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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Echo phone for direct attenuation indication
Lu Liu, Tong Fei, Fuhao Qin, Yi Luo
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... not require new data acquisition, and is significantly efficient. Besides, this method has sufficient illumination toward the surface media...
Australian Governments Exploration Initiatives
Keld Knudsen, Lisa Schofield, Tony Knight, Kristina Erzikov, Ross McGowan, Barry Goldstein, Ian Scrimgeour, Jeff Haworth
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... Development Plan Guideline. Queensland To support near to medium term supply, the Queensland government has an active program of land releases...
Solving Water Well Problems and Complaints in Areas of Unconventional Resource Development
John V. Fontana, David M. Seneshen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., such as Truth Land, Frack Nation. Others offer a very balanced view (based on reviews from both sides) of how we get our energy, such as the documentary...
A Nuclear Energy Report
First National City Bank, New York
Wyoming Geological Association
... and Continental among others, have begun land acquisition programs and could affect the shape of the industry in the future. The companies which...
Deep sea minerals
Geo ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Magazine
... acquisition and divestment (A&D), project marketing and portfolio advice for the international oil and gas industry. ACTIVE PROJECTS AUSTRALIA...
Broadband seismic probabilistic AVO inversion for reservoir properties
Kun Li, Qingwen Zheng, Xingyao Yin, Yaming Yang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... development of broadband seismic data acquisition and broadband imaging technology on land and ocean, the rich high and low frequency components...
Storage of Gas in Water Sands
Douglas Ball , Peter Geddes Burnett
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Finally, the scheduling of exploration and development, so that work in the field is not delayed by land acquisition or certificates of convenience...
Geology and Production History of the Uranium Deposits in the Maybell, Colorado, Area
William L. Chenoweth
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of leased state land, and 2,000 ac of leased fee land, mostly north of US. Highway 40 in T7N,R94-95W (Carlson, 1957). The initial ore shipment from...
New Zealand's Petroleum Exploration Pulse Continues to Beat Strong
Beatrice Maré
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... highlight the interest in New Zea land 's petroleum industry. North Island - Onshore Activity Gas confirmed in another New Zealand basin Upcoming...
Significant Developments in California, 1939
E. R. Atwill
AAPG Bulletin
... extended the field northwest about 1½ miles, and increased the total amount of proved land to 1,800 acres. An ultimate production of 65 million barrels...
Reducing Well Construction Costs through Field Application of New Unconventional Lightweight Cementing Solutions - Multiple Case Histories in the Permian Basin
Roderick Pernites, Marvin Montgomery, Dan Fu, Felipe Padilla
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... by anyone other than the author without the written consent of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract Today’s North American land drilling and cementing...
Study CO2-EOR Injection on Mature Offshore Oilfield East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Patria Indrayana, Lukito Wibowo, Indah Primasari, Asmoro Santo, Benidiktus Gunung Massuka
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... still ignores the actual morphology of the terrain as well as cost required for land acquisition, construction of road crossings / bridges and a number...
Evidence for Shallow Hydrocarbons Offshore Northern Santa Cruz County, California: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Henry T. Mullins , David K. Nagel
AAPG Bulletin
... multiple fault segments (Weber, 1980). On land stratigraphic studies by Clark and Brabb (1978) have demonstrated that distinct stratigraphic units...
Oil and Gas Developments in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico in 1983
Duane R. Adams , William W. Collier , George J. Gail , Robert B. Gaines , Wayne R. Gibson , Harry A. Miller, Jr. , Paul H. Pause , L. D. Robbins
AAPG Bulletin
... in 1983. The land sales of New Mexico and the University of Texas received only a fraction of the attention normally paid to them. However, leasing...
History of Geologic Investigations and Oil Operations at Teapot Dome, Wyoming
Tom Anderson
Search and Discovery.com
... for the first two days but they were never worked thereafter.” (Trexel, 1930). In 1917, “Mr. Glenn B. Morgan, Mineral Surveyor of the General Land Office...
Using Remote Sensing Data to Find and Illustrate an Oil and Gas Prospect, #41743 (2015).
Robert Olson
Search and Discovery.com
... slight aliasing due to some differences between chimney spacing and sample-point spacing. If the data acquisition flight line crosses a microseepage...
Pre-Salt Carbonate Reservoirs in the South Atlantic and World-wide Analogs, #51086 (2015).
Webster Mohriak
Search and Discovery.com
..., Search November 1998, Searching For Oil and Gas in the Land of Giants, Cenário geológico nas bacias sedimentares no Brasil, Capítulo, v. 2, p. 16–40...
Effects of Surface Wastewater Disposal on an Oil Field Landscape
Sean P. Terry
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... on surrounding, undeveloped land. There is also the evidence of production, left behind in the form of old equipment, pipelines, and tank berms. One...
2010 AAPG Annual Convention "Unmasking the Potential of Exploration & Productio", April 11-14, 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, #90104 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Barrier-Island Coastline Deposition and Paleogeographic Implications of the Upper Cretaceous Horsethief Formation, Northern Disturbed Belt, Montana
Carol J. Bibler, James G. Schmitt
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., 1965; G ~ land Cobban, 1973). This earher work consists predominantly of relatively broad, regional stratigraphic and map ping investigations. Specrfrc...
The Hydrogeochemistry of Early Meteoric Diagenesis in a Holocene deposit of Biogenic Carbonates
Michael E. McClain , Peter K. Swart, H. L. Vacher
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in Holocene ooid sands, Schooner Cays, Bahamas: Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 3, p. 143-163. BUDD, D.A. AND LAND, L.S., 1990, Geochemical imprint...
From Patterns to Processes: The Future of Reef Research
Wolfgang Kiesslinq, Erik Flügel, Jan Golonka
Special Publications of SEPM
...). A high-priority task would be to compare these reefs in is equally likely however resolution in data acquisition and analysis is responsible...
Deltaic Sands and Sandstones
Alan C. Donaldson
Wyoming Geological Association
... the petroleum geologist predict the position, trend and geometry of sands and sandstones within depositional basins where deltas contributed significant...
Evolution of the Karamea Basin, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand
H. McQuillan
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... seismic acquisition in the South Island' s offshore Karamea Basin and the subse• quent drilling of a well there have added to our know• ledge...
Maximising Gas Production from Late-Life Assets: A Case Study from the Snapper Field, Gippsland Basin
Hugo B. Burgin, Mohammad Bagheri, Melanie Ryan, Stewart Anderson, Jianlin Wang, Kieran Trump
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
..., including the acquisition of new special core analy sis (SCAL) data from existing core plugs. Dynamic simulation modelling began on the new geological...