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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
A Model for Sustainable Development-The Newcastle, Utah Geothermal Resource
Howard P. Ross, Robert E. Blackett, Craig B. Forster, Stephen Snelgrove
Utah Geological Association
... of the hydrothermal resources of Utah: U.S. Geol. Survey Professional Paper 1044-H, p. H1–H49. Shubat, M.A., and Siders, M.A., 1988, Geologic map of the Silver...
ertiary Subsurface Solution in the Mississippian Leadville Limestone Geothermal Aquifer of Colorado
L.W. Dan Bridges, Kevin McCarthy
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... heat flow in central and western Colorado. Numerous hot springs and abundant subsurface hydrothermal fluid must have been associated with this high heat...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... of the basement rocks. The deposit is enveloped by extensively altered rocks. In the basement, hydrothermal alteration (illitization, chloritization...
A Re-Appraisal of the Alaskite/Muscovite-Biotite Granite Suite of Halifax County, Nova Scotia
T. E. Smith, D. Peck, C. H. Huang, P. E. Holm
Atlantic Geology
... by a pervasive hydrothermal recrystallization and by localized development of pegmatitic vugs and a greisen-bordered sheeted vein complex. A greisen...
Geochemical and Oxygen Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the Independence Dike Swarm, San Bernardino Co., CA
Sean G. McManus, Diane Clemens-Knott
Pacific Section SEPM
.... Hydrothermal alteration produced minor geochemical and significant mineralogical and isotopic changes in the majority of the samples. Variable degrees...
Impacts of hydrothermal dolomitization and thermochemical sulfate reduction on secondary porosity creation in deeply buried carbonates: A case study from the Lower Saxony Basin, northwest Germany
Bianca C. Biehl, Lars Reuning, Johannes Schoenherr, Volker Lüders, and Peter A. Kukla
AAPG Bulletin
...Impacts of hydrothermal dolomitization and thermochemical sulfate reduction on secondary porosity creation in deeply buried carbonates: A case study...
Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry of Submarine Volcanoes Around Epi Island, New Hebrides Island Arc
Anthony J. Crawford, H. Gary Greene, Neville F. Exon
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... Ep i submarin e volcanoe s (Greene), t o attemp t t o imag e activ e vents an d othe r volcanic structure s b y vide o camera , t o determin e the meta...
The Cenozoic Evolution of the Great Basin Area, U.S.A.—New Interpretations Based On Regional Geologic Mapping
Peter D. Rowley, Gary L. Dixon
Pacific Section of AAPG
... faults. Within this belt, extension is taken up by silicic and basaltic intrusions and by basalt fissure vents oriented northwest, perpendicular...
Geology, Mining History, and Reclamation of the Silver Reef Mining District, Washington County, Utah
Robert F. Biek, J. Chris Rohrer
Utah Geological Association
... and geomorphic development (e.g., Willis and Biek, 2001). The East Reef flow erupted from vents at two overlapping cinder cones at the north end of East...
The Triassic of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Tectonic and Stratigraphic Framework, Paleogeography, Paleoclimate and Biota
Graham R. Davies
CSPG Bulletin
... des vents nord-est prevalents Trade, la remontee des eaux littorales au large et les autres conditions ont donne en resultat une affluence fluviatile...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... were formed from a hydrothermal system active during the latest stages of volcanism and may represent epithermal-type deposits, while those...
Origin of bedding-parallel calcite “beef” layers in the Upper Jurassic Haynesville shale, northwestern Louisiana
L. Taras Bryndzia, Calum I. Macaulay, Alexander P. Litvinchuk, and Brian D. Monteleone
AAPG Bulletin
... of a precursor sulfate mineral—either barite or anhydrite. The other type of BPCL shows evidence of a late-stage diagenetic overprint due to hydrothermal...
Complex Geomodeling: Dayung Field a Fractured Pre-Tertiary Reservoir in the Southern Sumatra Basin, Indonesia
Rita Achiat, Joel Guttormsen, Redo Waworuntu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...) intruded by a Jurassic Granitic complex. Dayung has been influenced by multiple tectonic events and at least one hydrothermal event. The field is well...
Dolomitisation and its Relation to Fracture Porosity Evolution: A Case Study in Permian Ratburi Carbonate Outcrop in the Sibumasu Domain, Krabi, Southern Peninsular Thailand
Maradona Mansyur, John Keith Warren, Ian Cartwright, Yow Lam Cheong
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in offshore Southern Thailand and the Sin Phu Horm, also Nam Pong gas fields in NE Thailand. Dolomitization and karstification (hydrothermal) in both...
Ultrasonic wave velocities measurements and seismic anisotropy at Karari gold deposit: Implications for gold exploration
Andre Eduardo C. M. de Souza, Stephanie Vialle, Andrej Bona
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...) poor database documenting the elastic properties of rock alterations, and (4) ambiguity between strained anisotropic rock and hydrothermal alteration...
Mineral Transformations During in Situ Recovery of Bitumen from Carbonate Rock: A Statistical-Experimental Study
A.E. Bizon, J.A. Boon, W. Kubacki
CSPG Bulletin
... and gas chemical compositions, relative mineral abundances, and bitumen released during hydrothermal treatment. Scanning electron and optical...
Origin and Occurrence of CO2 in the Eastern and Andaman Sea, Offshore Myanmar
Scott W. Imbus, Frank H. Wind, David Ephraim
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... from ~40-15 Ma clastic marine sediments and recent fluids derived from hydrothermal exposure. Oil initially emplaced in the high CO2 Miocene reservoir...
Smackover Reservoir Diagenesis in the Appleton Field, Escambia County, Alabama
Doug Haywick, Mary Bee Hall-Brown, Leigh Pfeiffer
GCAGS Transactions
.... Type 4 dolomite was hydrothermal in origin (c. <250 °C) and formed during late-stage burial. It occurred simultaneously with fracturing and pressure...
Production, History, Geology, and Mineralogy of Selected Mining Districts of the Marysvale Volcanic Field
Carl Ege
Utah Geological Association
... veins, lead-silver-zinc veins, and lead-zinc-silver-gold-copper bedded replacement deposits in the Mt. Baldy–Ohio district. Hydrothermal fluids associated...
Banyu Urip Field Development - Results of Drilling 32 Wells
Fikril Hakiki, Frank Musgrove, Peter Varnai, Albertus Ditya, Dessy Sapardina
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... indicate even more extreme scale features. These systems are most consistent with the evidence that hydrothermal fluids had migrated through...
Ore Deposits of the Main Tintic Mining District
Douglas R. Cook
Utah Geological Association
... into the Main Tintic district (see Plate 3). During and after the emplacement of the intrusives, there was considerable hydrothermal activity culminating...
Plate Tectonics and Mineral Resources of Circum-Pacific Region: General
Peter A. Rona , Lawrence D. Neuman
AAPG Special Volumes
... at 26° North latitude: Deep Sea Research, v. 22, p. 611-618. Rona, P. A., et al, in press, Tectonic fabric and hydrothermal activity of Mid-Atlantic...
Diagenesis of the San Andres Formation in the Seminole unit in Central Basin platform, western Texas
Lei Jiang
AAPG Bulletin
... cementation continued to the maximum burial temperature of ∼75°C and (2) a regional hydrothermal fluid activity with temperatures between 100°C and 128°C...
Quantifying the origin and geometry of circular sag structures in northern Fort Worth Basin, Texas: Paleocave collapse, pull-apart fault systems, or hydrothermal alteration?
Angela McDonnell, Robert G. Loucks, Tim Dooley
AAPG Bulletin
..., or hydrothermal alteration? Angela McDonnell, Robert G. Loucks, Tim Dooley 2007 1295 1318 91 9 Three-dimensional seismic data reveal numerous subcircular...
Time-constrained illitization in gas-bearing Rotliegende (Permian) sandstones from northern Germany by illite potassium-argon dating
Norbert Clauer, Nicole Liewig, Horst Zwingmann
AAPG Bulletin
... hydrothermal illitization, with the oldest illite crystallizing at a generally higher temperature than that of the younger illite.However, if illite...