstones from the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming

W. Naylor Stone, Raymond Siever

Special Publications of SEPM

... of compaction and cementation on sandstone porosity and per models meability is the first step to the formulation of working of sandstone diagenesis...


Hydrology of Meteoric Diagenesis: Effect of Pleistocene Stratigraphy on Freshwater Lenses of Big Pine Key, Florida

H. Leonard Vacher, Michael J. Wightman, Mark T. Stewart

Special Publications of SEPM

...Hydrology of Meteoric Diagenesis: Effect of Pleistocene Stratigraphy on Freshwater Lenses of Big Pine Key, Florida H. Leonard Vacher, Michael J...


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