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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,157 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Norphlet Sandstone, Pelahatchie Field, Rankin County, Mississippi

J. A. Hartman

GCAGS Transactions

... of the core from Shell-Love et al Mashburn et al Un. 1 is shown in Figure 4, and a portion of the dual induction log showing the cored interval...


Depositional Environments of Sandstones as Interpreted from Electrical Measurements - An Introduction

W. C. Krueger, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... of an Induction Electric log is a measure of a spontaneous potential generated across the interface of shale and permeable sandstone (or limestone) beds...


Naturally Fractured Reservoirs and Compartments: A Predictive Basin Modeling Approach

P. Ortoleva, J.M. Maxwell, D. Payne, W. Sibo, J. Comer

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... interior pressures are commonly at a critical level for hydrofracture induction. O n the other hand, fractures may compromise seals and thereby...


The Future Hydrocarbon Potential of the Viola Limestone in Oklahoma

James L. Evans

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... with the writer's upper, middle and lower members. Figure 2 shows these three divisions on a dual induction log located in Section 16, T4S, R5E...


Back to Source Rocks: Part II

Rasoul Sorkhabi

GEO ExPro Magazine

... residue is then mixed with a metal accelerator (iron and copper), and combusted (rapid reaction with oxygen) using a high-frequency induction furnace...


Wireline Logs -- The Infant Oil Finding Technique

F. Jeffries

CSPG Bulletin

... the bedding on a scale that is matched to the problem on hand. The induction log responds to the average resistivity of about five feet of formation...


Niobrara Biogenic Natural Gas in the Eastern DJ Basin, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska

Bruce S. Kelso, Joseph D. Stewart, Kori K. Norberg, Thomas A. Hewett

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... about 32 to 35% at an average burial depth of about 2800 ft. Typically, neutron/density and dual induction logs are run in each Niobrara well. A gas...


Coalbed Methane Production From Ferron Coals in East-Central Utah

Robert A. Lamarre

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... induction logs. Coals are commonly stimulated with 2-4 fracture stages per well, with nitrogen foam or 16-30 mesh sand carried in 25# linear gel (Klein...


Henry Mountains Symposium

M. Dane Picard

Utah Geological Association

... because he felt the benefits of science should be available to everyone. He discovered electromagnetic induction at about the same time...


Petroleum Geochemistry in Oil Production

Wallace G. Dow and Suhas C. Talukdar

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... within each field and difference between fields. Figure 8. Induction log covering the 7000° and 7300° sands in the Main Pass 299, OCS-G 13-15 No. A-Z...


Fracture Evaluation in the Austin Chalk

Tom Fett

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and lawyers who force the issue. Log Evaluation All of these questions would seem to beg for answers and yet in a play that has yielded some...


A Synthesis of Major Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic Light-Oil Reservoirs in Oklahoma

Jock A. Campbell, Richard D. Andrews, Robert A. Northcutt, Roy M. Knapp

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... of historical production, and a suite of well logs that would include not just induction-electrical surveys, but also gamma ray, and density...


Results of Geological Exploration for Oil and Gas During 1961 and Tasks for 1962 in the Azerbaydzhan SSR

B. K. Baba-Zade

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., encountered a sandy member at a depth of 4472-4547 m; in its lower parts there is a 30-meter stratum that is clearly expressed on the electrical log...


Use of Artificial Neural Network Models to Determine Infill Well Locations in a Mature Oil Field

M.I. Arshanda, Y.A. Rachman, E.A. Putra, Y.A. Nagarani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to build our two ANN models to predict well log parameters and initial oil rate respectively. Two models were built rather than one model for accuracy...


Cretaceous Oil in the Denver Basin

Floyd Miller

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and by sharp drilling breaks. Also, in most areas, the combination electrical survey-induction log-spontaneous potential log, when used in conjunction...


The Minnelusa Play of the Northern Powder River, Wyoming and Adjacent Areas

John F. Trotter

Wyoming Geological Association

... an Induction log prior to penetration of the Goose Egg Formation. This log gives the better data on pre-Triassic units. Although the use of any...


A Towed Streamer EM System Performance Case Study

Folke Engelmark, Allan McKay, Johan Mattsson

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... induction produces electrical noise. The basis for modeling the induced potential Vind is given by: lb Vind   v  B   dl la where v is the velocity...


Electronics & Lightning—A Study on Secondary Protection in the Arun Field

Pratignjo M., Suharyanto R., Djoko Darwanto, Reinaldo Zoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...). Arrangement of the ground wires should avoid a loop path which may create an induction of surge voltage. The other important measures to suppress...


Determination of Fracture Geometry Using Field Data Coupled with a Fracture Simulator

Alex D. Martinez, Carlos W. Pardo, Patrick D. Ellis, R. Wayne Pittman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the fracture geometry prediction and the less time it takes to obtain the history match. All cases had at least a base log (Dual Induction or Gamma Ray...


Overcoming High Watercut and High Free Gas Content on ESP Well Using VSD a Field Study

Bastian Wismana, Adi Matondang

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... motor is an induction motor , its speed is proportional to the frequency of the electrical power supply. By adjusting the frequency VSD system offers...


Oil, Gas and New Energy: How to Transform Holistically for a More Efficient and Sustainable Future

Scott Hastie, Tim Wall

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... to the function or business unit. • • • • • Leadership model Role profiles Learning mgmt. system Coaching Induction/refresher • • • • Value stream maps Key...


Low Resistivity Reservoir Study: Sangatta Field Kalimantan

Suwardji, Ari Buhari, Kuncoro Kukuh, Ron Prayitno

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Integration of Sand-Body Analysis, Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 14th Annual Convention. Schlumberger Log Interpretation Principles...


Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation and Sedimentological Implications, East Java Basin: Comparisons and Lessons Learned From Outcrop and Subsurface Studies

Toni Simo, Michael Weidmer, Stefaan Van Simaeys, Rizky Sekti, Han van Gorsel, Christian Strohmenger, Aram Derewetsky

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Koesoemadinata, Harsono Pringgoprawiro and W.S. Hantoro, 2000, Paciran reef stratigraphy, Tuban area, East Java, based on accumulative induction methods approach...


Naturally Occurring Gas Hydrates in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T.

C. Bily, J. W. L. Dick

CSPG Bulletin

... to conglomeratic, unconsolidated and very porous. On the basis of log response, three of the sands are interpreted to contain free gas overlying water...


Hydrocarbon Prosepecting Using "Quick Look" Bulk Volume Water

Mark H. Franklin

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... be extended to older wells with “limited” log suites. METHODOLOGY What is BVW? Bulk volume water (BVW) is a log-derived value representing the amount...


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