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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Dolomitization Kinetics in Hydrothermal Bombs and Natural Settings
Duncan F. Sibley, Stephan H. Nordeng, Michelle L. Borkowski
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Dolomitization Kinetics in Hydrothermal Bombs and Natural Settings Duncan F. Sibley, Stephan H. Nordeng, Michelle L. Borkowski 1994 Vol. 64A No. 3...
Diagenesis: A Short (2 Million Year) Story-Miocene Sandstones of Central Sumatra, Indonesia
Jon Gluyas , Norman Oxtoby
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...). Similarly, if hydrothermal activity was responsible for quartz cementation, and the Th data reflect hydrothermal temperatures, cementation would have...
Petrographic Evidence for Emplacement of Carbon into Witwatersrand Conglomerates Under High Fluid Pressure
John Parnell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., LAWRENCE, S.R., AND CORNFORD, C., 1997, Hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Witwatersrand basin: Nature, v. 386, p. 820-824. BOER, R.H., REIMOLD, W.U....
A Model for the Origin of Large Carbonate- and Evaporite-Hosted Celestine (SrSO4) Deposits
Jeffrey S. Hanor
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... marine carbonate and evaporite sequences. Host rocks range in age from Silurian to Pliocene. There is variable evidence of associated hydrothermal...
Geopressured Shale and Sealing Effect of Smectite to Illite Transition
Robert L. Freed , Donald R. Peacor
AAPG Bulletin
... and Clay Minerals, v. 26, p. 327-340. Eberl, D., and J. Hower, 1977, The hydrothermal transformation of sodium and potassium smectite into mixed-layer...
Detrital quartz sources in the Scotian Basin, eastern Canada, using hot-cathode cathodoluminescence: Availability of coarse-grained sand for reservoirs
Cynthia C. Sawatzky, Georgia Pe-Piper
AAPG Bulletin
... or weakly luminescent: authigenic quartz, and (5) short-lived blue green: hydrothermal and pegmatitic quartz (Ramseyer et al., 1988; Gotze, 1996).Quartz from...
ABSTRACT: Surface Geochemical Exploration in Three Frontier Basins: Lessons Learned-Takutu Basin, Guyana; General Levalle Basin, Argentina; and Ogaden Basin, Ethiopia; #90013 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
... associated with an interpreted adsorbed soil gas anomaly. However, subsurface data showed that the well was drilled in an area of former hydrothermal...
Chapter 14: The Fleur-de-Iis Trail And Parts Of Southeastern Cape Breton
Craig K. Miller, G. C. Milligan
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
... under subaqueous conditions. The ore was concentrated on the sea floor, adjacent to a volcanic centre, by hot metal-rich hydrothermal fluids that came...
The Bathurst Mining Camp: Nepisiguit River Falls and Austin Brook Iron Mine
Peter Wallace
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
... others exhibit remnant volcaniclastic textures indicating that they are the product of hydrothermal alteration. Austin Brook Iron Mine The deposit (Fig...
Possible Relationships Between Deep Structure and Shallow Fault Patterns, Northwest Maverick Basin, Val Verde County, Texas
Sam L. Evans, Richard M. Zoerb
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... metamorphism, locally with strong shearing and hydrothermal components. It should be noted that the interpretation made part of Plate 8 is based on the data...
San Antonio as Seen from Space
Alf Hawkins, Leslie Jones
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... types and for hydrothermal mapping. It measures the amount of hydroxyl (-OH) and water (H2O) absorption. Computer Processing of Landsat TM Data...
Aspects of Exploration for Tin Mineralization in the Amazon Region, Brazil
Marcelo Rafael Borges, Edson Vilela Martins, A. Bhaskara Rao
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., and Ag. The first is a volcanogenic metallogeny. In the second phase, granitic intrusion provided hydrothermal solutions rich in silica Sn, W and Mo...
Geothermal Exploration Drilling and Testing in Kamojang, West Java Indonesia
S. Soerjadji
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., Paper presented on U.N. Conf. New Sources Energy. I. Introduction Kawah Kamojang is a hydrothermal active solfatara field, consisting of boiling fumaroles...
Post Glacial Mass-Wasting Features Associated with the San Juan Caldera in the Lake City Area, Hinsdale County, Southwestern Colorado
Joe W. Fandrich
Grand Junction Geological Society
... Mountain eastward through Slumgullion Pass and beyond to the northern portions of the Creede caldera complex. The extreme hydrothermal alteration...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... present in the veins. Extensive hydrothermal alteration is, for the most part, absent around the quartz veins, although tourmaline pods locally...
Getting into Hot Water
Paul Wood
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... The well-known hot springs and hydrothermal power plants in Iceland are an example of this type of source. These sources can sometimes be enhanced...
Thermal Maturity, Tectonostratigraphic Terranes, and Regional Tectonic History: An Example from the Kandik Area, East-Central Alaska
Matthew M. Laughland, Michael B. Underwood, Thomas J. Wiley
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... in their wake (Fig. 2f). Few studies elaborate on the isothermal geometries associated with hydrothermal circulation and faulting, although the most intense...
Emerging Helium and Geothermal Exploration Plays in Saskatchewan’s Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: New Core, Exotic Sedimentary Rocks and Potential Similarities to the Athabasca Basin
Colin D. Card, Ralf O. Maxeiner, Sean A. Bosman
Williston Basin Symposium
... in cross-cutting vein networks with brecciated textures. Such mineral assemblages and textures are best explained as hydrothermal - metasomatic in origin...
Northwest-Trending Basement Flaws - A Control to Fluid Movement and Possible Measure of Rate of Plate Convergence
Harald Drewes
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... or associated hydrothermal fluids also brought up the metals, either from the disintegrating plate or the plate being traversed. The above model is consistent...
Recent Advances in the Knowledge of Geology and Mineral Resources of Vietnam Since 1981
Le Thac Xinh, Nguyen Xuan An
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., metamorphic, hydrothermal skarn and lateritic), the skarn type of the Mesozoic gives the largest reserves. Bauxite Lateritic bauxite have just been...
E. Navarro
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
.... Jour. of Geol. Vol. 62 pp. 344–359. HAWKINS James W. and WHETTEN John T. (1969). Graywacke matrix minerals: Hydrothermal reactions with Columbia river...
Tin-Tungsten Mineralized Granite at Mae Chedi Area, Wiang Pa Pao District, Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand
R. Hansawek, W. Pongsapich, S. Vedchakanchana
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., e.g. pegmatites, aplites, and hydrothermal quartz veins. The granitic.rocks are Triassic in age, 206 ± 4 Ma, 199 ± 4 Ma, 202 ± 5 Ma (Teggin, 1975...
Origin of Siderite Concretions in Microenvironments of Methanogenesis Developed in a Sulfate Reduction Zone: An Exception or a Rule?
Maciej J. Bojanowski, Euan N.K. Clarkson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Clarkson, E., MacDonald, R., and Marynowski, L., 2012, Low-temperature zircon growth related to hydrothermal alteration of ironstone concretions...
Understanding the Zagros
Andrew Horbury
GEO ExPro Magazine
... hydrothermal petrolum systems has developed sig e dolo ite bodies. The importance of m nifi cantly since the 1958 publication these was first recognized...
Know Your Faults!
Rasoul Sorkhabi
GEO ExPro Magazine
... as a result of gravity gliding of rock transtension transpression (releasing bend) (straining bend) on an orogenic slope (towards foreland); hydrothermal...