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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,393 Results. Searched 196,956 documents.
The Morro Vermelho hypogenic karst system (Brazil): Stratigraphy, fractures, and flow in a carbonate strike-slip fault zone with implications for carbonate reservoirs
Giovanni Bertotti, Philippe Audra, Augusto Auler, Francisco Hilario Bezerra, Stephan de Hoop, Cayo Pontes, Rahul Prabhakaran, and Rebeca Lima
AAPG Bulletin
....oregeorev.2018.08.002. Davies, G. R., and L. B. Smith, Jr., 2006, Structurally controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoir facies: An overview: AAPG...
Field Trip A3: Intrusion-related Mineralization in Southwestern New Brunswick: The Mount Pleasant and Clarence Stream Deposits
Kathleen Thorne, David Lentz
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
... resembles that of similar rocks throughout the Waweig Formation (Thorne et al., 2004a). A hydrothermal breccia crosscuts the felsic volcanic rocks...
The Stanniferous Placers of Cornwall, Southwest England
G. S. Camm, K. F. G. Hosking
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... granitoid dykes were then emplaced and these tend to strike about parallel to the granitoid ridges. The vein swarms and hydrothermal breccias were...
Detrital signatures of clastic serpentinite in tectonically diverse settings and interpretation of an example from the Northern Apennines
Sonia Perrotta, Mirko Barone, Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Kitty L. Milliken, Vincenzo Perrone, Salvatore Critelli
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Hébert, R., Beaudoin, G., Bédard, J.H., and Berclaz, A., 2003, Hydrothermal circulation and metamorphism in crustal gabbroic rocks of the Bay...
Search and Discovery.com
Tin Distribution Patterns
K. F. G. Hosking
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...^, ‘a hydrothermal mineral’ was found in the Ilimaussaq alkaline complex o f ^ een la n d . It is also not without interest to note that according...
The Dolomite Question
Rhodes W. Fairbridge
Special Publications of SEPM
..., hydrothermal and salt-pan precipitates, etc., are not considered here. I. INTRODUCTION It has sometimes been said that there has been nothing new...
Mississippian Paleocean Chemistry from Biotic and Abiotic Carbonate, Muleshoe Mound, Lake Valley Formation, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Franciszek J. Hasiuk, Kyger C. Lohmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... carbonatee en domaine recifal [Ph.D. thesis]: University of Paris, France. Alt, J.C., 2003, Hydrothermal fluxes at mid-ocean ridges and on ridge flanks...
Widespread Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic wildfire records from Poland: Evidence from charcoal and pyrolytic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Leszek Marynowski, Bernd R.T. Simoneit
...). Some PAHs may also originate from algal OM (Grice et al., 2007); hydrothermal petroleum (Kawka and Simoneit 1990; 1 www.paleo.ku.edu/palaios...
Frontier Areas and Exploration Techniques: Geopressured Geothermal Energy in the South-Central United States: Frontier Areas and Exploration Techniques
Paul H. Jones
Houston Geological Society
... hydrothermal activity is perhaps less than half as thick as that in the Gulf Coast geosyncline and geopressured geothermal reservoirs occupy secondary porosity...
Paleokarstic Features and Thermal Overprints Observed in Some of the Arbuckle Cores in Oklahoma
Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Mark Lynch
Special Publications of SEPM
... and compared with outcrop analogs to illustrate the nature of sedimentary, karstic, and diagenetic facies. Burial diagenesis and hydrothermal alteration...
The Controls on the Preservation of Structural Color in Fossil Insects
Maria E. McNamara, Derek E. G. Briggs, Patrick J. Orr
...) Hydrothermal alteration 30 .. 40 10 yes 100 ,40 33 no , 100 ,40 ,33 no , 100 ,40 ,33 no 30 ,40 10 no ,300 ,40 ,100 no 1200–6700 65–180 400–2200...
Intertwined Fates of Metals, Sulfur, and Organic Carbon in Black Shales
Lisa M. Pratt, Cara L. Davis
Special Publications of SEPM
... brines, or hydrothermal fluids. matter in various forms of mineralization. Notable successes in establishing genetic relationships have been achieved...
Impact of Stylolitization On Fluid Flow and Diagenesis in Foreland Basins: Evidence from an Upper Jurassic Carbonate Gas Reservoir, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Daniel Morad, Fadi H. Nader, Sadoon Morad, Fatima Al Darmaki, Helge Hellevang
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Parente, G., Bechstaedt, T., De Vivo, B., and Iannace, A., 2000, Hydrothermal dolomites in SW Sardinia (Italy): evidence for a widespread late-Variscan...
Ashley Rivas, Paul M. Myrow, Emily F. Smith, Lyle L. Nelson, Derek E.G. Briggs, Lidya G. Tarhan
...-style fossil deposits (Slagter et al. 2024a). Hydrothermal vent systems can, in the modern ocean, supply high concentrations of dissolved silica...
Reservoir evaluation of dolomitized Devonian strata in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: implications for carbon capture, utilization, and storage
Jack Stacey,, Hilary Corlett, Cathy Hollis, David Hills
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., G.R., and Smith, L.B., 2006, Structurally controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoir facies: an overview: American Association of Petroleum Geologists...
Properties of Clay
Ralph E. Grim
Special Publications of SEPM
... regions. 484 RALPH E. GRIM Nacrite and dickite occur mostly where there has been hydrothermal alteration, and are very rare in sediments. Kaolinite...
Clay Minerals in Atokan Deep-Water Sandstone Facies, Arkoma Basin: Origins and Influence on Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality
David W Houseknecht, Louis M. Ross Jr.
Special Publications of SEPM
... influences of stratigraphic burial tec tonic burial and hydrothermal fluid flow away from the Ouachita orogenic belt Houseknecht and others in prep...
The Swan Hills Formation and the Beaverhill Lake Group at Swan Hills Field and Adjacent Areas, Central Alberta, Canada
C. Viau
CSPG Special Publications
.... Hydrothermal circulation and structural control on early (pre-burial) dolomite and anhydrite cementation in the Swan Hills Formation, Alberta...
Carboniferous barite-fluorite mineralization in the Late Devonian Kinsac Pluton, southern Nova Scotia
Daniel J. Kontak, Richard J. Horne, Kevin Ansdell, Douglas A. Archibald
Atlantic Geology
... reported in hydrothermal fluorite from the Lake Ainslie area o f Cape Breton Island (Macdonald 1999), but contrasts with the trace element chemistry...
Properties of Clay: Part 6. Special Features of Sediments
Ralph E. Grim
AAPG Special Volumes
... and Molding Problems in Ceramics," Ber. deut. keram. Ges., 15, pp. 595-625. 1934. *36. EWELL, R. H., and INSLEY, H., "Hydrothermal Synthesis...
Depositional setting and diagenetic processes and their impact on the reservoir quality in the late ViseanBashkirian Kashagan carbonate platform (Pre-Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan)
Paola Ronchi, Andrea Ortenzi, Ornella Borromeo, Michele Claps, William G. Zempolich
AAPG Bulletin
... the reservoir temperature, suggests a migration of exotic hydrothermal fluids.The interpreted diagenetic sequence suggests an evolution with time...
Hydrocarbon occurrences in the western Anatolian (Aegean) grabens, Turkey: Is there a working petroleum system?
N. Bozkurt Ciftci, R. Ozgur Temel, Y. Haluk Iztan
AAPG Bulletin
... deep-reaching faults, volcanism, and/or after volcanic hydrothermal circulation. Thermal maturity of organic matter effectively increases in the vicinity...
Diagenesis and quartz cement distribution of low-permeability Upper TriassicMiddle Jurassic reservoir sandstones, Longyearbyen CO2 lab well site in Svalbard, Norway
Mai Britt E. Mork
AAPG Bulletin
... of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 146156, doi:10.1306/090502730146.Wolela, A., 2002, Effects of heat flow and hydrothermal fluids from volcanic intrusions...
Microanalysis of carbonate cement δ18O in a CO2-storage system seal: Insights into the diagenetic history of the Eau Claire Formation (Upper Cambrian), Illinois Basin
Maciej G. Śliwiński, Reinhard Kozdon, Kouki Kitajima, Adam Denny, and John W. Valley
AAPG Bulletin
...-Permian but also by a hydrothermal event, dated to circa 270 Ma (mid-Permian), that resulted in the formation of regional Mississippi Valley–type (MVT) ore...