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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,393 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Abstract: The Fournier Group Mafic Complex, Northern New Brunswick
Patricia Flagler
Atlantic Geology
.... The basic assemblages show evidence of static low grade hydrothermal metamorphism and, locally, dynamic amphibolite facies metamorphism in ductile shear...
Abstract: Polymetallic Vein-Type Uranium Deposits, Long Lake Area Victoria County, North-Central New Brunswick
Hassan Hassan
Atlantic Geology
.... A magmatic-hydrothermal conceptual model is proposed to describe the polymetallic uranium veindeposits in the North Pole Pluton. Atlantic Geology, August...
ABSTRACT: Tectonic Control of Archean Epigenetic Gold Mineralization in Kalgoorlie-Menzies-Leonora Gold Corridor North of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
J. A. Hallberg, B. Fehlberg
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... of sedimentary rocks derived primarily from felsic volcanic source areas flanking the rift. Metamorphosed acid hydrothermal alteration assemblages rich...
Abstract: Metamorphism Within the Fournier Group Oceanic Fragment
Patricia A. Flagler
Atlantic Geology
... the complex are varied. They range from a pervasive sea-floor type hydrothermal alteration, realized under essentially static conditions (zeolite through...
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Habitat of the Paleoproterozoic Franceville Series, Gabon
D. J. Mossman
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... as loci for the development of 15 natural nuclear fission reactors. Hydrothermal solutions circulating about the reactors during their operation resulted...
Abstract: Sediment-hosted Manganese in Newfoundland: settings and significance
John W. Botsford
Atlantic Geology
... Ordovician age. While these may relate, in part, to an overall increase in hydrothermal activity they may also reflect early, redox-related...
Abstracts of Theses: A Reconnaissance Study of Some Western Canadian Lead-Zinc Deposits
Thomas L. Evans
CSPG Bulletin
... in with hydrothermal solutions mobilized by a heat source of unknown origin. These solutions were probably connate waters or a mixture of connate and dilute magmatic...
Abstract: The effects of metamorphism upon the Fournier oceanic fragment, New Brunswick
Patricia Flagler
Atlantic Geology
... metamorphism. With the exception of the shear zones, the metamorphic gradient could be attributed to the effects of hydrothermal metamorphism...
Abstract: Geochemistry of, and mineralization at the Adeline Island Prospect, Seal Lake, Labrador
Peter A. Ivany, D. H. C. Wilton
Atlantic Geology
.... Preliminary geochemical and structural evidence, however, suggest that the copper was deposited as a product of hydrothermal fluid flow along fracture planes...
Abstract: Lode gold mineralization at Deer Cove, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland
Karen Patey
Atlantic Geology
... for the hydrothermal fluids and depositional sites for the gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins. Detailed petrography. as well as geochemical and stable isotope data...
Abstract: Uranium Deposits of Northern Saskatchewan, by L. S. Beck; #90968 (1977).
Search and Discovery.com
Mineralization and Geochemistry of the Escalante Silver Mine, Iron County, Utah
JoAnn M. Holloway, Erich U. Petersen
Utah Geological Association
..., Creed Mining District, Colorado: Econ. Geol., v. 84, p. p. 1966–1977. Fournier, R. O., 1985, The behavior of silica in hydrothermal solutions: in Geology...
Abstract: Sphalerite/dolomite stratigraphy and the tectonic origin of an MVT deposit, Daniels Harbour, western Newfoundland
T. Lane
Atlantic Geology
...) in association with late fracturing and breccialion. Hypersaline (25 eq. wl % NaCl), hydrothermal (Tb =90 to 185"C) inclusion fluids originated from...
Abstract: Tertiary Deep-Water Coral Supports Cold Seeps in the Ceduna Sub-Basin
Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Andy Ross, Karen Gowlett-Holmes, Emanuelle Frery, April Pickard
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... A hydrothermal feedstock for these communities is possible but less likely due to the distance to the nearest volcanic bodies. Once the substrates are in place...
Abstract: Thermal maturity pattern in the Stephanian rocks of the Sabero coalfield (NW Spain)
D. Botor
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... such as magmatic and hydrothermal activity and high subsidence rate in a pull-apart basin...
Evolution of Exploration, Drilling and Completion Concepts for Appalachian Basin's Trenton-Black River Play: Abstract
Douglas Patchen, Katharine Lee Avary
Tulsa Geological Society
... as limestone was converted to hydrothermal dolomite (HTD) adjacent to fault zones. PTTC became involved in the play soon after the discovery of the Cottentree...
Composition, Structure and Oil-Bearing Capacity of the Basement in the White Tiger Field: Abstract
F. A. Kireev, T. L. Dong, P. A. Tuan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and hydrothermal activities. They are heterogeneous by petrographic composition and by its permeability. The basement rocks are divided into three...
Abstract: Origin of Late-Stage Iron-Rich Carbonate Cements in Sandstones--Active Ankerite Cementation in Wilcox of Southwest Texas, by J. R. Boles; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Anisotrophy of ore-stage fracture permeability in a porphyry copper system: a response to regional shear
D. D. Lindsay
Atlantic Geology
... anisotropies of rock properties and ore grades, which record changing stress regimes during the hydrothermal systems evolution. The Domeyko Cordillera...
Abstract: Tectonically driven fluid migration in the west Newfoundland platform: record of dolomitization, breccia, Pb-Zn and carbonate cements (poster)
T. Lane
Atlantic Geology
.... (3) Peak Thermal Convergence: regional fractures and faults released voluminous hydrothermal fluids (100°-200°C) responsible for extensive coarse...
Geothermal Parameters of in situ Rb Sr Dating on Proterozoic Shales and Its Applications
Darwinaji Subarkah, Angus L. Nixon, Monica Jimenez, Alan S. Collins, Morgan L. Blades, Juraj Farkas, Sarah E. Gilbert, Simon Holford
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... intrusion of 75 m thickness would have been capable of producing this significant hydrothermal perturbation radiating from the sill top (Figure 2...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The effect of Igneous Intrusion on the Mineral Matter in Coal, Moatize Bain, Mozambique
Tianjiao Yu, Sandra Rodrigues, Joan Esterle
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...: [email protected] Keywords: coal mineralogy, igneous intrusion, Moatize Basin, hydrothermal fluids, Bananeiras Seam This study investigated...
Abstract: Gold mineralization in the Neoproterozoic Avalonian rocks of the Newfoundland Appalachians
Cyril F. O’Driscoll, Sean J. O’Brien, Benoit Dubé
Atlantic Geology
... siliciclastic rocks. The geological setting and the type and size of hydrothermal systems present in the Newfoundland Avalon Zone, coupled with the existence...
ABSTRACT: Extraordinary Maturation Profiles of the Pacific Northwest
Neil S. Summer and Kenneth L. Verosub
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... to the conclusion that the dominant maturation process is related to hydrothermal nuids associated with volcanic activity. This hypothesis implies that vitiinit...
Abstract: The Impact of Mantle Heterogeneity on Oceanic Core Complex Formation, 12 – 16°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Alex Barnard
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
.... Collectively, tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes lead to the formation and character of oceanic core complexes. Dredged peridotites from this region...