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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Chapter 4 - Grains: Accessory Minerals
Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle, Peter A. Scholle, Juergen Schieber, Robert J. Raine
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Muscovite is a common rock-forming mineral in granites, schists, gneisses, pegmatites and is a replacement mineral in hydrothermal systems. Sericite...
Frictional Mechanics of Seismogenic Thrust Systems in the Upper Continental CrustImplications for Fluid Overpressures and Redistribution
R. H. Sibson
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Pollard, 1980, Mechanics of discontinuous faults: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 85, p. 43374350.Seward, T. M., 1993, The hydrothermal geochemistry...
Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section Abstracts: Technical Meeting 2020
Jared Butler, Anne Westhues
Atlantic Geology
... of the Trough and in the Montgomery Lake area to the south. In the Romanet Horst, hydrothermal alteration and brecciation are associated...
Dolomite Abundance and Stratigraphic Age: Constraints on Rates and Mechanisms of Phanerozoic Dolostone Formation: PERSPECTIVES
R. Kevin Given, Bruce H. Wilkinson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Castle Hayne Limestone, North Carolina: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 55, p. 506-517. BENDER, M. L., 1983, Pore water chemistry of the Mounds Hydrothermal Field...
Origin of Major Karst-Associated Celestite Mineralization in Karstryggen, Central East Greenland
Peter A. Scholle , Lars Stemmerik , Ole Harpoth
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of central East Greenland (Harpoth et al. 1986), it is largely lacking in areas of celestite mineralization, and no minerals typical of hydrothermal deposits...
From Chalcedonic Chert to Quartz Chert: Diagenesis of Chert Hosted in a Miocene Volcanic-Sedimentary Succession, Central Japan
Isamu Hattori , Miyuki Umeda , Tomio Nakagawa , Hirofumi Yamamoto
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in cristobalitic 'chert': Nature Physical Science, v. 241, p. 64-65. OEHLER, J.H., 1976, Hydrothermal crystallization of silica gel: Geological Society...
Brine Inclusions in Halite and the Origin of the Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporites of Western Canada
Juske Horita , Andrew Weinberg , Nachiketa Das , Heinrich D. Holland
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and it is impossible to rule out effects due to the addition of nonmarine waters (hydrothermal solutions, surface runoff, and groundwater), or dissolutional...
Diagenesis of Upper Jurassic Concretions from the Antarctic Peninsula
Roberto A. Scasso , Wolfgang Kiessling
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to -19.72o/oo PDB) is the result of recrystallization in contact with high-temperature diagenetic or hydrothermal fluids flushed through micro-fractures...
Marine Sepiolite in Middle Permian Carbonates of South China: Implications for Secular Variation of Phanerozoic Seawater Chemistry
Jiaxin Yan, Axel Munnecke, Thomas Steuber, Ernest H. Carlson, Yilin Xiao
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., J.M., Measures, C., McDuff, R.E., Chan, L.H., Collier, R., Grant, R.B., Gordon, L.I., and Corliss, J.B., 1979, Ridge crest hydrothermal activity...
Porosity Reduction in Sandstone by Quartz Overgrowth
Frederic Leder, Won C. Park
AAPG Bulletin
..., Geochemistry of oilfield waters: Amsterdam, Elsevier, 496 p. Combarnous, M. A., and S. A. Bories, 1975, Hydrothermal convection in saturated porous...
Porosity prediction from seismic attributes of the Ordovician Trenton-Black River groups, Rochester field, southern Ontario
O. C. Ogiesoba
AAPG Bulletin
... Recorder Special Edition, v. 31, p. 110121.Davies, G. R., and L. B. Smith Jr., 2006, Structurally controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoir facies...
Potassium Distribution and Metasomatism In Pelites and Schists: How and When, Relation To Postdepositional Events
Peter C. van de Kamp
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the metasomatizing fluid was relatively poor in Rb (seawater derived brines) or richer in Rb as in many hydrothermal waters. Diagenetic fluids may originate from...
Devonian Antler Fold and Thrust Belt and Foreland Basin Development in the Southern Canadian Cordillera: Implications for the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Kevin G. Root
CSPG Bulletin
.... 1999a. The development of linear hydrothermal dolomite (HTD) reservoir facies along wrench or strike-slip fault systems in the Western Canadian...
2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, April 18-21, 2004, Dallas Texas - ABSTRACTS, #90026 (2004).
Search and Discovery.com
Development of the La Sal and Other Laccolithic Mountains on the Colorado Plateau
Charles B. Hunt
Grand Junction Geological Society
..., and an irregular mass of soda syenite. These intrusions were accompanied by hydrothermal activity that extended outward from the stock along zones...
Montana Geological Society
... into the porphyry mass. A series of very high-angle faults radiate from the central part of the uplift. Hydrothermal solutions rising along...
Faults and Folds of South-Central Texas
Phillip Fowler
GCAGS Transactions
...), The Gueydan, a new Middle Tertiary formation from the southwestern coastal plain of Texas, Univ. Texas Bull. No. 2645. Gruner, J. W. (1944), The hydrothermal...
Nathan L. Green, C. Michael Lesher
Alabama Geological Society
..., it is likely that most of the white mica in the granitoids is secondary or hydrothermal in origin. There is a nearly a complete overlap of muscovite...
P-T-XH2O Conditions of Sg. Ara Granite, Penang Island, P. Malaysia
K. R. Chakraborty, Amerizal Ganivaldi Djafar
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Mts., California. Can. Mineral., 19, 83-102. Burnham , C.W., (1967). Hydrothermal fluids at the magmatic stage. In (ed. H.L. Barnes) Geochemistry o f...
Introduction to Karst Systems and Paleokarst Reservoirs
Mateu Esteban, James Lee Wilson
Special Publications of SEPM
... from carbonation of atmospheric CO2 and the formation of carbonic acid. Non-atmospheric CO2 (from organic matter, hydrothermal sources, mylonites) can...
Uranium Deposits in Southwestern Wyoming and Northeastern Utah
William H. Wilson
Wyoming Geological Association
... geologists probably favor an epigenetic origin of the sedimentary deposits, but whether the uranium-bearing solutions were hydrothermal or originated...
Development of San Kamphaeng Geothermal Energy Project, Thailand
Tavisakdi Ramingwong, Surachai Praserdvigai
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... by the Na-K-Ca thermometer(Ramingwong et al., 1980), using the results of analysis of the chemical composition contained in the hydrothermal solution...
The Pre-Cambrian Complex of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
Charles C. Bradley
Wyoming Geological Association
... is not known to this author, but they do cut the pegmatic materials and may represent a late hydrothermal stage of the Buck Mountain stock. Seldom...
The Wang Phar Tungsten Deposits
Tan Say Biow
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... in the formation of hydrothermal vein systems which were concentrated in the granite cusps and impounded beneath the invaded rocks. The vein systems at Wang Phar...
Application of Geothermal Energy to Mineral Processing: Cyanide Heap-Leaching of Low-Grade Gold Ore
Thomas Flynn, Dennis Trexler, James L. Hendrix
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... resources, which appear at the surface as fumaroles and hot springs, are often co-located with hydrothermal mineral deposits (Trexler, Flynn...