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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Preliminary Geochemical and Petrographic Analysis of Lower Eocene Fluvial Sandstones in the Rocky Mountain Region
James D. Vine, Elizabeth B. Tourtelot
Wyoming Geological Association
... distinct chemical and mineralogic changes resulting from diagenetic and, locally, hydrothermal alteration. Authigenic minerals include carbonates...
Diagenetic remagnetization in Bowser Basin: implications for timing and tectonics
Randolph J. Enkin, Judith Baker, Carol A. Evenchick
CSPG Bulletin
... late tectonic hydrothermal event which remagnetized all rock types. Around Oweegee Dome (56.7°N, 129.5°W), samples from Permian through Jurassic strata...
Belitung Island Attests Terrane Tectonic Evolution: Pre-Tertiary Terrane Drifting, Subduction, Collision - Outcrop Analogues for Basement Reservoirs of Southeast Asian Basins
Awang Harun Satyana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... by hydrothermal events. Figure 3 shows rock complex of Kelapa Kampit in ex Nam Salu open pit mining. Figure 3 - Photos of rock outcrops of Carboniferous...
Zeolitization of Volcaniclastic Sediments: The Role of Temperature and pH
Anthony Hall
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... York, p. 69-86. BARRER, R.M., 1982, Hydrothermal chemistry of zeolites: London and New York, Academic Press, 360 p. BARTH-WIRSCHING, U., AND HOLLER, H...
Hydrocarbon Pseudo-Inclusions in Barite: How to Recognize and Avoid Artifacts
A. Dutkiewicz, J. Ridley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of a 3.5-billion-year-old hydrothermal barite. The oil inclusions are strikingly similar to those found in conventional Phanerozoic reservoirs. However...
INDEX: Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Ocean Basins--Beaufort Sea to Baja California
Circum Pacific Council Publications
Selected Copper-Bearing Skarns and Epizonal Granitic Intrusions in the Southwestern United States
Ted G. Theodore
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of hydrothermal biotite related probably to final emplacement of the porphyry. Figure 7 summarizes these paragenetic relations schematically. Copper...
California: Eastern Desert and Mountain Region
W. H. Easton
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Local alteration to dolomite is encountered commonly throughout the region. Dolomization is seemingly due to two different causes. Hydrothermal...
Granitic Plutons and Ore Deposits in the Okcheon Zone, Korea
Dai Sung Lee
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...-molybdenum, iron, lead-zinc, fluorite and some copper deposits of pyrometasomatic and hydrothermal origins. Most o f these deposits are related to the older...
Review of the Geology of Thai Tin Fields
Prinya Nutalaya, K. V. Campbell, A. S. Macdonald, Payome Aranyakanon, Phairat Suthakorn
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... types of tin deposits in Thailand. These types are hydrothermal lode and greisen, disseminated cassiterite in altered granite, disseminated...
Strata-Related Metallic Deposits: Their Economic Past, Present, and Future
Peter Laznicka
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... initiated departure from the formerly almost universal genetic model for most base and precious metal deposits that postulated hydrothermal derivation...
Recognition of Felsic Volcanic Rocks and Hydrothermal Alteration in Moderately to Highly Metamorphosed Parts of the Flin Flon Volcanic Belt
K.E. Ashton, E. Froese, and A. Legault
Saskatchewan Geological Society
...Recognition of Felsic Volcanic Rocks and Hydrothermal Alteration in Moderately to Highly Metamorphosed Parts of the Flin Flon Volcanic Belt K.E....
Fluid Flow Features and Magmatism in the Capel and Faust Basins, Offshore Eastern Australia
Nadège Rollet, Steve McGiveron, Takehiko (Riko) Hashimoto
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... to hydrothermal fluidisation of sediments during an Eocene or more recent phase of magmatism. Igneous activity as a driver of fluid flow Figure 1. Multibeam...
Intrusive Igneous Rocks of East Central Nevada
D. H. Adair, B. Stringham
Utah Geological Association
...-called hydrothermal ore deposits are intimately associated with intrusive igneous rocks of one kind or another. The ore deposits of eastern Nevada...
Central Pacific Cobalt-Rich Ferromanganese Crusts: Historical Perspective and Regional Variability
James R. Hein, Marjorie s. Schulz, Lisa M. Gein
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... oxide deposits . Hydrogenetic Hydrothermal Diagenetic Hydrogenetic and Hydrothermal Hydrogenetic and Diagenetic Nodules Abyssal plains...
Brown Coal Resource Evaluation - A Case Study of the Loy Yang Deposit
F Woskoboenko, A L Ottrey, W D Hibbert
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... cheaper and more efficient power generation using this coal. Loy Yang coal has been evaluated in the following technologies: Hydrothermal dewatering/direct...
Depositional Environments and Sedimentary Facies of Foliate Serpentinite Breccias, Wilbur Springs
Christine Carlson
Special Publications of SEPM
... responsible for local deposits Hydrothermal alteration associated with hot spring activity and mercury mineralization (Moiseyev, 1966) has of graded...
A Simple Geological Model for Geothermal Systems in the Central Range of Taiwan
Chao-Hsia Chen
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... mostly occur in deep valleys, and production wells are all artesian. A n a l y s i s of topographic effects o n hydrothermal systems reveals that A H...
FRONTMATTER: Fifth Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Conference Transactions
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...ition of hydrothermal and hydrogenetic manganese minerals in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Arc area, west Pacific A. Usui, S. Terashima 135 SEATAR 155 Initial develo...
Geological and Geochemical Character of Cenozoic-Age Gold and Silver Deposits in the Northeasternmost Great Basin: a Review
Laurence P. James
Utah Geological Association
...., and Moore, J. N., 1983. Trace-element distribution in an active hydrothermal system, Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah: Journal Volcanology...
EPMA Characterization of the Fe-Cu-Sn Mineralisation at Waterfall Mine, Pelepah Kanan, Johor
Teh Guan Hoe, Lee Heng Poh
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... by an even later hydrothermal cassiterite-K-feldspar-quartz vein swarm along fissures, joints and faults. The EPMA was also instrumental...
Undiscovered Potential in the Basement
Tako Koning, Nick Cameron, John Clure
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... Is Hydrothermal Activity the Key? It remains unclear why only the South Sumatra Basin has yielded 28 GEOExPro March 2021 significant basement finds when...
Distribution of Oil and Gas in Devonian Rocks of West Siberia
N. P. Zapivalov, A. A. Trofimuk
CSPG Special Publications
..., compaction and other physical properties, evolution of fault-block tectonics and manifestation of magmatic and hydrothermal activity. Geological...
Cenozoic Geology and Geothermal Systems of Southwestern Utah; Frontmatter
Robert E. Blackett, Joseph N. Moore
Utah Geological Association
... of southwestern Utah during the Cenozoic, as geologic events and regimes through this era led to the creation of today’s active hydrothermal systems...
Reinjection in Geothermal Fields as an Effort to Sustain Energy Availability
Uum Komaruddin, Doddy S. Sasradipoera, Yunis, M. Husni Thamrin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... constituents of hydrothermal scale is silica (SiO2). The potential for deposition of silica scale is a function of the steam-separation temperature, silica...