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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Structural Fabrics, Mineralization, and Laramide Kinematics of the Idaho Springs-Ralston Shear Zone, Colorado Mineral Belt and Central Front Range Uplift
Jonathan Saul Caine, Eric P. Nelson, Steven T. Beach, Paul W. Layer
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... mining districts form the central portion of a structurally controlled hydrothermal precious- and base-metal vein system in the Front Range...
Origins of Reservoir Complexity in the Miocene Monterey Formation of California
Loretta Ann Williams
Pacific Section SEPM
... are undeniably hydrothermal in origin. The laminated fabric of the example in Figure 11 was fluidized by the force of hot water entering the beds in early...
Deep-Sea Drilling Interstitial Water Studies: Implications for Chemical Alteration of the Oceanic Crust, Layers I And II
Joris M. Gieskes
Special Publications of SEPM
... as a result hydrothermal interaction of sea water with 1979 at ridge Edmond and less than 5 of the of the interstitial waters of DSDP concern arose...
How clay grain coats inhibit quartz cement and preserve porosity in deeply buried sandstones: Observations and experiments
Joanna M. Ajdukiewicz, Richard E. Larese
AAPG Bulletin
..., Richard E. Larese 2012 2091 2119 96 11 Observations and hydrothermal experiments were used to derive new information about how clay grain coats inhibit...
Linking process, dimension, texture, and geochemistry in dolomite geobodies: A case study from Wadi Mistal (northern Oman)
Veerle Vandeginste, Cedric M. John, Tina van de Flierdt, John W. Cosgrove
AAPG Bulletin
.... Boudier, A. Nicolas, J.-M. Dautria, and P. Agrinier, 2004, Deep and high-temperature hydrothermal circulation in the Oman ophiolite: Petrological...
Lode Mineralization in the Judith Mountains, Montana
Lee A. Woodward, David L. Giles
Montana Geological Society
... by upper Madison breccias. The lode deposits formed by hydrothermal processes associated with Laramide igneous activity; most ore...
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Northern Bull Valley Mountains and Antelope Range, Iron County, Utah
Mary A. Siders, Michael A. Shubat
Utah Geological Association
..., and fluorite. Mineralization is speculated to be related to hydrothermal cells generated by adjacent and contemporaneous rhyolitic volcanic centers. Anderson...
Mineral Resources of Permian and Pennsylvanian Rocks in Wyoming
Ray E. Harris, W. Dan Hausel
Wyoming Geological Association
..., although of small areal extent and past production, are interesting occurrences. One hydrothermal replacement deposit of lead, silver, copper, zinc...
Continental-Scale Magmatic Carbon Dioxide Seepage Recorded by Dawsonite in the Bowen-Gunnedah-Sydney Basin System, Eastern Australia
Julian C. Baker ,, Guo P. Bai , P. Joe Hamilton , Suzanne D. Golding , Jock B. Keene
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in hydrothermal fluid inclusions: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 32, p. 334-342. CRAG, H., 1961, Standards for reporting concentrations...
Multimineral diagenetic forward modeling for reservoir quality prediction in complex siliciclastic reservoirs
William L. Esch
AAPG Bulletin
..., with the exception of a few studies that address individual diagenetic events tied to hydrothermal or other discrete fluid flow events affecting reservoirs (e.g., Lee...
Estimation of original total organic carbon content and hydrogen index using major and trace element concentrations in the overmature Upper Ordovician–lower Silurian Wufeng–Longmaxi marine shales, southeast Sichuan Basin, south China
Xunyao Wang, Tian Dong, Sheng He, and Qing He
AAPG Bulletin
... paleoproductivity proxies, and proposed that the calculation of TOCo and HIo can be affected by other geological processes, such as hydrothermal...
Igneous intrusion drives in-reservoir oil thermal cracking: A case from the Subei Basin, eastern China
Ao Su, Honghan Chen, Yue-xing Feng, Jian-xin Zhao, and Qiang Liu
AAPG Bulletin
... pressure and the circulation of hydrothermal fluids via fracture-pore networks. It has been shown that intrusions can exert both positive and negative...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
..., which are seldom readily recognizable in handspecimen due to destruction of their crystal boundaries during hydrothermal alteration. Figure 3...
Cenozoic Tectonic Events, Magmatic Pulses, and Base-and Precious-Metal Mineralization in the Central Andes
Edwin H. McKee, Donald C. Noble
Circum Pacific Council Publications
.... Hydrothermal base- and precious-metal mineralization is clearly related to the igneous activity and defines the same pulses, but is 1 to 5 m.y. younger...
Lithostructural Setting of the Contact Lake Gold Deposit: Controls on Vein Formation and Ore Distribution
Christopher B. Lee, R. Gwilym Roberts
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... periods of quartz vein emplacement and associated hydrothermal alteration, beginning during D2 and ending with D5 (Table 1). The emplacement of quartz...
Advances in the Genetic Model and Exploration Techniques for Unconformity-type Uranium Deposits in the Athabasca Basin
K. Wheatley, J. Murphy, M. Leppin, C. Cutis, and J.A. Climie
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... metal-bearing fluids emanated from the basement faults and interacted with oxidized fluids within the overlying sandstone. Hydrothermal fluids...
An Aspect of Sedimentary Basin Evolution: The Concentration of Mississippi Valley-Type Ores During Late Stages of Diagenesis
S. A. Jackson,, F. W. Beales
CSPG Bulletin
... fluids will be migrating from deeper source areas towards the surface and will in consequence be a variety of "hydrothermal" solution to some geologists...
Analisis bendalir terkepung pada telerang kuarza yang mengandungi emas di kawasan lombong Penjom, Kuala Lipis, Pahang dan Lubok Mandi, Terengganu, Semenanjung Malaysia (IN MALAY), Fluid Analysis Besieged On Quartz Sulfur Containing Gold Mining Area Penjom, Kuala Lipis, Pahang and Lubok Mandi, Terengganu, Malaysia
Wan Fuad Wan Hasan, Heru Sigit Purwanto
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of 156 m and a pressure of 16 kbar. This study shows that the hydrothermal gold deposits in the two areas are low mesothermal or high epithermal type...
Understanding Oligo-Miocene Carbonate Drilling Losses Causes and Achieving Zonal Isolation
Fikril Hakiki, Frank Musgrove, Yuehui Xiao, Ursula Handyastuti
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... occurred mostly in the tight rock of the drowning cap of the reservoir which is characterized by fractures and hydrothermal leaching. Losses also occurred...
Reconnaissance and Economic Geology of the Copper Mountain Metamorphic Complex, Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming
W. Dan Hausel, Paul J. Graff
Wyoming Geological Association
..., hydrothermal solutions produced localized retrogressive metamorphism. Where hydrothermal alteration is evident, plagioclase has been altered to epidote...
Monarch and Kicking Horse Mines, Field, British Columbia
Charles S. Ney
CSPG Special Publications
..., has several features which suggest a later hydrothermal origin. Bedding is partially obliterated. Only diffuse dark bands remain from the original thin...
Workshop: Distribution of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in coals and fly ash: Examples from Kentucky mines and power plants and from pilot-scale beneficiation and extraction
James Hower
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...: – Tonstein = 7.98 – Underlying coal = 7.51 – Basal coal = 6.47 Hydrothermal Kentucky - - - - -VA - TN Williamsburg, KY Rocky Face fault zone...
Age and Petrology of the Jackson Dome Igneous-Volcanic Complex, Mississippi: Implications for the Tectonic History of the Mississippi Salt Dome Basin
J. A. Saunders , D. W. Harrelson
GCAGS Transactions
... for characterizing the petrology, geochemistry, and age of the Jackson dome. Most of the intrusions have undergone extensive hydrothermal alteration...
Thermochronology and Tectonics of the Bird's Head Region, Irian Jaya: Apatite Fission Track Constraints
Edy Sutriyono, Paul B. O'Sullivan, Kevin C. Hill
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of heating associated with hydrothermal fluids. In contrast, granite and syenite intrusions have experienced rapid Late Miocene cooling, probably...
Geothermal Prospects Around the Pacific: Geothermal Energy
James Healy
AAPG Special Volumes
... of hydrothermal conditions at Wairakei, New Zealand: 8th Pacific Sci. Cong. Proc., Philippines, v. 2, p. 214-227. Healy, J., 1962, Structure and volcanism...