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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Geology and Structure of the Ross Sea Region
F. J. Davey
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... from rocks that crop out along the Transantarctic Mountains to the west and in northwestern Marie Byrd Land to the east (Fig. 1). The only other rocks...
Evaporitic Mixed-Water Dolomitization on St. Croix, U.S.V.I.
Ivan P. Gill , Clyde H. Moore, Jr. , Paul Aharon
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... FOLK, R.L., AND LAND, L.S., 1975, Mg/Ca ratio and salinity: two controls over crystallization of dolomite: American Association of Petroleum...
Developments in Michigan in 1970
Garland D. Ells
AAPG Bulletin
... of an anomaly does not necessarily condemn sizeable areas of land. It seems probable that hundreds of small but highly productive reefs will be found...
Chapter 3
Mark W. Longman
AAPG Special Volumes
... aragonite that resembles equant calcite also occurs rarely as in some of the modern reefs of Jamaica (Land and Moore, 1980). Because virtually all...
Transgressive Coastal Facies Preserved in Barrier Island Arc Retreat Paths in the Mississippi River Delta Plain
Shea Penland , John R. Suter
GCAGS Transactions
... of the shoreface landward. Preservation is a function of the relationship between the geometry and thickness of the barrier shoreline sediment package...
Fluvial Bars Reconstructed from a Deep, Straight Channel, Upper Carboniferous Coalfield of Northeast England
R. Stuart Haszeldine
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and mine plans) from the Westphalian B of northeast England (Land, 1974) shows that sandstone bodies with a low-sinuosity geometry cross the coal field...
Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of the Coals and Shales around the Eucalyptus Campsite Area, Maliau Basin, Sabah
Zulkifli Salleh, Awang Sapawi Awang Jamil, Kamal Roslan Mohamed, Che Aziz Ali
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... The biomarker characteristics also suggest that the rocks analysed contain high abundance of land plant organic matter as shown by the high pristane...
Landscape Ecology and Quantitative Stratigraphy: Parallel Perspectives on Spatial Heterogeneity
Roy E. Plotnick
Special Publications of SEPM
... Ecologists and geologists erogeneous land area composed of a cluster of interacting ecosys and consequences of are both concerned with the nature origin...
Eolian-aquatic deposits and faunas of the middle Cambrian Potsdam Group
James W. Hagadorn, Joseph H. Collette, Edward S. Belt
..., represent a suite of interfingering eolian dune and aquatic deposits that record the activities of early land-going arthropods. Quartz arenites...
Bed Configurations
Gerard Middleton, John B. Southard
Special Publications of SEPM
... it. The convergent and divergent transverse components of near-bed flow may mold the bed into a series of ridges and troughs7 the bed geometry in turn affects...
Coal-Bed and Related Depositional Environments in Methane Gas-Producing Sequences: Chapter 2
Romeo M. Flores
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Ansyahari, T., Bower, R., Hoffman, R., Nitsch, M., Poerwanto, A., Speller, D., Syaif, E., and Woods, T., 1983, Land capability classification...
Geologic History of the Nicaraguan Rise
Daniel D. Arden, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
... years interest has been rekindled in the Caribbean as a potential petroleum province, and concession acquisition has been especially active over...
Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks from Monterey Canyon, California and Implications for Regional Tectonics
Debra S. Stakes, Catherine A. Rigsby, Pattie C. Baucom
Pacific Section of AAPG
... correlation of Soquel Canyon samples with on-land stratigraphic units. The distribution of lithologies within Soquel Canyon is closely tied to tectonic...
Exploration in East Malaysia Over the Past Decade
F. C. Scherer
AAPG Special Volumes
... then much effort has gone into continuously improving seismic data quality both at the acquisition and processing levels. 3. The successful launching...
The Masila Fields, Republic of Yemen
W. A. King, B. R. Mills, S. Gardiner, A. A. Abdillah
AAPG Special Volumes
... programs totaling 422 km2 (165 mi2) have been acquired in the confines of the current Masila Block 14 boundary. Seismic acquisition in the Masila Block...
Mechanical and stratigraphic constraints on the evolution of faulting at Elk Hills, California
Patricia E. Fiore, David D. Pollard, William R. Currin, David M. Miner
AAPG Bulletin
... and geometry of a 110-km-long blind thrust fault: 1. The 1985 Kettleman Hills, California, earthquake: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 97, p...
Composition Structure and Environmental Setting of Silurian Bioherms and Biostromes in Northern Europe
Robert Riding
Special Publications of SEPM
... to that in Gotland Reefs are developed at a number of factors The size and morphology of geometry and organic composition were controlled...
Application of the Detachment Model to Reconstruction of Conjugate Passive Margins: Chapter 3: Concepts
M. A. Etheridge, P. A. Symonds, G. S. Lister
AAPG Special Volumes
... detachment, and ramp-flat geometry for the detachment. The detachment model is applied to the United States Atlantic-northwest Africa and the southern...
Subsurface Dolomites in Upper Devonian Leduc Formation Buildups, Central Part of Rimbey-Meadowbrook Reef Trend, Alberta, Canada
Joachim E. Amthor,, Eric W. Mountjoy, Hans G. Machel
CSPG Bulletin
... mechanisms other than burial compaction are required to explain: 1) the amount of dolomite present, 2) the geometry of dolomites in completely...
Facies Sequences and Geometries in Continental Volcaniclastic Sediments
Gary A. Smith
Special Publications of SEPM
... deposition of preservable thicknesses of material The facies geometry therefore ABSTRACT Studies of the response of fluvial systems landscape...
Base-Level Buffers and Buttresses: A Model for Upstream Versus Downstream Control on Fluvial Geometry and Architecture Within Sequences
John Holbrook, Robert W. Scott, Francisca E. Oboh-Ikuenobe
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Base-Level Buffers and Buttresses: A Model for Upstream Versus Downstream Control on Fluvial Geometry and Architecture Within Sequences John Holbrook...
Siliciclastic Sequence Development in Foreland Basins, with Examples from the Western Canada Foreland Basin: Chapter 2
Macomb T. Jervey
AAPG Special Volumes
... environment in which these major variables control the distribution of depositional facies, the geometry of the resulting sedimentary units, and the nature...
Characterization of Fracture Length and Conductivity from Tracer Test and Production Data with Ensemble Kalman Filter
Siavash Hakim Elahi, Behnam Jafarpour
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., including geometry and hydraulic conductivity. However, the complexity and uncertainty in fracture and reservoir descriptions, coupled with data...
Growth Faults and Fault-Related Structures of Prograding Terrigenous Clastic Continental Margins
William E. Galloway
GCAGS Transactions
.... Morton, R. A., and L. S. Land, in press, Regional variations in formation water chemistry, Frio Formation (Oligocene), Texas Gulf Coast: Amer. Assoc...
Defining Kofiau Sub-Basin as the Deepest Part of Salawati Basin using Satellite Gravity Interpretation Approach
Anggoro P. Kurniawan, Boko Nurdiyanto Suwardi, Fatrial Bahesti, Soffan M. Hadi, Hendarsyah, Agung Prasetyo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... as references. Gibson & Millegan (1998) and Fairhead & Odegard (2002) described gravity survey resolution using time trend log-log plot gravity. Land...