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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 50,578 Results. Searched 196,367 documents.

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Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico--Physiography, Stratigraphy, and Sedimentational Patterns: 3. Regional Stratigraphy and Structure

G. T. Moore , G. W. Starke , L. C. Bonham , H. O. Woodbury

AAPG Special Volumes

... sediments from Sonobuoy data: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73, p. 2615-2641. Huang, T. C., and H. G. Goodell, 1970, Sediments and sedimentary processes...


Oil Plays in the Kingdom of Tonga, Southwest Pacific

W. Barclay, J. A Rodd, J. C. Pflueger, K. R. Havard, S. P. Helu

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... mapped using seismic data. Re-interpretation of recently reprocessed seismic and well data give rise to several untested structural and stratigraphic...


Deep Structure of the Central and Southern Solomon Islands Region: Implications for Tectonic Origin

A. K. Cooper, M. S. Marlow, T. R. Bruns

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., and magnetic profiles in the Solomon Islands region. In this paper, we use new sonobuoy refraction data Figure 2. Index map of tectonic features of the Solomon...


FRONTMATTER:Geology and Offshore Resources of Pacific Island Arcs--Central and Western Solomon Islands

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Data Geology and offshore resources of Pacific island a r c s central and western Solomon Islands. (Earth science series / Circum-Pacific Council...


Stratigraphic Response of a Carbonate Platform to Relative Sea Level Changes: Broken Ridge, Southeast Indian Ocean (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... The velocity information used to create these isopach and structure contour maps was determined from sonobuoy data (Figure 11; Table 1). ODP Leg 121 drilling...


Diapiric Structures off Niger Delta

Jean R. Mascle , Brian D. Bornhold , Vincent Renard

AAPG Bulletin

... variation in the observed velocities is due to the steep inclinations of many of the reflectors in this area. NEW DATA During the course of the Walda cruise...


Crustal Structure in Gulf of Mexico from OBS Refraction and Multichannel Reflection Data

A. K. Ibrahim, J. Carye, G. Latham, R. T. Buffler

AAPG Bulletin

... of oceanic layer 3 was not observed on regional multichannel seismic profiles. These data confirm earlier refraction interpretation that most...


FRONTMATTER: The Antarctic Continental Margin Geology and Geophysics of the Western Ross Sea

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Sonobuoy Seismic Data. A. K. C o o p e r , F. J. Davey, Gravity Studies of the Victoria Land Basin and Iselin Bank. F. J. Davey, G. R. Cochrane 93 A. K...


Geophysical Data from the Continental Margin off Wilkes Land, Antarctica--Implications for Breakup and Dispersal of Australia-Antarctica

M. König

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... (sonobuoy) data are sum­ marized in Figure 6 and Table 1. Some of these results have already been discussed by Houtz and Markl ( 1 9 7 2 ) and Houtz ( 1 9...


Why Make Jungle Acquisition More Difficult? Leave the Cables in the Warehouse

Greg J. Schurter, Supriyono, James Keggin, Michael Pfister, Dave Howe, Mark Foster

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., generally to a circling aircraft above. Initially the aircraft was chosen to be large enough to support a data processing and interpretation crew. Over time...


Geophysical Observations on Northern Part of Georges Bank and Adjacent Basins of Gulf of Maine

R. N. Oldale , J. C. Hathaway , W. P. Dillon , J. D. Hendricks , J. M. Robb

AAPG Bulletin

...-reflection, seismic-refraction, and magnetometer profiles, the locations of which are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Gravity data and interpretation have...


Introduction: Geology and Offshore Resources of Pacific Island Arcs-Tonga Region

David W. Scholl, Tracy L. Vallier, Tun U. Maung

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... reflection profiles plus sonobuoy refrac­ tion, gravity, and magnetic data, and the col­ lection of samples of submarine and insular outcrops. In order...


The Geophysical Characteristics and Evolution of Northern and Southern Margins of the South China Sea

Xia Kan-yuan, Zhou Di

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... Sea XIA RAN-YUAN AND ZHOU DI South China Sea Institute of Oceanology Academia Sinica Abstract: Data of about 40,000 km gravity and magnetic...


Seismic Stratigraphy of the Bahamas

John W. Ladd , Robert E. Sheridan

AAPG Bulletin

.... Klitgord, K. D., and H. Schouten, 1982, Early Mesozoic Atlantic reconstructions from sea-floor-spreading data (abs.): EOS, v. 63, p. 307. Klitgord...


Rifting History and Structural Development of the Continental Margin North of Alaska: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

Arthur Grantz, Steven D. May

AAPG Special Volumes

... as the locations of the 24-channel common-depth-point (CDP) seismic-reflection profiles which constitute our principal data base. These profiles were shot...


Explosion Seismology Studies of Active and Passive Continental Margins: Resources, Comparative Structure, and Eustatic Changes in Sea Level

B. Keller , B. T. R. Lewis , C. Meeder , C. Helsley , R. P. Meyer

AAPG Special Volumes

... , B. T. R. Lewis , C. Meeder , C. Helsley , R. P. Meyer 1979 443 451 M 29: Geological and Geophysical Investigations of Continental Margins Data...


Exploration of the Mentawai Block – West Sumatra

Hariadi N., R. A. Soeparjadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy of Well Bengkulu X-2. TETRA TECH, INC., 1974: Interpretation, Geological and Geophysical Data, Bengkulu Onshore...


Australian-Antarctic Rifting

J. M. Whittaker, R. D. Müller, A. Goncharov

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... velocity data derived from a synthesis of seismic refraction and sonobuoy information have allowed us to map the lithospheric structure...


Initial Cruise Report, SOPAC Leg 1 (Cruise L5-82), Southern Tonga Platform

David W. Scholl, Tracey L. Vallier, Tun U. Maung, Shipboard Scientific Party

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... examined to aid in the interpretation of the acoustic stratigraphy of the offshore extension of the platform section. GENERAL RESULTS Geophysical data...


Crustal Structure, From Gravity Data, Of A Collision Zone in the Central New Hebrides Island Arc

Jean-Yves Collot, Michael A. Fisher

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...-refraction, reflection, and gravity data. OBS (ocean-bottom seismograph) profiles from Pontoise (1984); sonobuoy profiles from Holmes (this volume). Two...


Geological Outline of the Norwegian Continental Margin Between 60° and 68° North

Eirik Sundvor, Eigill Nysaether

CSPG Special Publications

.... S., and Compston, W., 1969: Interpretation of Rb-Sr age patterns in high-grade metamorphic rocks, North Norway; Nor. Geol. Tidsskr., v. 49, p...


Basement Structure and Sediment Distribution in Northwest Atlantic Ocean

Brian E. Tucholke , Virginia A. Fry

AAPG Bulletin

..., Preliminary study of global sediment sound velocity from sonobuoy data, in L. Hampton, ed., Physics of sound in marine sediments: New York, Plenum Press, p...


Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, Baffin Bay: Geology and Geophysics — A Review

S. P. Srivastava, R. K. H. Falconer, B. MacLean

CSPG Special Publications

...° to 69°30′N and a preliminary interpretation of the data. Gronlands Geologiste Undersogelse, Rapport, 87, 29 p. Bridgwater, D., Watson, J. and Windley, B...


Morphology and Structure of Upper Continental Margin Off Southern Brazil

John D. Milliman

AAPG Bulletin

... with seismic refraction (and sonobuoy) data, suggests that basement is the 5-km/sec layer, probably Precambrian metasedimentary rock. Although...


The Structure and Evolution of the Jan Mayen Ridge and Surrounding Regions: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

Alan Nunns

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and Kristjansson (1980) suggest that the ocean-continent boundary lies much closer to the coast, contending that published sonobuoy and multichannel seismic data...


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