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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,221 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Hydrostratigraphic Subdivisions of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio, Texas, Area
R. W. Maclay, T. A. Small
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... zones. Abbott, P. L., 1975, On the hydrology of the Edwards Limestone, south-central Texas: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 20, p. 97–120. Abbott, P. L., 1977...
Abstract: A Study of Groundwater Hydrology in the Lower Kelantan River Basin with Environmental Isotopes
Daud Mohamad
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: A Study of Groundwater Hydrology in the Lower Kelantan River Basin with Environmental Isotopes Daud Mohamad A study of groundwater...
Permeability effects of deformation band arrays in sandstone
K. R. Sternlof, J. R. Chapin, D. D. Pollard, L. J. Durlofsky
AAPG Bulletin
...Permeability effects of deformation band arrays in sandstone K. R. Sternlof, J. R. Chapin, D. D. Pollard, L. J. Durlofsky 2004 1315 1329 88 9 We use...
Mini thief zones: Subcentimeter sedimentary features enhance fracture connectivity in shales
Alistair T. McCay, Zoe K. Shipton, Rebecca J. Lunn, and Julia F. Gale
AAPG Bulletin
...d diagenesis of the red shale into green halos around fractures and sandstone bands. Calcite cementation within this outcrop of the Myoch Formation occur...
Origin, Migration, and Mixing of Brines in the Permian Basin: Geochemical Evidence from the Eastern Central Basin Platform, Texas
Alan M. Stueber, Arthur H. Saller, and Hisashi Ishida
AAPG Bulletin
... the history of formation waters can assist in exploration and production through improved (1) interpretation of reservoir-rock diagenesis, (2) prediction...
ABSTRACT: Non Marine Carbonate Precipitates: A Review Based on Recent and Ancient Case Studies
Search and Discovery.com
Front Matter: The Permian Basin: Proving Ground for Tomorrow’s Technologies: West Texas Geological Society
W. D. DeMis, M. K. Nelis, R. C. Trentham
West Texas Geological Society
...) in the Hueco Mountains; Stratigraphic and Age Relations J. A. (Toni) Simo, Gregory P. Wahlman, Jen L. Beall, Michelle. L. Stoklosa 41 Diagenesis of a Late...
Diagenetic History of the Wolfcamp A in the Eastern Midland Basin, Texas; #51395 (2017)
Erich de Zoeten, Robert H. Goldstein
Search and Discovery.com
... Sandstone L. Leonardian Leonardian Wolfcampian Permian Stratigraphy 3 cm 10km Modern-day Hydrology • Fluids in Wolfcamp A-aged reservoirs...
Isotopic and Petrographic Evidence for Carbonate Diagenesis in Nonmarine Sandstones, Green River Basin, Wyoming
Warren W. Dickinson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of water. Although shale diagenesis varies with time, it takes place in a restricted hydrologic system, while sandstone diagenesis takes place...
Deposition and Diagenesis of Tertiary-Holocene Volcaniclastics, Guatemala
David K. Davies, William R. Almon, Samuel B. Bonis, Bruce E. Hunter
Special Publications of SEPM
...Deposition and Diagenesis of Tertiary-Holocene Volcaniclastics, Guatemala David K. Davies, William R. Almon, Samuel B. Bonis, Bruce E. Hunter...
Reservoir Heterogeneity in Karst-Related Reservoirs: Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, West Texas
U. Hammes, F. J. Lucia, C. Kerans
West Texas Geological Society
...: SEPM Core Workshop No. 18, New Orleans, April 25, 1993, p. 119–166. Ford, D.C., and P.W. Williams, 1989, Karst geomorphology and hydrology: London...
Oxygen Isotope Study of Diagenetic Quartz Overgrowths from the Upper Proterozoic Quartzites of Western Mali, Taoudeni Basin: Implications for Conditions of Quartz Cementation
Jean-Pierre Girard , Max Deynoux
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Survey Professional Paper 440-KK, 12 p. GALLOWAY, W.E., 1984, Hydrologic regimes of sandstone diagenesis, in McDonald, D.A., and Surdam, R.C., eds...
Modern Analogs for Paleocave-Sediment Fills and Their Importance in Identifying Paleocave Reservoirs
Robert G. Loucks
GCAGS Transactions
... Counties, Texas, in M. P. Candelaria and C. L. Reed, eds., Paleokarst, Karst Related Diagenesis and Reservoir Development: Examples from Ordovician...
Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Composition--Indicators of Cementation Environment in Recent, Holocene, and Pleistocene Sediments Along The Coast of Israel
Mordeckai Magaritz, Eliezer Gavish, Natan Bakler, Uri Kafri
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... undergone marine or continental, or both, processes of cementation and diagenesis. The mineralogical composition of the cements is generally a good...
Ground Water in Utah – Resource, Protection, and Remediation; Frontmatter
Lawrence E. Spangler
Utah Geological Association
... of the hydrology of the Navajo Sandstone in 1962, Joe oversaw the drilling of a deep (> 900 feet) culinary well at the east entrance of Zion National Park, which...
Compaction of Wilcox and Carrizo Sandstones (Paleocene-Eocene) to 4420 M, Texas Gulf Coast
E. F.McBride, , T. N. Diggs, , J. C. Wilson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Acta, v. 51, p. 3073-3074. FUCHTBAUER, H., 1967, Influence of different types of diagenesis on sandstone porosity: Seventh World Petroleum Congress...
Degassing Water Around Air Bubbles Entrapped in the Vadose Zone as a Mechanism of Carbonate Precipitation--A Hypothesis
Michael Zilberbrand
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil: Journal of Hydrology, v. 118, p. 175-190. WARD, W.C., 1973, Influence of climate on the early diagenesis of carbonate...
Parasequence Geometry as a Control on Permeability Evolution: Examples from the San Andres and Grayburg Formations in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Chapter 19
Susan D. Hovorka, H. S. Nance, Charles Kerans
AAPG Special Volumes
... no. DE-FG22-89BC-14403. Vacher, H. L., Bengtsson, T. O., and Plummer, N. L., 1990, Hydrology of meteoric diagenesis: Residence time of meteoric...
The Cretaceous Geology of Wyoming; 36th Annual Field Conference Guidebook
Gerald E. Nelson
Wyoming Geological Association
... — by E. A. Merewether and W. A. Cobban 67 STRATIGRAPHY AND SEDIMENTATION Grieve Paleovalley of the Muddy Sandstone in the Eastern Wind River...
ABSTRACT: Geology and Petroleum Resources, Eastern Great Basin, United States, by James A. Peterson; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Strontium Isotopes as Tracers in Groundwater Systems Related to Coalbed Methane Production, Powder River Basin, Wyoming, by B. N. Pearson and C. D. Frost; #90902 (2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Heterogeneous Distribution of Calcite Cement at the Outcrop Scale in Tertiary Sandstones, Northern Apennines, Italy
Earle F. McBride , Kitty L. Milliken , William Cavazza , Ubaldo Cibin , Daniela Fontana , M. Dane Picard , Gian Gaspare Zuffa
AAPG Bulletin
... at the outcrop scale. Sandstone beds intercalated with calcareous shale older than Pliocene tend to be completely cemented, whereas stacked sandstone beds...
The Application of Stable Isotopes to Studies of the Origin of Dolomite and to Problems of Diagenesis of Clastic Sediments
Lynton S. Land
Special Publications of SEPM
...The Application of Stable Isotopes to Studies of the Origin of Dolomite and to Problems of Diagenesis of Clastic Sediments Lynton S. Land Copyright...
Patterns of Burial-and Tectonically Controlled Dolomitization in an Upper Devonian Fringing-reef Complex: Leduc Formation, Peace River Arch Area, Alberta, Canada
George R. Dix
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 782 p. BOLES J.R., AND FRANKS, S.G., 1979, Clay diagenesis in Wilcox sandstone of southwest Texas: implications...
Bank Margin Environment: Chapter 9: PART 2
Robert B. Halley, Paul M. Harris, Albert C. Hine
AAPG Special Volumes
... biosparites: Geol. Jour., v. 5, p. 15-32. Bathurst, R. G. C., 1975, Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis: New York, Elsevier Sci. Pub., 658 p. Bay...