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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 5,353 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: Siljan Well, Sweden: Drilling for Abiogenic Gas in an Impact Structure

John R. Castano

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... that the latest hydrothermal event postdates the impact. In progress are radiometric age dating studies aimed at dating the granites, diabases, the melts...


Abstract: Bitumen Rich-Lavas in the Lower Cretaceous Andean Basin of Chile

M. E. Cisternas, J. Frutos

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... organic-rich facies. These materials could be subsequently transported by hydrothermal fluids and emplaced in the vesicles and fractures within the lavas...


Abstract: Fluid inclusion studies of quartz vein polytypes from the Beaver Dam and Caribou Gold Deposits, Meguma Zone, Nova Scotia; Evidence for a single vein-forming event

Daniel J. Kontak, Paul K. Smith

Atlantic Geology

... bedding parallel vein versus late ac vein). We have interpreted the veins as representing a single hydrothermal event, the consequence of fluid...


Abstract: Petrographic and geochemical evidence for a hypogene origin of granite-hosted, vein-type Mn mineralization at the New Ross Mn mines, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia

G. A. O’Reilly

Atlantic Geology

... hydrothermal system developed from upward migrating hydrothennal f1uids. These processes at the Dean and Chapter mine shows that, although the Mn operated over...


Abstract: New base metal discovery in the Siluro-Devonian Tobique Belt, New Brunswick

R. A. Wilson

Atlantic Geology

.... Furthermore, significant quantities of sulphates, especially barite, do not seem to be present. It is suggested that hydrothermal convection cells became...


Abstract: An Overview of the Trenton–Black River Play

Brian Toelle

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... been the conduits for dolomitizing hydrothermal fluids that were generated at depth during the Taconic Orogeny. A number of seismic techniques...


ABSTRACT: Mineral matter in the Late Permian coals from Eastern Yunnan Province, China, and their genetic implications

X. Wang, S. Dai, Z. Lei

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... for the mineral enrichment, these including Emeishan basalt, silicic rock, various kinds of volcanic ashes (mafic, felsic and alkaline), hydrothermal...


Abstract: The genesis of the Chuquicamata porphyry copper deposit in northern Chile in relation to Tertiary Andean tectonics

M. Zentilli, M. C. Graves, D. D. Lindsay, V. Maksaev, G. Ossandon

Atlantic Geology

... patterns typical of Chilean porphyry coppers of Tertiary age. Apatite Ff ages from Chuquicamata are similar to 40 Ar/ 39 AI dates on hydrothermal micas...


Abstract: Petrographic, Geochemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Coals from the Carboniferous Douro Basin: São Pedro da Cova and Pejão Coalfields

Mariana Costa, Helena Moura, Ary Pinto de Jesus, Deolinda Flores

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

.... The presence of gorceixite is important, since it is associated with hydrothermal fluid circulation. In the Pejão Coalfield, although similar...


Abstract: Chemostratigraphy and alteration at Lucky Strike --- potential application to implication for the Buchans camp

L. S. Winter, D. H. C. Wilton, J. Tuach

Atlantic Geology

... stratigraphy. Hydrothermal alteration does not affect elements used in this classification and data can be obtained by relatively inexpensive analytical...


Extended Abstract: Quebec’s New Play for Light Oil in the Gaspe Peninsula: Appalachian-style Thrusted Valley and Ridge Structures—Devonian, Silurian and Ordovician Reservoirs

Linda R. Sternbach, Charles A. Sternbach, Stephane Sejourne, Jerry McCullough

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... altered by hydrothermal fluids along faults and fractures during structural deformation, enhancing porosity, and Ordovician source rocks charged...


Abstract: Barite and Associated Massive Sulphide and Fe-Mn Mineralization in the Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia

Teh Guan Hoe

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... are associated with the plexus of hydrothermal quartz veins. The Sungai Pedah occurrence is also a vein type barite deposit. The deposit...


Abstract: The Lac des Iles palladium deposit, northwestern Ontario: a product of late magmatic mineralization and subsequent hydrothermal enrichment

John G. Hinchey

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: The Lac des Iles palladium deposit, northwestern Ontario: a product of late magmatic mineralization and subsequent hydrothermal enrichment...


Abstract: Overview of some key characteristics and genesis of the LaRonde Penna world-class Au-rich VMS deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, Québec: implications for exploration

Patrick Mercier-Langevin, Benoît Dubé, Mark Hannington

Atlantic Geology

... and Al2O3 have been leached. The variations in ore and alteration styles along the 20 North lens show that the hydrothermal system evolved in time and space...


Abstract: Melt inclusions in the ~2.68…2.69 Ga porphyry intrusions, Timmins and Hemlo, Ontario: constraints on magmatism in Archean greenstone belts containing giant mesothermal gold deposits

Linette MacInnis, Jacob Hanley

Atlantic Geology

... and hydrothermal alteration, post-entrapment modifications can involve changes in the bulk chemistry of the melt inclusions rendering them useless for modeling...


Abstract: Alteration of the Neoproterozoic Morar Brook Formation in the aureole of the Georgeville Pluton, Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia

Elizabeth Walsh

Atlantic Geology

... is enhanced in chloridebearing hydrothermal fluids. The Georgeville Granite itself is anomalously depleted in LREE, suggesting transport of LREE from...


Abstract: The preliminary classification of diverse uranium mineralization in the Central Mineral Belt region, Labrador

Greg Sparkes, Andrew Kerr

Atlantic Geology

... mineralization remains obscure, but hydrothermal transport and deposition of uranium during regional deformation and metamorphism may be important processes...


Abstract: The REE and rare metal accessory minerals of the A-type granite of the Late Paleozoic Wentworth pluton, Cobequid Highlands, Nova Scotia

Angeliki D. Papoutsa, Georgia Pe-Piper

Atlantic Geology

... be related to the 320–315 Ma hydrothermal circulation along the Cobequid-Chedabucto fault which is related to carbonate and sulphide-rich fluids. It appears...


Abstract: Geochronology of the Moly Brook Mo-Cu deposit, southern Newfoundland: implications for local and regional granite-related metallogeny

Edward Lynch, David Selby, Vicki McNicoll, Martin Feeley, Derek Wilton, Andrew Kerr

Atlantic Geology

.... Both ages are identical within uncertainty and are within the range of previously determined K-Ar ages on hydrothermal muscovite (~ 370–390 Ma). U-Pb...


Abstract: Mineralogical study of a uranium-niobium-rich alteration zone at the Lofdal Carbonatite-Silicate Complex, Namibia

M. A. Gaudet, S. Swinden, Y. Fedortchouk

Atlantic Geology

...) of carbonatite and phonolite dyking accompanied by hydrothermal alteration. The carbonatite dykes are strongly mineralized with rare earth elements...


Abstract: Lithogeochemistry of host rocks to the Bisha Cu-Zn-Au volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposit, Eritrea

Ronald J. Massawe, Clifford R. Stanley

Atlantic Geology

... Geology . Volume 48 . 2012 38 Unfortunately, hydrothermal alteration, metamorphic recrystallization, and deformation have made it difficult...


Abstract: The Occurrence, Genesis and Characteristics of Primary Kaolinitic Clay Occurrence at Km 12-13, Bukit Lampas, Spg. Pulaipos Slim, Ipoh

Kamar Shah Ariffin, Haryati Abdul Rahman, Hashim Husin, Kahirul Anwar Abdul Hadi

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... analyses suggest that the Lampas kaolin is a product of both hydrothermal and in-situ weathering of sugary aplite, leucomicrogranite, pegmatites and medium...


Abstract: Petrological and Geochemical Examination into the Feoxide-Bearing Hydrothermal Breccias at the Moran Lake Upper C-Zone Deposit, and the Poz Pond, Trout Pond and Armstrong Lake Occurrences

Mark Grant

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Petrological and Geochemical Examination into the Feoxide-Bearing Hydrothermal Breccias at the Moran Lake Upper C-Zone Deposit, and the Poz...


Abstract: Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Study of Gold Formation in the Lavoie-Maisie Gold District, Northwestern New Brunswick, Canada

Glen Hodge, Jacob Hanley, Jim Walker

Atlantic Geology

... is unclear at present but initial data suggest that the hydrothermal system locally reached much higher temperatures than suggested by regional metamorphic...


Abstract: The Argyle gold deposit, a recent discovery on Anaconda's Point Rousse project, Newfoundland, Canada

David A. Copeland, Paul McNeill, Steve Barrett, Bryan Sparrow, Steve Piercey

Atlantic Geology

... with zones of hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization. Gold mineralization is associated with 1–5% pyrite and the host structure...


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