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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Petroleum Developments in North Africa in 1970
Roland Michel
AAPG Bulletin
...) to 21,524 sq km (end of 1970). Exploration Intensified exploration activity was noted in 1970 (Table 9); land and marine seismic activity rose...
Fluorspar, Uranium, and Beryllium Deposits at Spor Mountain and Historical Overview of the Discovery and Geology of the Topaz Mountains, Utah
G.M. Park
Utah Geological Association
... prospecting and sampling in the area. There is little doubt that during this time they found enough evidence to begin land acquisition. Upon completion...
Utah Mining 2010 (C-114)
Mark Gwynn, Ken Krahulec, Michael Vanden Berg
Utah Geological Survey
.... The number of new federal unpatented mining claims recorded by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management increased from about 1400 in 2009 to approximately...
Regionally continuous Miocene rhyolites beneath the eastern Snake River Plain reveal localized flexure at its western margin: Idaho National Laboratory and vicinity1
Kyle L. Schusler, David M. Pearson, Michael McCurry, Roy C. Bartholomay Mark H. Anders
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., A., 1996, Geometry and scaling relations of a population of very small rift-related normal faults: Geology, v. 24, no. 8, p. 683–686, doi: 10.1130/0091-7613...
Composite and diachronous stratigraphic surfaces in low-gradient, transitional settings: The J-3 “unconformity” and the Curtis Formation, east-central Utah, U.S.A.
Valentin Zuchuat, Ivar Midtkandal, Miquel Poyatos-Moré, Sigrid Da Costa, Hannah Louise Brooks, Kristine Halvorsen, Nathan Cote, Anja Sundal, Alvar Braathen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Distribution and structural geometry of faults and folds along the northwestern Uncompahgre Uplift, western Colorado and eastern Utah, in Averett, W...
Carbonate Reservoir Description
Daniel Jardine, John William Wilshart
Special Publications of SEPM
... to These assist in DEPOS T ONAL SETTINGS POROSITY AND GEOMETRY Carbonate rock types illustrated schematically in Figures 2 and 3 are found in a wide...
Carbonate Sand Bodies of Florida and the Bahamas
M. M. Ball
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... interior sand blankets. Each type has its own characteristic relationship of the following descriptive attributes: setting, geometry, internal...
Shannon Sandstone in Hartzog Draw-Heldt Draw Fields (Cretaceous, Wyoming, USA) Reinterpreted as Lowstand Shoreface Deposits
Katherine M. Bergman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in relative sea level were important in controlling geometry of sandbodies on the Shannon shelf. In the Hartzog Draw-Heldt Draw area of Wyoming the base...
Chapter 3: Stratigraphic Descriptions
Thomas X. Homza, Steven C. Bergman
AAPG Special Volumes
... rift-basin margin and implications for subsequent fold and thrust geometry, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Ph.D....
Carbonate-shelf evolution during the Oligocene to early Miocene: insights from shelf architecture, lithofacies, and depositional models of the Kujung Formation, offshore East Java, Indonesia
Reynaldy Fifariz, Xavier Janson, Charles Kerans, Benyamin Sapiie
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... are the zoomed-in view of inserted orange boxes in figures on the left. The interpreted seismic section (lower left) reveals horst geometry of the JS-1...
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Late Pleistocene Olema Creek Formation, San Andreas Fault Zone North of San Francisco, California
Karen Grove, Kevin Colson, Marianne Binkin, Robert Dull, Carolyn Garrison
Pacific Section SEPM
... and uplifted. This evolution was a function of fault strand geometry, which changed from a diverging configuration that produced extension to a converging...
Controls on a Shallow-Water Hemipelagic Carbonate System Adjacent to a Siliciclastic Margin: Example from Late Turonian of Central Europe
Jiri Laurin, David Ulicny
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and carbonate dissolution on ancient Tethyan sea floors, in Hsu, K.J., and Jenkyns, H.C., eds., Pelagic Sediments on Land and under the Sea: International...
Geomorphological Regional Curves for Prediction of Drainage Area and Screening Modern Analogues for Rivers in the Rock Record
Stephanie K. Davidson, Colin P. North
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... geometry curves (“regional curves”) are independent of channel planform and are based on bankfull discharge, which is the effective channel-forming...
Tectonic, geodynamic and surface process driving forces of Australia's paleogeography since the Jurassic
L. Harrington, S. Zahirovic, T. Salles, C. Braz, R. D. Müller
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... ~60% of Australia’s current land surface inundated (Fig. 2) (Campbell & Haig, 1999; Frakes et al., 1987). This inland sea was generated...
Stromatolitic Framework of Carbonate Mud-Mounds
Brian R. Pratt
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... mats: Limnology Oceanography, v. 22, p. 635-656. LAND, L. S., AND MOORE, C. H., JR., 1980, Lithification, micritization and syndepositional diagenesis...
Comparison of the morphology, facies, and reservoir quality of valley fills in the southern Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada
Cynthia A. Hagstrom, Stephen M. Hubbard, Sean C. Horner, Harrison K. Martin, and Yang Peng
AAPG Bulletin
... the importance of the bitumen resources they contain, a comprehensive regional assessment of valley-fill geometry, planform morphology, and reservoir...
The Effects of Grain-Density Variation on Turbidity Currents and Some Implications for the Deposition of Carbonate Turbidites
James M. Hodson, Jan Alexander
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in a marine basin compared to siliciclastic counterparts of equivalent initial volume. This results in differences in bed and facies geometry and distribution...
Growth Dynamics of Pennsylvanian Carbonate Mounds from a Mixed Terrigenous–Carbonate Ramp in the Puebla de Lillo Area, Cantabrian Mountains, Northern Spain
E. Samankassou, K. Von Allmen,, J.R. Bahamonde
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 2004, Depositional facies and stratal geometry of an Upper Carboniferous prograding and aggrading high-relief carbonate platform (Cantabrian Mountains...
Pliocene Shallow-Water Sediment Gravity Flows at Moss Beach, San Mateo County, California
Thomas J. Wiley, Ellen J. Moore
Pacific Section SEPM
... bioturbated and are massive. Bed geometry ranges from lenticular to broad tabular sheets. Contacts are usually sharp. Granule-conglomerate beds have...
Sedimentology of the Oliocene Sespe and Miocene Vaqueros Formations, Santa Rosa Island, California
John J. Woolley
Pacific Section of AAPG
... the history of land mammals in Western North America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 59, p. 327-332. Thorep, R. R., 1943, Type locality...
Depositional Systems in the Sparta Formation (Eocene) Gulf Coast Basin of Texas (1)
Jose Ulises Ricoy , L. F. Brown, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
..., and uranium: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs., Trans., v. 20, p. 234--261. Fisk, H. N., 1961, Bar-finger sands of the Mississippi delta, in Geometry...
Mass Transport Complex in East Sumba: A Reference from World-Class Outcrop at Watuparunu Coast - Mio-Pliocene Gravity Slumps
Awang Harun Satyana, Aries B. Nugroho, Cipi Armandita, Ferry Yustiana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... water (can also happen on land; landslides). Gravity gliding occurs by the rigid translation of a rock mass downslope (Morley et al., 2011). In a process...
Sedimentary Cycles and Environment of Deposition of the Barakar Coal Measures of Lower Gondwana, India
S. M. Casshyap
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Plateau: in Patterson, J. A., and Osmond, J. C., eds., Geometry of sandstone bodies. Tulsa, Okla., Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., p. 151-178. STOUT, W. E...
Synsedimentary Slides and Bedding Formation in Apennine Pelagic Limestones
Walter Alvarez, Roberto Colacicchi, Alessandro Montanari
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... transition in the Silurian of Washington Land, North Greenland: Canadian Jour. Earth Sci., v. 20, p. 473-499. KALIN, O., PATACCA, E., AND RENZ, O...
The Influence of Fault Zone Processes and Diagenesis on Fluid Flow: Chapter 10: DIAGENESIS AND FAULTS
R. J. Knipe
AAPG Special Volumes
... Graben, North Sea: (in prep). Land, L.S. and R.S. Fisher, 1987, Wilcox sandstone diagenesis, Texas Gulf Coast: a regional isotopic comparison...