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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 5,381 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Crystal-Melt±Fluid Phase Equilibria Versus Late-Stage Fluid-Rock Interaction in Granitoid Rocks of the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: Whole Rock Geochemistry and Oxygen Isotope Evidence
Daniel J. Kontak, David F. Strong, Robert Kerrich
Atlantic Geology
... the magmatic and late hydrothermal processes operative within the SMB have been examined by numerous workers (e.g., McKenzie and Clarke, 1975; Logothetis...
Abstract: Paleoclimatic Controls on Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality: Lessons from the Miocene Carbonates
Mateu Esteban and S. Qing Sun
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... associated with subaerial dissolution processes although hydrothermal corrosion and fracturing in the subsurface also produced significant quantities...
Abstract: Geology of the Carbonate-Hosted Omar Copper Prospect, Baird Mountains, Alaska
Peter F. Folger, Jeanine M. Schmidt
Pacific Section SEPM
... volcanic unit can be genetically tied to mineralization. The onset of hydrothermal activity was apparently related to fault activity in the vent area...
Abstract: Stratigraphic Setting and Mineralogy of the Arctic Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Prospect, Ambler District, Alaska
Jeanine M. Schmidt
Pacific Section SEPM
... to the northwest. No single volcanic unit can be genetically tied to mineralization. The onset of hydrothermal activity was apparently related to fault activity...
The Lake Bond deposit: superimposed volcanogenic and synorogenic base and precious metal mineralization in the Roberts Arm Group, central Newfoundland
Karen A. Hudson, H. Scott Swinden
Atlantic Geology
... event coeval with the Lower Ordovician host rocks; and (2) early Silurian hydrothermal activity related to shearing and movement on major faults...
Reservoir Characterization of Fractured Basement Using Seismic Attributes, Dayung Field Case Study, South Sumatra Indonesia
Yan Darmadi, Agus Harahap, Rita Achdiat, Mugie Ginanjar, John Hughes
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with eruptive events dating back to between 51 mya and 11 mya. The host rock in Dayung experienced at least one hydrothermal event dated at 17 mya...
Critical Minerals for Electric Vehicles
Iain Brown
GEO ExPro Magazine
...) future electric cars may rely on batteries made from lithium derived from a hydrothermal fluid that rises from rocks beneath the California desert...
Some Stratigraphic and Structural Features of the Thirtynine Mile Volcanic Field, Central Colorado
Charles E. Chapin, R.C. Epis
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... and pyroclastic deposits, ( 3 ) hypabyssal i n t r u s i v e s , ( 4 ) minor hydrothermal alteration and mineralization, ( 5 ) associated voluminous...
A tale of three fluids: Fluid-inclusion and carbonate clumped-isotope paleothermometry reveals complex dolomitization and dedolomitization history of the Latemar platform
Mathias Mueller, Benjamin F. Walter, Peter K. Swart, Niels Jöns, Carl Jacquemyn, Onyedika A. Igbokwe, Adrian Immenhauser
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., T., Gomez-Rivas, E., Markl, G., Wagner, T., and Walter, B, 2014, Fluid mixing from below in unconformity-related hydrothermal ore deposits: Geology, v...
Abstract: Bulk mineable gold potential in Nova Scotia: a new discovery
P. K. Smith
Atlantic Geology
... and their close spatial association to pervasive, hydrothermal, carbonate alteration in greywackes adjacent to crosscutting fissure systems, demands a closer...
History of Uranium Production, Marysvale District, Piute County, Utah
William L. Chenoweth
Utah Geological Association
... of hydrothermal uranium deposits and associated igneous rocks in the eastern source area of the Mount Belknap Volcanics, Marysvale, Utah: Economic Geology, v. 77...
Characterization of dikes at Simpang Pulai quarry, Perak
Muhammad ’Izzat ’Irfan Ahmad Tajuddin, Teoh Ying Jia, Choong Chee Meng, Benjamin Sautter, Haylay Tsegab, Muhammad Hatta Roselee
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and veins can also be formed when minerals precipitate from hydrothermal fluids within a fracture. The objective of this study was to determine...
Authigenic Albite from the Lowville Limestone at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Arthur P. Honess, Charles D. Jeffries
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to be confined to special horizons, nor are they related genetically to fracture zones which may be considered avenues of circulation for hydrothermal...
Abstract: An Alternative to the Barrovian Interpretation? Evidence from Stratiform Ores.
R. L. Stanton
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., concentrated hydrothermal waters with cold, alkaline , ,di lute se awater associated with stratiform ore formation, toget her ,wit h diagenetic processes leads...
ABSTRACT: Rock Eval as an efficient method in characterization of bituminous matter contents in coals from the magmatic intrusion zone
A. Matuszewska
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... coal pyrolysis in the zone of direct contact with intrusion. It could be explained by the hydrothermal conditions accompanying the thermal influence...
ABSTRACT: Molecular studies on internal sediment from Zn-Pb ores of the Silesia-Cracow region, Poland
M. Rybicki, L. Marynowski
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... the hydrothermal karst origin of the Upper Silesian Zn-Pb ore deposits. W: Sangster, D.F. (ed.), Carbonate-hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits Society of Economic Geologists...
Abstract: An Alternative to the Barrovian Interpretation? Evidence from Stratiform Ores.
R. L. Stanton
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., concentrated hydrothermal waters with cold, alkaline , ,di lute se awater associated with stratiform ore formation, toget her ,wit h diagenetic processes leads...
Abstract: The Brunswick No. 6 Cu Zone: petrology, geochemical composition, and petrogenesis
Kirk MacLellan
Atlantic Geology
... to the Zn-Pb-Ag exhalative massive sulphides in both deposits is common in proximal VMS deposits. It is usually interpreted as a hydrothermal zone-refining...
ABSTRACT: Organic Matter as a Guide to Mineralization: Four Mississippi Valley-Type Case Histories
Y. Heroux, R.N. Randell, A.L. Henry, J.S. Leventhal
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... that this zone was a "hot " area, quite unusual for MVT mineralization. The surface geology does not reveal any feature suggesting extensive hydrothermal activity...
Abstract: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Centaur 3D Survey Area, Exmouth Plateau, North West Shelf, Australia
Sasha Gumprecht
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., sheeted sand bodies, igneous intrusions and hydrothermal vent complexes. Amplitude extractions have identified potential structural traps in tilted...
The Method of Fluid Inclusion Study and its Application to the Bujang Melaka Pluton, Kinta Valley
Michael Schwartz
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... with the solidified part of the granite, cooled and deposited cassiterite before they were trapped in secondary hydrothermal quartz...
Abstract: Lead-Zinc Mineralization as an Indicator of Downdip Unconventional Resources
Stephen R. Schutter
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... ore minerals occurred in sedimentary deposits, they were still considered to have originated in unknown crystalline rocks, with hydrothermal fluids...
ABSTRACT: Calibration of the Vitrinite Reflectance Geothermometer Using an Improved Resolution of the Peak Temperature from Reequilibrated Fluid Inclusions in Butial, Geothermal and Contact Metamorphic Environments
Charles E. Barker
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... metamorphism by dikes. Geothermal systems inctude. now extinct systems, which often form hydrothermal ore deposrts. Contact metamorphism...
ABSTRACT: Instrumental Imaging and Analysis of Early Permian Fossilized Plants from Sumatra: Comparison of Thermally Altered and Silicified Wood
P. Matysová, I. Sýkorová, M. Booi, M.J. Crow,, I.M. van Waveren
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
..., barium and arsenopyrite indicate probable hydrothermal influences. Our data contribute in the understanding of the burial and preservation history...
Memorial: Donald Gladstone Crosby, Jr. (1927-2000)
Jeannette Oundjian-Crosby
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
..., at the time Canada's largest barite mine, was a hydrothermal replacement deposit rather than a sedimentary or supergene deposit as had been thought might...