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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Moganite as an Indicator for Vanished Evaporites: A Testament Reborn?
Peter J. Heaney
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... OEHLER, J.H., 1976, Hydrothermal crystallization of silica gel: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, p. 1143-1152. PETROVIC, I., HEANEY...
Potassium Sources and Illitization in Texas Gulf Coast Shale Diagenesis
Gilles Berger , Bruce Velde , Thierry Aigouy
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to petroleum migration: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 53, p. 73-93. CHERMACK, J.A., AND RIMSTIDT, J.D., 1990, The hydrothermal...
Mineral Distribution Patterns, Deep Gulf of Mexico
S. B. Devine , R. E. Ferrell, Jr. , G. K. Billings
AAPG Bulletin
... the Mississippi River delta: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 28, no. 2, p. 186-199. Keller, W. D., and R. F. Hansen, 1968, Hydrothermal alteration of a rhyolite flow...
Unsupervised seismic facies classification applied to a presalt carbonate reservoir, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil
Danilo Jotta Ariza Ferreira, Wagner Moreira Lupinacci, Igor de Andrade Neves, João Paulo Rodrigues Zambrini, André Luiz Ferrari, Luiz Antonio Pierantoni Gamboa, and Maria Olho Azul
AAPG Bulletin
... build-ups in lacustrine, hydrothermal and fluvial settings: Comparing depositional geometry, fabric types and geochemical signature, in D. W. J...
Using Ultra-Sensitive Hydrocarbon Mapping to Elucidate the Carbonate Dahl Reef Complex; #51089 (2015)
Rick Schrynemeeckers, Robert Potter
Search and Discovery.com
... butane intensities of 25,000 in the northeast anomaly were a result of increased porosity from hydrothermal dolomitization of carbonates. The carbonate...
Modelling Petroleum Systems of Hyperextended Margins: Angola Case Study, #30591 (2018).
Roger Baudino, M. Pontet, M. Manas, A. Herra, C. Sanders, M. Badali, R. Tocco, S. Martinez, J. Tritlla, R. Loma, A. Carrasco, S. Padron, S. Mora,
Search and Discovery.com
... interpret this event to be related to a fluid flow (hydrothermal? CO2? other?) below the salt that crossed the reservoir at a temperature high enough...
Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA): A Texas/Gulf Coast Case Study; #80746 (2024)
Kevin McCarthy, Will Pettitt, Ole Engels, Rich Priem
Search and Discovery.com
... "hydrothermal" and "Geothermal Heat Pump", which are correlated with conventional geothermal systems. Additionally, terms like "Enhanced Geothermal Systems...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... Hudsonian granite intrusions, higher level pegmatites and hydrothermal mineralization, as seen along the Virgin River-Black Lake Shear Zone...
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Bransfield Basin, Antarctica: Implications for Tectonic History and Hydrocarbon Potential: Chapter 2
John D. Jeffers , John B. Anderson
AAPG Special Volumes
... on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Cambridge p. 130. Van Enst, J. W. A., 1987, 210Pb activities in the Bransfield Strait, additional proof of hydrothermal...
Early Cretaceous Aptian charcoal from Xinchang Petrified Wood National Geopark of Zhejiang Province, eastern South China
Feng-Qi Zhang, Han-Lin Chen, Geoffrey E. Batt, Zheng-Xiang Li, Shu-Feng Ya
...). The dated bentonites (a form of smectite-dominated clay) are commonly derived from hydrothermal alteration of volcanic tuffs (Grim and Guven 1978...
Hot Fluid Flows Around A Major Fault Identified By Paleothermometric Studies (Tim Mersoï Basin, Niger)
Marah Mamane Mamadou, Michel Cathelineau, Franck Bourdelle, Marie-Christine Boiron, Agnes Elmaleh, Marc Brouand
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: from paleoclimate to hydrothermal, in Harris, N., and Peters, K.E., eds., Analyzing the Thermal History of Sedimentary Basins: Methods and Case...
Mediterranean Imprint on Coral Diversity in the Incipient Red Sea (Burdigalian, Saudi Arabia)
Chiara Pisapia, Guillem Mateu Vicens, Francesca Benzoni, Hildegard Westphal
... of the Burdigalian carbonates. Magmatic activity locally has led to hydrothermal overprint (Hughes 2014). MATERIAL AND METHODS Sampling and Fossil Coral Identi...
The Effects of In Situ Steam Injection on Cold Lake Oil Sands
Sedimentology Research Group
CSPG Bulletin
..., P. and Levinson, A.A., 1971, Low temperature hydrothermal synthesis from dolomite or calcite, quartz and kaolinite: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 19, p...
Diagenesis of the Keg River Formation, Northwestern Alberta: Fluid Inclusion Evidence
K.L Aulstead,, R.J. Spencer
CSPG Bulletin
... the presence of a thermal anomaly and hydrothermal system at the time the cements were formed. The timing of cement formation (before the end...
Dolomitization Processes and Their Relationships with the Evolution of an Orogenic Belt (Central Apennines and Peri-Adriatic Foreland, Italy)
M. V. Murgia, P. Ronchi, A. Ceriani
AAPG Special Volumes
... solutions: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 57, p. 683686.Braithwaite, C. J. R., and G. Rizzi, 1997, The geometry and petrogenesis of hydrothermal...
Single-Grain Detrital-Muscovite Ages From Lower Cretaceous Sandstones, Scotian Basin, and Their Implications for Provenance
Peter H. Reynolds, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper, A. M. Grist
CSPG Bulletin
... Nova Scotia: evidence for a protracted magmatic-hydrothermal event in a Devonian intrusion. Atlantic Geology, v. 40, p. 207-216. Kontak, D.J., Horne, R...
Clay Minerals as Influenced by Environments of Their Formation
W. D. Keller
AAPG Bulletin
..., "Hydrothermal Alteration at Santa Rita, New Mexico," Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. 61, pp. 275-348. KIERSCH, GEO. A., AND KELLER, W. D., 1955...
Stable Isotope Study of Karstic-Related Dolomitization: Jurassic Rocks from the Coastal Plain, Israel
L. G. Buchbinder, M. Magaritz, M. Goldberg
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., AND BOGOCH, R., 1978, Dolomitization and hydrothermal mineralization in the Brur Calcarenite (Jurassic) southern and Coastal Plain, Israel: Israel J...
Sedimentology and Clast Orientations of the 18 May 1980 Southwest-Flank Lahars, Mount St. Helens, Washington
Jon J. Major , Barry Voight
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and hydrothermal water during the cataclysmic Mount St. Helena eruption of 18 May 1980 deposited about 1 106 m3 of massive, poorly sorted, poorly graded...
Hydromagnesite Stromatolites and Sediments in an Alkaline Lake, Salda Golu, Turkey
C. J. R. Braithwaite , Velsel Zedef
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in sandstones: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. A65, p. 380-392. ILLICH, M.M., 1974, Hydrothermal-sedimentary dolomite: the missing link? American...
Rifting Processes on the West Galicia Margin, Spain: Chapter 23: European-African Margins
G. Boillot, D. Mougenot, J. Girardeau, E. L. Winterer
AAPG Special Volumes
... calculations. On the other hand, we know that hydrothermal processes responsible for serpentinization can occur at a depth of several kilometers beneath...
Micro-Sized Dolomite Inclusions in Ferroan Calcite Cements Developed During Burial Diagenesis of Kimmeridgian Reefs, Northern Iberian Basin, Spain
M. Isabel Benito, Kyger C. Lohmann, Ramon Mas
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... have been derived from the cannibalization of the reefal host rock. Rather, dolomitizing fluids were likely associated with the hydrothermal, low-grade...
Middle Permian Telodiagenetic Processes in Neoproterozoic Sequences, Tandilia System, Argentina
Patricia Eugenia Zalba, Marcelo Manassero, Emmanuel Laverret, Daniel Beaufort, Alain Meunier, Martin Morosi, Laura Segovia
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...–8, p. 659–675. Dristas, J.A., and Frisicale, M.C., 2003, Two types of hydrothermal clay deposits in the south-east area of Tandilia. Buenos Aires...
Role of Pressure in Smectite Dehydration--Effects on Geopressure and Smectite-to-Illite Transformation
Virginia A. Colten-Bradley
AAPG Bulletin
...-potassium ion exchange during smectite diagenesis: USGS Professional Paper. Eberl, D. D., and J. Hower, 1977, The hydrothermal transformation of sodium...
Mesozoic diapirism in the Pyrenean orogen: Salt tectonics on a transform plate boundary
Joseph Canrot, Michael R. Hudec, Konrad Rockenbauch
AAPG Bulletin
... during the Late Cretaceous. In some cases, postburial hydrothermal circulation dissolved much of the halite, causing the diapirs to sag and the basins...