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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Tunu Field - Sustainable Development
Eddy Mulyadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), where all potential effects are studied in each phases of the development, from land acquisition to operational...
Abstract: Predicting Free Surface Multiples without the Water: SRME on Land; #90224 (2015)
Keith Wilkinson, Richard Bale, and Ken Gray
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Predicting Free Surface Multiples without the Water: SRME on Land; #90224 (2015) Keith Wilkinson, Richard Bale, and Ken Gray Datapages...
Enhance near-surface velocity tomogram using land-streamer data
Sherif M. Hanafy
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... before the shooting, and then collecting receivers and cables after shooting. Land-streamer seismic acquisition is used to record highresolution near...
Abstract: A Comparison of Trenched Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to Trenched and Surface 3C Geophones Daly, Manitoba, Canada; #90224 (2015)
Rob Kendall
Search and Discovery.com
... acquisition geometry, it was difficult to separate the different modes based on particle motion and so we had to rely on PP and PS velocities...
A High-Resolution Seismic Survey to Image the Top of Salt at Avery Island, Louisiana
Dawn Standridge, Cathy Bishop, Gary Kinsland, Robert Schneider, Laura Serpa
GCAGS Transactions
... to complete the geometry. The geometry processing spreadsheet chosen in ProMAX® to work on this data set was the 2D Land Geometry Spreadsheet. First...
Seismic Acquisition in the Papuan Fold Belt: A New Approach
G. S. Hill, S. J. Price, M. S. Foster, R. W. Stephenson, D. Ellis, J. A. Lyslo
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... split-spread 25m 2 x 9 strings 12.5/ 1787.5m Table 1. 1986 Hides / Komo seism ic survey; acquisition parameters. The geometry gave a coverage of 36...
Geophysical Evidence of Untapped or Insufficiently Explored Parts of Stratigraphic Sections: ABSTRACT
Hugh M. Thralls
AAPG Bulletin
... acquired strong land positions so ofte obtained positions of power that land acquisition and the land departments who created this position became dominant...
Abstract: Rockies 3D; Business Drivers and the Multiple Benefits of the Full 3D Seismic and Associated Data-Sets, by V. G. Rigatti, J. Bates, and M. Schutt; #90092 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Red Sea 2D Transition Zone Reprocessing Case Study; #90254 (2016)
Sergey Kishchik
Search and Discovery.com
... with the acquired seismic data. The TZ acquisition environments required different types of sources and receivers. There were five sources, Vibroseis, dynamite...
3-D Seismic Data Acquisition in Southern Louisiana: Considerations for Technical and Commercial Success [Abstract]
Steve Knapp, Kevin Callaghan, Randy Sides
New Orleans Geological Society
...3-D Seismic Data Acquisition in Southern Louisiana: Considerations for Technical and Commercial Success [Abstract] Steve Knapp, Kevin Callaghan...
Characterization of Seismic Anomalies using Converted Waves: A Case History from East Natuna Basin
Lotfi Ben-Brahim, Ronan Petton, Michel Couderc, Agus Djamhoer
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the symmetrical split-spread acquisition geometry to compare stack sections with positive and negative offsets. P-S waves trajectory is asymmetrical...
Combined elastic FWI of accelerometer and DAS VSP data from a CO2 sequestration test site in Newell County, Alberta
Matthew Eaid, Scott Keating, Kristopher Innanen
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... that the same acquisition parameters and geometry are used, and that seasonal variations do not significantly alter the seismic properties of the near...
Quantifying the Benefit from Pressure Gradient Data in Wavefield Reconstruction for Time-Lapse Seismic, #40843 (2011)
Phil Christie, Kurt Eggenberger, Everhard Muyzert, Massimiliano Vassallo, Ali Özbek
Search and Discovery.com
... The repeatability of time-lapse seismic data depends critically upon the repeatability of the acquisition geometry. Despite the availability of high precision...
Frontmatter: Austin Chalk: Geology, Geophysics and Formation Evaluation
Stewart Chuber
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... well. Once the oil prices declined (although land prices did not) in the early 1980’s, the play quickly became uneconomical. Newer technology using...
Abstracts: Fracture Analysis with Interpolation Before Prestack Migration; #90173 (2015)
Ye Zheng, Warren Upham, and Mark Ng
Search and Discovery.com
... geometry may cause failure of subsequent AVAZ. It is well known that land surface seismic data are inadequately sampled in the spatial domain due...
Abstract: Capitalizing from the Benefits of Hybrid-System Acquisition Crews: A Mega-Channel to Multi-Target, by Roger Haston and C. Jason Criss; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Comparing Cable and Cableless 2D Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing in South Sumatera: Operation and Data Quality
Salwan Suheri, Gerry R. Hutabarat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Typical land seismic acquisition in Indonesia consist of four phases which are topography surveyi, line clearing & bridging, shot hole drilling...
Unlocking the potential of WAZ data for subsalt imaging using FWI: A case study in the Perdido area
Vivek Vandrasi, Zhihua Su, Shouting Huang, Yogesh Agnihotri, Sabaresan Mothi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and the benefits of FWI Imaging over RTM imaging. The FWI Image was de-migrated to generate synthetic shot gathers based on the WAZ acquisition geometry and re...
Abstract: Wide Azimuth Interpolation; #90211 (2015)
Daniel Trad, Jeff Deere, and Scott Cheadle
Search and Discovery.com
... coverage surveys have geometries that can be very different from what we have acquired; going from the acquisition geometry to the full coverage...
Reservoir Description by Interferometric Imaging of VSP Data in Transition Zones
Thomas Radford, Martin Karrenbach, Ferry Yustiana, Willi Brianno, Dhea Wachju
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...) that includes marine environments, anomalous transitions zones and land areas. Data acquisition and analysis is complicated by fluvial sediments...
Recent advances, road ahead: Acquisition, processing, and interpretation improvements in using land seismic data for QI
Christof Stork, James Corey Morgan
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Recent advances, road ahead: Acquisition, processing, and interpretation improvements in using land seismic data for QI Christof Stork, James Corey...
Abstract: 3D Acquisition - Perils and Pitfalls
Patrick Buckley
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: 3D Acquisition - Perils and Pitfalls Patrick Buckley 1998 24 25 You are in the middle of your 3D seismic acquisition program and have more...
Abstract: The Geology and Development of the Pamaguan Field, East Kalimantan
Daud Harahap
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... 30ne~ Cl8 the shalZoU1 ruatep depths thepe do not permit conventional. marine acquisition methods. In opdep to fiZZ ·this gap and completrrthe...
Geological insights of Northern Australias AusAEM airborne EM survey
Yusen Ley-Cooper, Ian Roach, Ross C Brodie
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... with state and territory geological surveys, commissioned the acquisition of 60,000 line kilometres of high-resolution pre-competitive airborne...
Abstract: 3D Seismic Imaging in the Pakistan Foothills: A Case History; #90172 (2014)
Victor Dolgov, Rob Vestrum, Jon Gittins, Géza Wittman
Search and Discovery.com
... are summed over the migration operator. Irregularities in shooting geometry and rotation of the acquisition grid into the merged orientation...