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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,713 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Abstract: Spatial and Temporal Fault Analysis and Prospect Quality Evaluation Using Automated Interpretation and Solid Modeling Techniques

Laura Evins, Antony J. Marsh, Julio Gomez, Gladys Gonzalez, John Tyrrell, Franco Spano

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Spatial and Temporal Fault Analysis and Prospect Quality Evaluation Using Automated Interpretation and Solid Modeling Techniques Laura...


The effect of flexural isostasy on delta architecture: implications for the Mungaroo Formation

Sara Morón, Tristan Salles, Stephen Gallagher, Louis Moresi

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...: flexural isostasy, accommodation, delta, basin infilling, architecture. INTRODUCTION The fluvio-deltaic Triassic (Carnian-Norian) Mungaroo Formation...


Introduction to the Special Edition from the 2014 Gussow Conference on Advances in Applied Geomodeling

David L. Garner, Olena Babak, Clayton V. Deutsch

CSPG Bulletin

...Introduction to the Special Edition from the 2014 Gussow Conference on Advances in Applied Geomodeling David L. Garner, Olena Babak, Clayton V...


Abstracts: An Investigation of Systematic Location Errors of Microseismic Events; #90173 (2015)

Martin E. Nicola, Bernd Milkereit, and Emmanuel Bongajum

Search and

... of the receivers. Introduction Microseismic events are occurrences that are, at times, a cause for concern for workers underground. Therefore...


What Causes those Annoying Stair-Step Artifacts on Coherence Volumes?; #42036 (2017)

Tengfei Lin, Kurt J. Marfurt

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... artifacts are about the size of the seismic wavelet seen in (d). Depth migration has eliminated the fault shadows. (Modeling and migration software...


Abstract: To TTI or not to TTI? Semi-Automated 3D Tomographic Velocity Analysis in the Canadian Foothills: A Case History; #90211 (2015)

Sylvestre Charles, David Mitchell, Rob Holt, Jiwu Lin, and John Mathewson

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... matches to the expected Earth model. In the second processing, the Tau-P solution improved reflector imaging and the velocity depth model strongly...


Study on Characteristic Variability of Weak Signal in High Density Seismic Acquisition; #41351 (2014)

Wujin Chen and Anchu Wu

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... Viscoelastic medium wave equation forward modeling on earth model with P wave source surface centered, dominant frequency is 40Hz, sampling interval is 2.5m...


Seismic Characterization of the Vaca Muerta Formation in the Central Region of the Neuquén Basin

Soledad R. Lagos, Karina B. Anis, Ariel P. Kautyian Ziyisyian

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are presented. Introduction Seismic reservoir characterization techniques allow to extend observations and/or calculations made at specific points (e.g., well...


Effect of Clay Minerals in Oil and Gas Formation Damage Problems and Production Decline: A Case Study, Gulf of Suez, Egypt; #20477 (2020)

Ahmed E. Radwan

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... Formation, Badri field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 115, 108–120. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.11.028 Abudeif, A. M., Attia...


Spatial Variations in Pore Water Salinities above and below Allochthonous Salt in Offshore Gulf of Mexico Sediments—Implications for Mechanisms of Solute Transport and Timing of Salt Emplacement

Miles A. McCammon, Jeffrey S. Hanor

GCAGS Transactions

... salt emplacement. Assuming diffusion above and below salt began immediately after introduction of salt, solute transport calculations may have...


No Drilling Surprises Process and the value of the real time update, a case history in Camisea/Peru

M. Frydman, J. Palacio, D. Lee, G. Pidcock, R. Delgado, J.P. Cassanelli

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... and cost while drilling in Camisea, Peru. The mechanical earth model concept (MEM) will be presented. It will be shown that building a mechanical earth...


The effect of natural fractures on CO2 injection and storage capacity in tight sandstone reservoir, St. Lawrence Platform, Quebec

Elena Konstantinovskaya, Jean-Sébastien Marcil, Jose Rivero, Valentina Vallega

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... modeling of CO2 injection was carried out in a deep saline aquifer of the tight fractured reservoir of the Potsdam sandstone at a depth of ~1.2 km to study...


Chapter 16: Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Western Seaway of the Rocky Mountain Region

Susan M. Landon, Mark W. Longman, Barbara A. Luneau

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... for the #1 Whomble well are shown in Table 2 Results of modeling confirm that the Niobrara in this area has not reached a depth to provide adequate...


Subsurface formation pressure gradient vs. slope: Perception and pitfalls

Selim S. Shaker

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... Eliminating some of the unintended ambiguous reservoir’s pressure interpretations and modeling is herein introduced. Introduction Drilling for oil and gas...


Integrating Structural Validity Checks At All Stages of the Mainstream Interpretation Process; #120156 (2014)

Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, and Jeremy Campbell

Search and

... presentation at AAPG Hedberg Conference, 3D-Structural Geologic Interpretation: Earth, Mind and Machine, June 23-27, 2013, Reno, Nevada, AAPG©2013 1 Rock...


Geologically Driven Joint Inversion of Gravity, Seismic and Well Data: A Step Forward in Understanding of Geological Structure and Reducing E&P Risks; #70282 (2017)

Oleksandr Petrovskyy, Tetyana Fedchenko

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... for detailed study of subsurface structure and oil and gas prospecting. This is the result of huge advances in seismics, which began with introduction...


Depth correction using velocity for structure calibration at Leviathan Field, offshore Israel

Yijie Zhou, Brad Christensen, Lin Christianson

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... accurate GRV estimation for business planning. Introduction Seismic data are initially recorded in the time domain, then converted to depth domain...


Significant Impact Using Integrated 3D Sandbox Modeling and Palinspastic Reconstructions of Fold-Thrust-Belt for Exploring Hydrocarbon Prospect in Eastern Indonesia

Benyamin Sapiie, Meli Hadiana, Tery Alfa Furqan, Lisnanda Alam Perdana, Afif Saputra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Significant Impact Using Integrated 3D Sandbox Modeling and Palinspastic Reconstructions of Fold-Thrust-Belt for Exploring Hydrocarbon Prospect...


Seismic Post-stack and Pre-stack Impedance Inversions in Depth, Examples From the Woodford Formation, Anadarko Basin

Marianne Rauch-Davies, Alex Lamb, Kara Rohan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... wells and the same modeling approach. However, we tested increasing the depth window to approximately 1100ft which allowed us to include the overlying...


Controls on Turbidity Current Flow Modes: New Insights from Direct Measurements Worldwide; #30574 (2018)

Daniela Vendettuoli, Michael Clare, Peter Talling, Matthieu Cartigny, Maria Azpiroz-Zabala, Sophie Hage, Esther Sumner, J. Wood, C. Cooper

Search and

... ([email protected]) Deptartment of Geography, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom 3 Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, United...


Abstract: Numerical Modeling of Shear-wave Splitting and Azimuthal Velocity Analysis in Fractured Media; #90172 (2014)

Zimin Zhang, Don C. Lawton, Robert R. Stewart

Search and

... presents the processing and interpretation of seismic modeling data of the earth models for a fractured layer, based on well logs associated with potash...


Reducing Uncertainty in Subsalt Interpretation: A Non-Seismic View from Integration; #40508 (2010)

Markus H. Krieger and Oliver Geisler

Search and

... and magnetic data with depth resolution, Geophysics, 64, 452-460. Henke, C.H., 1996, Integrated three-dimensional density and velocity modeling using...


Utilizing Seismic in Exploring for Subtle Traps

Kevin Werth, Patrick Bygott, Edward Teyland


..., of which most has been spent in the seismic processing area. Extensive experience in computer mapping, modeling and interpretation. EDUCATION Temple...


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