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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 22,958 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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New developments in using solar cells as remote sensors to gauge climate change

Nelson Veissid

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... satellite obtained in the visible (VIS) spectrum.Figure 4. South America map with clouds geometry taken from Figure 3.The albedo seen by the experiment...


Depositional History and Diagenesis of High-Constructive Delta Systems (Wolfcampian) Southeastern Palo Duro Basin, Texas

C. Robertson Handford

Tulsa Geological Society

...-margin facies. Facies Patterns and Depositional History Regional facies patterns, vertical sequences, and sandstone geometry were determined...


Monitoring Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Movement Using Ground-Based Electromagnetics, With Applications to the Anadarko Basin and the Delaware Basin NW Shelf

Mark S. Hickey, Santiago Treviño III, Mark E. Everett

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... information about the geometry of the fluid injection pathways. The general area and direction of the fracture signals are represented by ellipses and arrows...


Field Summary: Stampede Field

Allan Nelson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Rocks: 8' to 14' thick; Sandstone, white, fine to medium grained, clean, friable, fair to good porosity Geometry of Reservoir Rocks: Channel sandstone...


Mesothermal Gold Deposits and the Environmental Impacts Associated with Their Exploitation „ a Case Study

J. J. Pereira, E. B. Yeap, S. L. Tong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...°, also towards the east. The s-c fabric as well as the geometry of the porphyroblasts observed both at outcrop scale and microscopic study of oriented...


Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flux through a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository for Performance Assessment

Abel Porras, Changbing Yang, Kan Tu, Brad Broussard, Alex Sun

GCAGS Transactions

... values for Cr dependent on the land use, topography, and land type. For the site in Andrews County, a Cr of 0.2 was used, an average annual...


Abstract: Supervirtual S-wave Refraction Interferometry for Converted Wave Statics and Near-Surface S-wave Velocity Model Building; #90224 (2015)

Kristof De Meersman and Yoones Vaezi

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... of the principal issues when processing converted wave data. Many land multi-component datasets do, however, contain S-wave refraction arrivals which...


Investigation of the Bitumen Impact on the Petrophysical Properties in the Carbonates; #41421 (2014)

Kejian Wu, Mark Skalinski, Boqin Sun, Rafael Salazar-Tio, David A. Katz

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... fresh-water diagenesis of carbonates: Insights from pore-water chemistry. GSA Bulletin , v. 100/8, p. 1260-1270. Budd, D.A., and L.S. Land, 1990...


The Offshore Afiq Canyon and its Messinian Evaporites, and Yafo Sand Apron are Indicators of Young Fluvial Systems Unimpeded by the Levant Rift, #51612 (2019).

Yossi Mart, William B.F. Ryan,

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... of Yafo Sand at the foot of the canyon, interpreted on the basis of its geometry and material from the Or South-1 well as an alluvial/fluvial deposit...


Abstract: A Perspective of Fractures Allowed by the Modern Magnetic Method

J. P. Land

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

...Abstract: A Perspective of Fractures Allowed by the Modern Magnetic Method J. P. Land 1991 75 The magnetic method has historically been used...


The Imperial Formation, Northeastern Mackenzie Mountains, N.W.T. [Abstract]

B. P. Robbins

CSPG Bulletin

.... Terrestrial organic material indicates the presence of land at some intermediate distance to the west or northwest. End_of_Record - Last_Page 195...


ABSTRACT: The USGS Energy Resources Program

Brenda S. Pierce

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... information to land and resource managers, energy policy makers, other scientists, academia, private industry, environmental groups, and other non...



Robert M. Sneider

AAPG Special Volumes

..., more efficient work teams of geoscientists and petroleum engineers together with land, legal, accounting and administrative staff. The future...


Geological Society of Malaysia Newsletter Number 18 (May 1969)

P. H. Stauffer editor

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... OF MALAYSIA I .~ .. .N E W S LET T E R Number 18 May 1969 Contents .-; . Geo~ogic Page Note:, . Sunda-Land Bauxites: Related to Late Cenozoic .Sea...


A Trip Across Arabia: ABSTRACT

J. O. Nomland

AAPG Bulletin

... side of Arabia, it became necessary to cross by land to Jeddah on the Red Sea. A special permission was required from Ibn Saud, King of Arabia...


Eocene Paleogeography in Southern California: ABSTRACT

Ralph D. Reed

AAPG Bulletin

... the making of some new guesses about land and sea distribution and the changes that occurred from time to time between the end of the Cretaceous...


Abstract: Update on the TBPG from the Executive Director

Rene Truan

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... was serving as Deputy Land Commissioner for the General Land Office and Veterans Land Board under 4 different Texas Land Commissioners...


Pliocene of the San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

W. F. Barbat

AAPG Bulletin

... of land vertebrates, and to the physical conditions under which the sediments were deposited. To facilitate the presentation of the subject several new...


ABSTRACT: Madden Deep Unit - Madison Drilling

Robert Soza

Wyoming Geological Association

... in Fremont County, Wyoming. Monsanto Oil Company, BHP Petroleum, Inc., Louisiana Land and Exploration Company, and Burlington Resources drilled them from...


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