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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,221 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Lithification of Peritidal Carbonates by Continental Brines at Fisherman Bay, South Australia, to Form a Megapolygon/Spelean Limestone Association
James Ferguson, R. V. Burne, L. A. Chambers
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and Yucatan: Jour. Hydrology, v. 10, p. 330-368. BATHURST, R. G., 1975, Carbonate Sediments and Their Diagenesis (2nd ed.): Amsterdam, Oxford, New...
CSIRO Australia: Research and Development for the Exploration Industry
P. J. Hamilton, P. J. Eadington, S. C. George, D. Rigby, M. Smyth, D. J. Whitford, R. W. T. Wilkins, J. R. Wilmshurst
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... are rich, potential source rocks. Middle Proterozoic sandstone samples from this basin have been analysed in order to ascertain the nature, origin...
Multiple Authigenesis of K-Feldspar in Sandstones: Evidence from the Cretaceous Areado Formation, Sao Francisco Basin, Central Brazil
L.F. De Ros , G.N.C. Sgarbi , S. Morad
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Authigenic K-feldspar in the Bromsgrove Sandstone Formation (Triassic) of central England: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 53, p. 187-197...
Eastern Medicine Hat Gas Field: A Shallow, Upper Cretaceous, Bacteriogenic Gas Reservoir of Southeastern Alberta
Rory C. Hankel, Graham R. Davies, H. Roy Krouse
CSPG Bulletin
... consists of several coarsening-upward sequences, two of which, the Medicine Hat A (MHA) and the Medicine Hat C (MHC) siltstone and sandstone units...
Diagenesis and Pore-Water Evolution in Permian Sandstones, Gharif Formation, Sultanate of Oman
Bernhard H. Hartmann, Karl Ramseyer, Albert Matter
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of Canada, Handbook 15, p. 201-278. LONGSTAFFE, F.J., 1993, Meteoric water and sandstone diagenesis in Western Canada sedimentary basin, in Horbury, A.D....
Paleotectonic Controls on Cretaceous Sedimentation and Potential Gas Occurrences in Western South Dakota
Montana Geological Society
.... Survey Circular 767, 51 p. -----, 1977b, Chalk diagenesis and its relation to petroleum exploration — oil from chalks...
Rapid diagenesis and microbial biosignature degradation in spring carbonates from Crystal Geyser, Utah, U.S.A.
Jon Lima-Zaloumis, Jack D. Farmer, Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Rapid diagenesis and microbial biosignature degradation in spring carbonates from Crystal Geyser, Utah, U.S.A. Jon Lima-Zaloumis, Jack D. Farmer...
Reservoir Characteristics of Ancient Fluvial Deposits with Emphasis on Rocky Mountain and Mid Continent Regions
Frank G. Ethridge
Special Publications of SEPM
.... Cornish, F.G., 1984, Fluvial environments and paleo hydrology of the Upper Morrow 'A' (Pennsylvanian) meanderbelt sandstone, Beaver County, Oklahoma...
Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs of the Argyll and Auk Fields Reinterpreted in a Sequence Stratigraphic Context, #51474 (2018).
Madeleine J. Raven, Michael Mawson, Maurice Tucker, Susie Daniels
Search and Discovery.com
... cessation of clastic input, indicating a major change in basin hydrology. Analogous lowstand carbonates are similarly recorded in the centre...
The Evolution of Carbonate Porosity in a Diagenetic-Environment Framework: Part III
Don Bebout, Graham Davies, Clyde H. Moore, Peter S. Scholle, Norman C. Wardlaw
AAPG Special Volumes
... sediments and their diagenesis: Developments in Sedimentology, v. 12, 2nd enlarged ed., 658 p., New York, Elsevier Publ. Carpenter, Alden B., 1976...
Mapping and Quantifying the Clay Aggregate Microporosity in Medium- to Coarse-Grained Sandstones Using the 14C-PMMA Method
Paul Sardini, Abderrazak El Albani, Dimitri Pret, Stephane Gaboreau, Marja Siitari-Kauppi, Daniel Beaufort
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Worden, R.H., and Burley, S.D., 2003, Sandstone Diagenesis: the evolution of sand to stone, in Burley, S.D., and Worden, R.H., eds., Sandstone...
Summary of the Geology of the San Antonio Area
Thomas E. Ewing
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... Fault zone aquifer, south-central Texas: Geology, v. 2, p. 359–362. Abbott, Pl., 1975, On the hydrology of the Edwards Limestone, south-central Texas...
Kinky Vitrinite Reflectance Well Profiles: Evidence of Paleopore Pressure in Low-Permeability, Gas-Bearing Sequences in Rocky Mountain Foreland Basins: Reply (1)
AAPG Bulletin
...., and J. M. Sharp, Jr., 1985, Possible free convection in thick Gulf Coast sandstone sequences, in C. L. McNulty and J. G. McPherson, eds., AAPG...
The Coorong Model for Penecontemporaneous Dolomite Formation in the Middle Proterozoic Mcarthur Group, Northern Territory, Australia
Marjorie Muir, David Lock, Chris von Der Borch
Special Publications of SEPM
... region is largely controlled by the hydrology of the depositional environment Characteristic suites of sedimentary structures are formed in specific...
Meteoric Diagenesis and Dolomitization in Plio-Pleistocene Reef Terraces, Southern Dominican Republic
Yulaika Hernawati, Peter K. Swart, Donald F. Mcneill, James S. Klaus, Gregor P. Eberli
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., Coevolution of early diagenesis and vadose zone hydrology of Holocene carbonate sands: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 22, p. 45–58. Budd, D...
Relationships Among Secondary Porosity, Pore-Fluid Chemistry and Carbon Dioxide, Texas Gulf Coast: Part 1. Concepts and Principles
Stephen G. Franks, Richard W. Forester
AAPG Special Volumes
... in Wilcox sandstones of Southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation: End_Page 77------------------------- Journal...
The Walker Creek Field: A Smackover Diagenetic Trap
Jack W. Becher , Clyde H. Moore
GCAGS Transactions
.... 11-36. Bathhurst, R. G. C., 1971, Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis: Developments in Sedimentology, 12, Elsevier Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 620 p...
Diagenetic constraints on heterogeneous reservoir quality assessment: A Triassic outcrop analog of meandering fluvial reservoirs
Saturnina Henares, Luca Caracciolo, César Viseras, Juan Fernández, and Luis M. Yeste
AAPG Bulletin
.... Al-Ramadan, J. M. Ketzer, and L. F. De Ros, 2010, The impact of diagenesis on the heterogenity of sandstone reservoirs: A review of the role...
Echinoderm Stabilization Associated with a Paleokarst Surface at the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Boundary in Tennessee, U.S.A.
Kenneth J. Tobin, Steven G. Driese
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of Science, v. 277, p. 1203-1223. VACHER, H.L., BENGTSSON, T.O., AND PLUMMER, L.N., 1990, Hydrology of meteoric diagenesis: residence time of meteoric...
Preliminary Report on Tar Sand Occurrences in the Bush Butte Quadrangle, Wyoming, with Emphasis on the Trapper Canyon Deposit
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Rodney H. DeBruin
Wyoming Geological Association
... and the diagenesis of the Tensleep Sandstone in the eastern Bighorn Basin. The Tensleep diagenetic chronology as interpreted by Todd (1963), Fox et al. (1975...
References Cited: Part 6. Geological Methods
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Schmidt, V., and D. A. McDonald, 1980, Secondary Reservoir Porosity in the Course of Sandstone Diagenesis: AAPG Continuing Education Course Note Series...
Isotopic Imprint of Climate and Hydrogeochemistry on Terrestrial Strata of the Triassic-Jurassic Hartford and Fundy Rift Basins
Robert K. Suchecki, John F. Hubert, Carol C. Birney De Wet
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... KK), in Fleischer, M., ed., Data of Geochemistry (6th ed.): U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 440-KK. GAT, J. R., 1979, Isotope hydrology of very saline...
Development of Tightly Cemented Sandstone Lenses in Uncemented Sand: Example of the Fontainebleau Sand (Oligocene) in the Paris Basin
Medard Thiry, Benoit Marechal
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Development of Tightly Cemented Sandstone Lenses in Uncemented Sand: Example of the Fontainebleau Sand (Oligocene) in the Paris Basin Medard Thiry...
Origin of Saline Formation Waters, Cenozoic Section, Gulf of Mexico Sedimentary Basin (1)
AAPG Bulletin
.... Franks, 1979, Clay diagenesis in Wilcox sandstones of southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation: Journal...
Origin of Saline Springs in Cataract Canyon, Utah
Helen M. Nuckolls, Bryan L. McCulley
Four Corners Geological Society
...., and Loelty, O. J., 1951, Contributions to the Hydrology of Eastern Nevada, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Bulletin No. 12. Ely, R. W., 1987, Colluvium...