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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Petroleum Developments in Middle East Countries in 1979
Darwin O. Hemer , John F. Mason , Gregory C. Hatch
AAPG Bulletin
..., Aramco operated 5 land seismic crews and completed 1 offshore and 4 onshore oil discoveries from a total of 37 exploratory wells which includes...
CBM Indonesia Dull Past, Bright Future
John Harrington
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...) b) Drilling technology (more advanced and fit-forpurpose) c) Land Acquisition and Forest permits (expedite approvals) d) Legal Issues (paradigm shift...
Origin and Geometry of Red River Dolomite Reservoirs, Western Williston Basin
Mark W. Longman , Thomas G. Fertal , James S. Glennie
AAPG Bulletin
...Origin and Geometry of Red River Dolomite Reservoirs, Western Williston Basin Mark W. Longman , Thomas G. Fertal , James S. Glennie 1983 744 771 67...
Anatomy of a fluvial paleo-fan: sedimentological and architectural trends of the Paleocene–Eocene Wasatch–Colton System (western Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A.)
Davide Carraro, Dario Ventra, Andrea Moscariello
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and Their Subsequent Interpretation: SEPM, Special Publication 97, p . 1– 19. Campbell, C., 1976, Reservoir geometry of a fluvial sheet sandstone: American...
Developments in Alaska in 1971
William Dock Adams
AAPG Bulletin
... land under oil and gas lease was 5,326,815 acres, down 13.7%. Two new Arctic Slope federal units were approved. One competitive state lease sale was held...
Triassic–Paleogene paleogeography of the Arctic: Implications for sediment routing and basin fill
T. O. Sømme, A. G. Doré, E. R. Lundin, and B. O. Tørudbakken
AAPG Bulletin
...–Pb geochronology of Cretaceous magmatism on Svalbard and Franz Josef Land, Barents Sea large igneous province: Geological Magazine, v. 150, no. 6, p...
Northwestern Colorado Leasing in Brief
H.L. Spearman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... DOMAIN The largest ownership in the area is that of Public Domain, owned by Uncle Sam, and subject to administration by the Bureau of Land...
Western Canada's Oil Lands
F. G. Bird
Tulsa Geological Society
.... The land subdivision system is relatively simple. The principal meridians of longitude are approximately 180 miles apart and are numbered from east...
What WA Farmers want: A Slice of the Shale
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... significant shale gas resources. WA Farmers has no objection to fraccing on private land ownership are vastly different. don't have to look into a crystal...
Editor's Summary, Acknowledgments, and Selected References
W. B. Creath
Tulsa Geological Society
... studies in comprehensive regional planning; in Soil Surveys and Land Use Planning. Soil Science Soc. of American and American Soc. of Agronomy, 196 pp...
Coastal Land Loss and Landscape Level Plant Community Succession: An Expected Result of Natural Tectonic Subsidence, Fault Movement, and Sea Level Rise
Search and Discovery.com
Understanding Organic Facies: A Key to Improved Quantitative Petroleum Evaluation of Sedimentary Basins: Chapter 1
A. Y. Huc
AAPG Special Volumes
...: an integrated basin study: Organic Geochemistry, v. 10, p. 261-280. Thomas, B. M., 1982, Land-plant source rocks for oil and their significance...
Considerations for Optimizing Artificial Lift in Unconventionals
William Lane, Rajan Chokshi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to facilitate changing lift systems as production requirements change. Well Geometry Well geometries can create challenges that impact artificial lift...
Geology of the Forties Field, U.K. Continental Shelf, North Sea
P.J. Hill, G.V. Wood
AAPG Special Volumes
..., together with pressure-decline data and log-pattern analyses, provide a practical means of correlating and mapping the complex sand geometry...
Lithostratigraphy Versus Chronostratigraphy in Facies Correlations of Quaternary Deltas: Application of Bedding Correlation
M. Royhan Gani, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Special Publications of SEPM
..., without the 33 BEDDING CORRELATION IN QUATERNARY DELTAS A A Land Sea B B FIG. 2.—A) Internal geometry of a “mature” delta as illustrated...
Physical Nature of Oil & Gas and the Effect Thereof Upon Oil and Gas Law
Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society
... originated in the "never-never land" and flowed for miles underground through stream channels without regard to fences or property lines. In other words...
Environmental Site Assessments: The Myth of Liability Reduction
Susan Chandler Kiser, Robert J. Menzie, Jr.
West Texas Geological Society
...-intrusive, due diligence evaluation or “snap-shot” of a property that is performed typically by a third party at the time of property acquisition...
South West Hub Project, Western Australia: Appraising Migration-Assisted Containment for Carbon Storage in Sandstone Strata
Dominique Van Gent, Martin Burke, Sandeep Sharma
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... shale part of the Eneabba Formation as the upper confining layer. Journal compilation Ó APPEA 2017 The SW Hub is in a precompetitive data-acquisition...
Oil and Gas Exploration in Bohai Bay, China
Arika Matsuzawa
Circum Pacific Council Publications
.... The upthrown side of the fault block was exposed at the land surface in early Oligocene time and was eroded to become the provenance for Oli gocene...
Gas Hydrate Reservoir Properties
Timothy S. Collett
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in marine environments and in each case they have featured the acquisition of extensive downhole well log data sets. Two of the most studied terrestrial...
Anticosti Island, Quebec : Compelling Data for Deep Fairway Utica-Equivalent Oil
Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Peter K. Dorrins, Jeremie Lavoie, Nabila Mechti
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... interpretations. The Toolbox has to be in continual evolution at the pace of the technology refinement. In all cases, the acquisition of a maximum amount...
Integrated geophysical image of the hot spring in Rokan Hulu, Riau, Indonesia
Nur Islami, Mitri Irianti
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and took four days long for all data acquisition. The magnetic data were then processed by carrying out IGRF (International Geomagnetism Reference Field...
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene (Wishkahan) Empire Formation, Coos County, Oregon
Donald R. Prothero, Jordan N. Lau, John M. Armentrout
Pacific Section SEPM
... land mammal "ages" in North America; see Tedford et al., 1987) became Miocene. Addicott (1976) assigned the molluscs to his late Miocene Wishkahan...
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene (Type Wishkahan-Graysian) Montesano Formation, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Jordan N. Lau
Pacific Section SEPM
... Field ( m T ) Figure 3. IRM acquisition analysis and modified Lowrie-Fuller test (see Pluhar et al., 1991, for details) of representative powdered...
New South Wales' Petroleum Prospectivity
Dave Alder
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... New South Wa les is the onl y main land state of Austra lia without commercial petroleum and natural gas production. It covers an area of 801,600 km2...