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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,823 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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New High-Definition Microelectrical Images Shed Light on Complex Paleozoic Nubian Sandstone Reservoir; #41123 (2013)

Elie Haddad, Nadia El-Defrawy, Mohamed Hussein, Ahmed Hassan, Robert Laronga, El-Said Hassan, and Mohamed Nassar

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... to consider the unit as a single hydraulic zone. Unfortunately, it is impossible to recognize these facies from the evaluation of standard petrophysical logs...


Mineralogical and Petrophysical Characterisation of a Fine-Grained Sandstone With Significant Clay Coating Using 3D Micro-CT and SEM Imaging From a 5 mm Plug, #41756 (2015).

Alexandra Golab, Alessio Arena, Ishtar Barranco, Rafael Salazar-Tio, Joseph Hamilton, Nasiru Idowu, Puvaa Rajan, Silvano Sommacal, Benjamin Young, Anna Carnerup, Josephina M. Schembre-McCabe, Keith Boyle

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... signal being from the brine-invaded pore space. This difference tomogram was then segmented in 3D to create an accurate porosity map with a total...


Petrophysical Challenges and Triumphs in the Gippsland Basin; #10835 (2016)

Andrew A. Mills, Kumar Kuttan

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... to overlay the density-neutron crossplot porosity in the oil zone,^^ it separates to slower time in the gas leg ^^and faster time in the water leg...


Generating Value through New Logging Technology and Analytical Methods - Case Study from Offshore West Africa; #41915 (2016)

Irewole J. Ayodele, Sarah Kabon, Chiara Cavalleri

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... from Total carbon to accurately obtain the Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Conventional Saturation analysis: un-invaded zone Sw based on resistivity...


The Sarir (Nubian) Sandstone Sequence in Sirt Basin and its Correlatives: Interplay of Rift Tectonics and Eustasy; #30517 (2017)

Ahmed S. El-Hawat

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... system, during the Barremian-Berriasian time, the basin center was invaded by the Tethyan marine waters; whereas, the marginal areas of the basin were...


Dolomite Outcrop Analogues as a Key to Understand the Development of Super-K Layers in a Giant Carbonate Reservoir (Upper Khuff Formation, Middle-East); #51357 (2017)

Franck Gisquet, Marc Floquet, Bruno Caline, Aurélien Virgone, Jean Borgomano

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... dolomite argue for fluid deriving from the basement. As a late burial event, saddle dolomite invaded and partly cemented the Super-K layer. To conclude...


The Search for Tungsten Deposits

K. F. G. Hosking

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... ppm) cas site rites were most commonly found in quartz veins and sulphide lod es, and that the high tungsten values were largely due to inclusions...


AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 11: High-resolution Techniques

Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia

AAPG Special Volumes

... 11.6, used two hypothetical 3-ft [1-m] sand beds, one with no invasion and one with a 15-in. [38-cm] invasion radius. For the benchmark, the invaded...


Paleogeographic Interpretation of Permian Units in Northwestern Colorado and Northeastern Utah

Abdul Raof Jado

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... algae which flourish only within the photic zone of approximately 80 m depth. The fossils of stenohaline organisms, such as echinoderms and sponge...


The Pre-Cambrian of the Lake Superior Region, the Baraboo District, and Other Isolated Areas in the Upper Mississippi Valley

Andrew Leith

Kansas Geological Society

... origin. The series was not invaded by a pre-Middle Huronian granite, and the Middle Huronian lies upon the Lower Huronian with only slight structural...


The Age of Mineralization in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma

B. J. Scull

Ardmore Geological Society

... in several deposits. The vast area invaded by the barium-bearing solutions will be discussed later. The inter-relationship of the barite and manganese...


Oil Fields of the Central Muenster-Waurika Arch Jefferson County, Oklahoma, and Montague County, Texas

William McBee Jr. , Leslie G. Vaughan

AAPG Special Volumes

... in surface sections in Carter County. Following the deposition of this lime zone, a flood of sand invaded the Marietta basin, covering the lower Hoxbar...


The Application of Cased Hole Formation Resistivity to Optimize Well Performance in Carbonate Formation

Muhammad A. Gibrata, Mario Petricola, Riawan Mulyanto, Sathees Kumar, Amritzar Aimar, Ratih Wulandari, Zul Anwar

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... then be made in the same manner as with openhole resistivity logs. The current flows out of the casing, passing through the annulus and any altered zone...


Integrated Petrophysical Formation Evaluation Using Capture Spectroscopy and NMR on an Exploration Well, South Sumatra

ZhanGuo Shi, Mario Petricola, PingZai Wang

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... simultaneous equations are solved for total porosity (φt), and the gas saturation in the invaded zone (Sxg). (After Flaum C, Kleinberg RL and Hurliman MD...


Galena-Bearing Grains from the Lenggang Stanniferous Placers, Belitung, Indonesia

K. F. G. Hosking, T. B. A. Rabelink

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the galena has invaded the zinc species marginally and so nearly completely that the zone of invasion is not obvious under the reflecting microscope...


Oil and Gas Prospects of Marine Deposits in South China

Xie Zhan, Zhou Kun, Xu Zhichuan, Doug Zhenyan

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... behind poorly sorted to well-sorted debris that later was invaded by younger hydrocarbons derived from a great thickness of Paleozoic to Cenozoic marine...


Vertical Seismic Profiling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Reservoir Development

Bob A. Hardage

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... conditions around an observation well than can surfacerecorded seismic data. This improved resolution occurs because the first order Fresnel zone...


Structural Inversion in the Cagüi Sector, Northern Central Part of the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia

Flavio Garavito

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... of the study area. The eastern margin of the basin is characterized by a zone of thrust faults to a sinistral strike slip system that involve...


An Integrated Approach for the Evaluation of Shaly-sands Reservoirs, Offshore Northwest Java

Pierre Berger, Robert E. Crumb

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

.... This display shows the three fluids in the invaded zone (residual oil, mud filtrate, and irreducible water). All the sharp “spikes” are due to very thin calcitic...


The Effects of Production Rates and Some Reservoir Parameters on Recovery in a Strong Water Drive Gas Reservoir

Christophorus Soemarso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the invaded zones remain high, approximating the original reservoir pressure. The high pressure in the water invaded zone is believed to be responsible...



R. M. Stainforth

Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)

... Western edges of drifting blocks reach zone of downwelling crust, resulting in compressive orogeny along this belt, and probably the emergence...


Gulf Coast Cenozoic History

J. D. M. Williamson

GCAGS Transactions

... for trapping oil and gas. The contact of Neogene on Paleogene is placed in the Oligocene, at the base of the Nodosaria blanpiedi zone because an unconformity...


Sedimentary Facies and Early Diagenesis of an Oolite Complex from the Silurian of West Virginia

Richard A. Smosna

Special Publications of SEPM

...) crusts. Several times during sedimentation, the shallow-water deposits were subaerially exposed. At these times meteoric water invaded the sediment...


Improved Interpretation of Formation Productivity by Combined Use of Core Analysis and Electric Log Data

Raymond J. Granberry , Richard C. Wilshusen

GCAGS Transactions

... normally investigates the formation resistivity at a distance beyond the zone invaded by the 2. In this paper the term interstitial water saturation...


An Analysis of the Observed Time Discrepancies Between Continuous and Conventional Well Velocity Surveys

P. E. F. Gretener

CSPG Bulletin

... and the development of the low velocity zone (invaded zone) surrounding the borehole. A word of caution should be said about possible conclusions...


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