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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.

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"Interrelation Between Clastic and Carbonate Diagenesis in the Cambrian Rocks in the Subsurface of Southern Alberta [Abstract]"

Tawadros, E.E.

CSPG Bulletin

.... At deep burial depths, mixing of upward-moving hydrothermal fluids with marine formation water resulted in the formation of ferroan and saddle...


The Sundance Gold Deposit in the Bear Lodge Mountains of Northeastern Wyoming

Gregory A. Hahn, Charles F. Bauer

Wyoming Geological Association

... characterize the deposit. Desilication was the first phase, producing a porous vuggy texture. This texture is the result of hydrothermal solutions...


Abstract: Geochemistry and petrography of part of the Sprogge property, Yukon Territory

Kris Carruthers

Atlantic Geology

... dykes and older mafic dykes are present. Hydrothermal alteration minerals consist of clinopyroxene, garnet, hornblende, wollastonite, muscovite, chlorite...


ABSTRACT: Mineralogical Changes in the high rank coals of the South Walker Creek Area, Northern Bowen Basin

Asep K. Permana, Colin R. Ward

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... such as dickite, nacrite, kaolinite, calcite, ankerite and some apatite, probably produced by precipitation from hydrothermal solutions. Fluid circulation...


Limestone-Dolomite Transition in the Ordovician Platteville Formation in Wisconsin

Robert W. Deininger

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to ferrous iron. Dolomitization resulted from the introduction of magnesium and took place after lithification. Sea water, ground water or hydrothermal...


Abstract: The distribution of gold in sulphides from the Lodestar Prospect, Newfoundland, as determined by LAM-ICP-MS analyses

J. G. Hinchey, D. H. C. Wilton

Atlantic Geology

..., polylithic, magmatic-hydrothermal breccias have significant gold contents including 58.5 g/t Au in a grab sample of massive arsenopyrite. Other sulphide phases...


Abstract: Deep crustal structures as controls on magmatism and copper mineralization in the Urumieh-Dokhtar arc, Iran

Alireza Zarasvandi, Sassan Liaghat, Marcos Zentilli

Atlantic Geology

... plutons, and hydrothermal and porphyry type copper mineralization. Deep crustal structures as controls on magmatism and copper mineralization...


Abstract: A structural analysis of the MAW zone sub-economic rare-earth element deposit, Wheeler River Property, northern Saskatchewan, and the relationship of structures and alteration to possible uranium mineralization

Marie Barker

Atlantic Geology

... be related to possible uranium mineralization in the area as it may represent the distal halo of a hydrothermal system responsible for uranium...


Abstract: Volcanogenic massive sulphides of the southern Tulks Volcanic Belt, central Newfoundland: environments and styles of mineralization

J. G. Hinchey

Atlantic Geology

... for the development of large and potentially ore producing hydrothermal systems. Volcanogenic massive sulphides of the southern Tulks Volcanic Belt, central...


Abstract: Hydrometallurgical Recovery of Copper from the Copper Sulphide by-Product of Sungei Lembing Tin Mine

Sia Hok Kiang

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the milling of the Sungei Lembing tin lodes. The hydrothermal tin lodes of Sungei Lembing are sulphide rich. The sulphide minerals are mainly pyrite...


Abstract: Geology of the Ice Cu-Au deposit, Yukon

Adam Fage, Marcos Zentilli

Atlantic Geology

... granodiorite phases of the early Jurassic Granite Mountain Batholith. Fabrics and recrystallized quartz veinlets suggest that hydrothermal mineralization...


Abstract: Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of alteration in the Afton copper-gold porphyry, Kamloops, British Columbia

Morgan Quinn, Yana Fedortchouk, Jacob Hanley

Atlantic Geology

... hydrothermal alteration of varying intensity. The reason for the PGE enrichments in the deposit is still unknown, but is believed to be related to emplacement...


Abstract: Carbon dioxide in mafic magmatic systems: an experimental study to test the importance of CO2 in the formation of magmatic sulphide deposits

Brandon Boucher

Atlantic Geology

...) with the minerals chalcopyrite and pentlandite, as well as the pure metals nickel (Ni) copper (Cu), in large volume hydrothermal autoclaves with a particular...


Abstract: Perubahan batuan dinding berkaitan dengan permineralan emas di Penjom Gold Mine, Pahang, Malaysia (IN MALAY), Changes related to mineralization of rock wall gold in Penjom Gold Mine, Pahang, Malaysia

Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Heru Sigit Purwanto

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... in Penjom is due to the interaction of hydrothermal activity, igneous intrusions, quartz veins and fault zones. Three dominant types of alteration...


Abstract: A preliminary fluid inclusion study of interstitial quartz from pegmatitic gabbro in the East Bull Lake Intrusion, Ontario, Canada

Brandon M. Boucher, Jacob J. Hanley

Atlantic Geology

... trapped inclusions) representing late-stage magmatic-hydrothermal fluids were characterized by microthermometry using patches of interstitial quartz...


Comparative Hydrodynamic and  Thermal Characteristics of Sedimentary Basins and Geothermal Systems in  Sediment-Filled Rift Valleys

Wolfgang Polster and H. L. Barnes

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Walgenwitz et al., 1985; Girard et al., 1989) provide examples of the migration and upflow of hydrothermal fluids and their effects on the maturity of basin...


Geologic Controls on the Distribution of Chemosynthetic Communities in the Gulf of Mexico

James F. Reilly, Jr., Ian R. MacDonald, E. K. Biegert, and James M. Brooks

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 1988a; Brooks et al., 1987a,b, 1990; MacDonald et al., 1990a,b). These communities are taxonomically similar to the hydrothermal vent communities...


Abstract: The Geology of the Zuun Mod-Khuvyn Khar Porphyry Complex, Southwestern Mongolia

Michael A. MacDonald, G. Bat-Erdene

Atlantic Geology

... in the Khuvyn Khar part of the complex that coincide with hydrothermal intrusive breccias with Cu- and Mo- mineralized clasts and matrix, indicating...


Abstract: Geomatics Applications in Planetary Science: An Investigation into the Geological Environment of the Nili Fossae Region of Mars Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS

Catheryn Ryan, Livio Tornabene, Andrew Macrae, Randolph Corney

Atlantic Geology

... hydrothermal alteration system characterized by polygonal surface cracks; breccia and potential melt ridges associated with the ejecta blanket of nearby...


Formation of the Oil and Gas Pools of the Verkhnetelekay Field, Anadyr Basin

D. I. Agapitov, Yu. K. Burlin, V. F. Ivanov, T. M. Shlykova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of development of the region of the Povorot-Telekay zone of highs, the rocks were subjected to extended hydrothermal activity throughout large areas...


Abstract: Comparing CO2 sequestration experimental methods and investigating CO2 sequestration using Type I and Type II serpentine groundwaters

Mattea McRae, Penny Morrill

Atlantic Geology

.... This hydrothermal alteration occurs naturally in ophiolites; sections of ocean crust and upper mantle that have been emplaced onto a continental plate...


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