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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Dimensions, texture-distribution, and geochemical heterogeneities of fracture–related dolomite geobodies hosted in Ediacaran limestones, northern Oman
Veerle Vandeginste, Cédric M. John, John W. Cosgrove, and Christina Manning
AAPG Bulletin
..., and geometry of diagenetic geobodies, as well as heterogeneities within these bodies, is challenging in subsurface applications, and can impact the results...
Burial Dolomitization of the Upper Devonian Miette Buildup, Jasper National Park, Alberta
Bret W. Mattes, Eric W. Mountjoy
Special Publications of SEPM
... may only form which retain a relatively high Mg2 Ca2 ratio but have low contents of dissolved salts Folk and Land 1975 or from waters with high...
Terranes, Tectonics and the Pacific Rim
Peter J. Coney
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... tectonics on its margins. Unfor tunately, detailed reconstruction of Pacific Ocean plate geometry and motions are difficult before Late Creta ceous time...
Special Contribution No. II: Mississippi River Sediment Load as a Resource
Sherwood M. Gagliano, Johannes L. van Beek
New Orleans Geological Society
... that is presently wasted. Value of the sediment is demonstrated by relating transported sediment to historic building of land in the form of subdelta lobes...
Land Use Changes, Soil Erosion and Decreased Base Flow of Rivers at Cameron Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia
J. K. Raj
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Land Use Changes, Soil Erosion and Decreased Base Flow of Rivers at Cameron Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia J. K. Raj Geological Society of Malaysia...
Photolineaments and Regional Joints: Lineament Density and Terrain Parameters, South-Central Alberta
Elkanah A. Babcock
CSPG Bulletin
... joints, but a cause-and-effect relationship requires field verification. A high density of lineaments is associated with noncultivated land, thin...
Evidence of Fluid Flow in Microfractures in Geopressured Shales: REPLY
R. M. Capuano
AAPG Bulletin
.... Barton, and S. L. Dean, 1979, Application of fractography to core and outcrop fracture investigations: U.S. Department of Energy METC/SP-79/3, 174 p. Land...
Petroleum Prospects of the Frontal Fold Belt and Subduction Complex Associated with the Indian Plate Boundary in the Northeast
T. K. Roy
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
.... In 1975 Oil India, a nationalised company formed after acquisition of the BOC, found oil in Pliocene-Quaternary sequences in the Kharsang structure...
History of the Mineral Industry in the White Pine County Area
Robert C. Horton
Utah Geological Association
..., with the thermometer at zero, a carnival of riot and speculation was inaugurated. Mines, land, wood and water were claimed; towns were built,: lots rose...
Development of Exploration Philosophies in the Onshore Canning Basin and the Need for a Pragmatic Approach
M. A. Reynolds, A. J. Flavelle
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... either - they were too busy trying to find oil. Large scale systematic land geophysical surveys in the Canning Basin set the scene for such an approach...
The Exploration History and Status of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins
R. J. S. Hollingsworth
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... and the USA. The two stuck to their theories and applied for land in South Australia, the Northern Territory and, later, in Queensland and formed the South...
Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Lariang-Karama Basin: Implications for Petroleum System in Onshore West Sulawesi
Safto Raharjo, Rob Seago, Edi Wahyu Jatmiko, Ferry Bastaman Hakim, Lawrence D. Meckel
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...-Budong N.V. Exploration programes carried out since 1970 have included field work, seismic acquisition and the drilling of five exploration wells...
Coal in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA): Framework Geology and Resources
Edward G. Sable, Gary D. Stricker
Pacific Section SEPM
... Reserve in Alaska (NPRA) (fig. 1), formerly Naval Petroleum Reserve No 4 (NPR-4) comprises about 37,000 square miles (95,830 sq km) of the land area...
Chemical and Isotopic Investigation of the Cause of Acid and Neutral Mine Discharges in the Central Wasatch Range, Utah
Peter J. Nielsen, Alan L. Mayo
Utah Geological Association
... or near neutral. Because most mine workings are near land surface, ground-water discharge rates and pH tend to be affected by spring snowmelt events (Utah...
An appraisal of the tectonic evolution of SW Borneo constraints from petrotectonic assemblage and gravity anomaly
Aftab Alam Khan
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and secondary data acquisition have been possible from field study and literature survey respectively that helped to select SW Borneo for study...
Jemuduk-1ST1 Post Well Analysis: Implications on Hydrocarbon Charge and Sedimentary Fairway Development of the Rajang Delta
Harun Alrashid Bin Mohamad Idris, John Jong, Dayang Aimi Nurainin Binti Awang Bakar, Noor Farinda Binti Salim
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and undertook the acquisition of 3000 km of twodimensional (2D) seismic lines, the reprocessing of 1500 km legacy 2D seismic lines, and the drilling...
87Sr/86Sr Variation in Tortonian Mediterranean Sediments: A Record of Milankovitch Cyclicity
Mario Sprovieri, Angelo Bonanno, Mario Barbieri, Adriana Bellanca, Rodolfo Neri, Bernardo Patti, Salvatore Mazzola
Special Publications of SEPM
... of selected marine and land-based sections with highresolution Sr isotope time series acquired from the same sedimentary sequences, thus overcoming...
Pitfalls in Marine Heat Flow Probe Data Acquisition and Interpretations: Examples from the Gulf of Mexico
Seiichi Nagihara
GCAGS Transactions
...Pitfalls in Marine Heat Flow Probe Data Acquisition and Interpretations: Examples from the Gulf of Mexico Seiichi Nagihara 2006 643 658 Vol. 56 (2006...
Ethics in the Business of Petroleum Exploration: Chapter 27: Part V. Legal, Political, Ethical and Environmental Aspects of the Business
Robert W. Spoelhof
AAPG Special Volumes
... the improved availability of capital funds if our ethical standards are beyond question. We are all aware that the acquisition of a loan is easier when our...
Paleomagnetic Study of La Quinta Formation, Venezuela
R. B. Hargraves , R. Shagam
AAPG Bulletin
... III and IV most specimens were collected from road cuts at depths ranging from a few meters to more than 10 m below the former natural land surface...
Abstract: Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Oil and Gas Industry: A Review Ofapplications, Opportunities and Challenges; #91204 (2023)
Tejas Balasaheb Sabale, Syed Aaquib Hussain, Mohd Zuhair, Mohammad Saud Afzal, Arnab Ghosh
Search and Discovery.com
... whether or not a given land or sea prospect is viable for drilling, followed by the use of geophysical methods to locate the presence of subsurface bodies...
Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas, #80337 (2013)
W. Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, Martin Dubois, Robinson Barker, Tiraz Birdie, Ken Cooper, Saugata Datta, John Doveton, Mina Fazelalavi, David Fowle, Paul Gerlach, Thomas Hansen, Dennis Hedke, Yevhen Holubnyak, Breanna Huff, K. David Newell, Larry Nicholson, Jennifer Roberts, Aimee Scheffer, Ayrat Sirazhiev, Raymond Sorenson, Georgios Tsoflias, Eugene Williams, Dana Wreath, John Youle
Search and Discovery.com
... and the underlying Arbuckle saline aquifer in one of these fields, Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas. Drilling, coring, and seismic acquisition in Wellington...
Front Matter: Proceedings of the 1st PNG Petroleum Convention, 1990
George J Carman, Zina Carman
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... explored and m apped immense tracts of land ranging from steamy delta swamps to rugged, m ountainous rainforests in Papua New Guinea. They have generally...
Scientific Maturation and Production Modernization; Notes on the Italian Oil Industry on the XIXth Century
Francesco Gerali
Petroleum History Institute
..., the volume of business carried out by Morandi unleashed a real war for oil. Ercole Mazzari, owner of some land bordering the fields of the Morandi family...
Samuel I. Root, Department of Geology, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio -Robert J. Martin, Department of Geology, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio -
Ohio Geological Society
... seismic line which shows the arch as a subtle high, extending up from the Precambrian surface. It is has the geometry...