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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Expanding Cement Application for High Rate Gas Wells in South Sumatra
C. Sutama, F. Inayah, A. Wiryoatmojo, R. Widyaningsih, D. Mueller
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... for Oil and Gas Well Zonal Isolation in a Full-Scale Annular Geometry, paper SPE 87195, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition...
Exploration and Bid Analysis Gulf of Mexico
David S. Holland, Ronald L. Lewis
GCAGS Transactions
.... The first Federal Outer Continental Shelf Sale was held by the Bureau of Land Management in 1954. Since that time, over 13,000 exploratory and development...
Depositional Trends of Modern and Ancient Deep Sea Fans
C. Hans Nelson, Tor H. Nilsen
Special Publications of SEPM
... but are typically complex meandering and lateral shifting of fan channels Tbe outlining of fan geometry and major channels also is assisted by tbe...
24th International Geological Congress July-August 1972: Physiographical and Geological Setting of the City of Calgary: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
E. J. W. Irish
CSPG Bulletin
... widespread nature and uniform thickness of the larger units. Many marker horizons can be traced for hundreds of miles. The geometry of this body...
Methods of estimating wavelet stationarity, stabilizing non-stationarity, and evaluating its impact on inversion: A synthetic example using SEAM II Barrett unconventional model
Jesse Buckner, Michael Fry, Joe Zuech, Peter Harris, Bill Shea
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... acquisitions of different vintage, geometry and sources are processed and imaged together with a single migration. A robust 3D method is described to assess...
An eolian dust origin for clastic fines of Devono-Mississippian mudrocks of the greater North American midcontinent—Reply
Austin J. McGlannan, Alicia Bonar, Lily Pfeifer, Sebastian Steinig, Paul Valdes, Steven Adams, David Duarte, Benmadi Milad, Andrew Cullen, Gerilyn S. Soreghan
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) should exhibit a draping geometry owing to hemipelagic settling, but we do not, in any way, dispute a component of bottom-current transport...
Characteristics and Sandbody Geometry of the 34-1 Reservoir, Widuri Field Offshore Southeast Sumatra
E. K. Arief Sukaryadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Characteristics and Sandbody Geometry of the 34-1 Reservoir, Widuri Field Offshore Southeast Sumatra E. K. Arief Sukaryadi 2002 105 118 The 34-1...
Using finite dipole lengths in complete earth 3D MT modelling
Wolfgang Soyer, Federico Miorelli, Randall Mackie
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... This has been implemented for the seafloor interface in the marine CSEM component of the RLM-3D code, and an extension for the land MT case is being...
The Evolution of Porosity in Carbonate Rocks and the Emplacement of Cement
R. G. C. Bathurst
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the carbonate by dissolution and precipitation can only change the geometry of the pore system without reducing the total porosity, though permeability...
Empire Abo Field, Southeast New Mexico: Case Histories
William J. LeMay
AAPG Special Volumes
... with a recommendation to drill an Abo exploratory well southeast of Artesia. The economics were enhanced by a land trade which enabled Pan American...
Exploration History of Delhi Field, Northeastern Louisiana: Case Histories
James B. Powell
AAPG Special Volumes
... Tuscaloosa beds in the vicinity of Delhi field. They alter the geometry of Tuscaloosa oil and gas accumulations in places but are not essential...
Seismic Fracture Identification and Horizontal Drilling: Keys to Optimizing Productivity in a Fractured Reservoir, Giddings Field, Texas
Nanette Kuich
GCAGS Transactions
.... S. Neidell, and J. H. Beard, 1983, Use of seismic derived velocities for stratigraphic exploration on land--seismic porosity and direct gas detection...
Tectonic Significance of Paleocene Alluvial Sequence, Clark's Fork Basin, Wyoming-Montana
Scott J. Johnson, Larry T. Middleton
Wyoming Geological Association
...: Wyoming Geological Association 27th Annual Field Conference Guidebook, p. 372-379. Rose, K.D., 1981, The Clarkforkian Land-Mammal Age and mammalian...
Terrestrial and Marine Palynomorphs as Sea-Level Proxies: An Example From Quaternary Sediments on the New Jersey Margin, U.S.A.
Francine M.G. Mccarthy, Kevin E. Gostlin, Peta J. Mudie, Jennifer A. Hopkins
Special Publications of SEPM
... lowstand events that altered the geometry of the margin. Very low palynomorph concentrations and presumably oxidized palynological assemblages (containing...
Estimation of Compaction and Subsidence: An Important Precautionary Step in Producing Giant Gas Fields
Septoratno Siregar, Syaiful Ma'arif, Sudarmoyo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... induced by the production of fluids: Revue De L'Institut Francais Du Petrole, v. 51 no 3, Mai-Juin 1996. Geertsma, J., 1973, Land subsidence above...
The Oil-Prone Morum Sub-basin Petroleum System, Otway Basin, South Australia
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... (Figs 5, 6). We have interpreted th is part of the bathymetry image as an active, large-scale, shelf c o llapse based on its overall geometry in plan...
Overpressure Identification Using the Eaton Method on the Gumai Formation of Geragai Graben, Jambi Sub Basin
Ana Okta Marnila, Yusa Fahrudi, Mawar I. Nursina, Ichy Lucya Resta, Hari Wiki Utama
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... tectonic process with various stratigraphic sequence from land and marine sedimentation. One of the overpressure indication zones in the Geragai graben...
Exploring "Sweet Spots" in the Deep Shelf, Gulf of Mexico
Selim S. Shaker, Walter W. Wornardt Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
... - 481. End_of_Record - Last_Page 764------- CONCEPTS AND MODELS Depositional System Geometry Deltaic lobes, distributary's mouth bars, and pro-delta...
Don’t Mess with a Geophysicist’s House: A Case Study of Ground Penetrating Radar (3D) for Concrete Moisture Mapping and Void Detection in the Saturated Soil beneath the Concrete Foundation
Mustafa Saribudak
GCAGS Transactions
... Salem, New Hampshire, 79 p. Kasmarek, C. M., and Strom, E. W., 2002, Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow and land-surface subsidence...
AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 16: Pore Pressure ahead of the Bit: An Integrated Approach
Nader C. Dutta, William H. Borland, W. Scott Leaney, Richard Meehan, and W. Les Nutt
AAPG Special Volumes
... geometry and provide calibration to basin modeling. During the exploration, appraisal, and development drilling phases, accurate pore-pressure...
Development of Storage of Captured CO2 as a New Geoscience Business—Focus on the Gulf Coast
Susan D. Hovorka, Ramón H. Treviño
GCAGS Transactions
... details about the properties and geometry of the reservoir flow unit are collected using techniques identical to those used in characterization...
Basic Seismic Processing: Part 7. Geophysical Methods
Peter M. Duncan
AAPG Special Volumes
... written to tape in the dog house, whether on land or at sea, are not ideal for interpretation. To create an accurate picture of the subsurface, we must...
Session 2. Continental Facies
Richard C. Selley
AAPG Special Volumes
... climates. All post-Silurian, because of land plants inhibiting run off and promoting soil formation? Physical processes: sedimentation of sand...
Numerical Studies of Bottom Shear Stress and Sediment Distribution on the Amazon Continental Shelf
Paul W. Jewell , Robert F. Stallard , George L. Mellor
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in the model damp the tidal bore as it moves upstream. This damping also occurs in nature, although the simplified river geometry in the model...
Book Reviews
Arthur Saller, Gian Gaspare Zuffa
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of arid land geomorphic and sedimentary processes have developed as the result of intensive measurement and monitoring of the rates and characteristics...