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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Anatomy of a Deep-Water Coral Reef Mound from Stjernsund, West Finnmark, Northern Norway
André Freiwald, Rudiger Henrich, Jürgen Pätzold
Special Publications of SEPM
... 1990 the Blake Plateau Stetson et aI land Sea Henrich et aI 1992 style ofcold longer camera systems Cobb Seamount NE Pacific Farrow and Durant 1985...
Correlative conformity or subtle unconformity? The distal expression of a sequence boundary in the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale, Henry Mountains Region, Utah, U.S.A.
Zhiyang Li,, Juergen Schieber
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) the clinoform slope is vertically exaggerated and 2) the clinothem geometry is simplified and does not conform to many natural clinothem systems on modern...
Deltaic Environments of Deposition
J. M. Coleman, D. B. Prior
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the Mississippi delta: in J. A. Peterson and J. C. Osmond, eds., Geometry of sandstone bodies: AAPG Spec. Pub., p. 29-52. Fisk, H. N., and E. McFarlan, Jr...
Tidal Modeling of an Ancient Tide-Dominated Seaway, Part 1: Model Validation and Application to Global Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Tides
Martin R. Wells, Peter A. Allison, Matthew D. Piggott, Gary J. Hampson, Christopher C. Pain, Gerard J. Gorman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and geometry of an ooliteshoal complex—Lower Cretaceous Sligo Formation south Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Transactions, v. 28...
Quaternary Geology of the Northern San Joaquin Valley
William R. Lettis
Pacific Section SEPM
... and orientation of the valley. The geometry of the syncline is best expressed by structure contours on the 615,000-year old upper surface of the Corcoran...
Chapter 121: Channel-levee Complexes of the Fossil Bluff Group, Alexander Island, Antarctica
Peter J. Butterworth, David I. M. Macdonald
AAPG Special Volumes
... of Graham Land, Antarctica: Journal of the Geological Society (London), v. 139, p. 701–711. Pickering, K., 1982, A Precambrian upper basin-slope...
Preservation of Anomalously High Porosity in Deeply Buried Sandstones by Grain-Coating Chlorite: Examples from the Norwegian Continental Shelf
S. N. Ehrenberg
AAPG Bulletin
...), north-central Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 27, p. 272-277. Dutton, S. P., and L. S. Land, 1985, Meteoric...
Clastic Pipes and Soft-Sediment Deformation of the Jurassic Carmel Formation, Southern Utah, U.S.A.: Implications For Pipe Formation Mechanisms and Host-Rock Controls
David Fairchild Wheatley,, Marjorie Ann Chan
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., the porous, sandstone host rock plays a key role in explaining pipe characteristics, including their cylindrical geometry (versus tabular geometries...
The Structural History of Tasmania: A Review for Petroleum Explorers
A. R. Stacey, R. F. Berry
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... a left-lateral transform against Northern Victoria Land. In the Eocene, Australian-Antarctic motion became more divergent along this margin and the most...
Facies and Related Reservoir Characteristics Golden Spike Reef Complex, Alberta
J. G. McGillivray, E. W. Mountjoy
CSPG Bulletin
... in Devonian fore-reef limestones (Germany); Sedimentology, v. 12, p. 279-299. Land, L. S., Mackenzie, F. T. and Gould, S. J., 1967, Pleistocene history...
Anatomy of a Modern Carbonate Tidal-flat, Andros Island, Bahamas
Eugene A. Shinn, R. Michael Lloyd, R. N. Ginsburg
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... become stratigraphic traps. Although such stratigraphic traps would parallel land, preserved porous channel deposits may produce perpendicular trends...
Vadose and Phreatic Diagenesis: Processes, Products and their Recognition in Corals
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and 96°C.: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 33, p.1-18. LAND, L. S., 1970, Phreatic versus vadose meteoric diagenesis of limestone: Evidence from fossil...
Evolution of Permian Evaporite Basin in Texas Panhandle
Mark W. Presley
AAPG Bulletin
.... Bein, A., and L. S. Land, 1982, The San Andres carbonates in the Texas Panhandle: sedimentation and diagenesis associated with Mg-Ca-chloride brines...
Deep-Sea Channel/Submarine-Yazoo System of the Labrador Sea: A New Deep-Water Facies Model (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... to the NAMOC for hundreds of kilometers in a fashion similar to yazoo-type rivers on land. The satellite channels east of the NAMOC form a submarine braid...
Influence of Depositional Environment and Diagenesis on Regional Porosity Trends in the Lower Cretaceous "J" Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado
Debra K. Higley, James W. Schmoker
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., 1973; Clark, 1978; Land and Weimer, 1978; Weimer, et al., 1986). Muddy (“J”) Sandstone nomenclature (Fig. 2) includes subdivision into the Fort...
Diagenetic Evolution and Associated Mineralization in Middle Devonian Carbonates, Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Omid Haeri-Ardakani, Ihsan Al-Aasm, Mario Coniglio, Iain Samson
CSPG Bulletin
.... Gao, G. and Land, L.S. 1991. Early Ordovician Cool Creek dolomite, middle Arbuckle Group, Slick Hills, SW Oklahoma, U.S.A.: Origin and modification...
Tectonic History, Sedimentation, and Changes in Relative Sea Level: Chatham Rise, New Zealand: Chapter 5: Southwest Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean Margins
R. H. Herzer, R. A. Wood
AAPG Special Volumes
...), C (Figure 6), and 72-33 (Figure 11) are indicated. Seven petroleum exploration wells (three on land and four on the continental shelf) in the extreme...
A Comparison of Clast Fabric and Shape in Late Precambrian and Modern Glacigenic Sediments
Julian A. Dowdeswell, Michael J. Hambrey, Ruitang Wu
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... into water or on land. Thus, sediments released from a floating glacier tongue, and even ice-rafted debris in marine sediments, have been referred...
Burial Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Migration in Platform Limestones: A Conceptual Model Based on the Upper Jurassic of the Gulf Coast of the USA: Chapter 13: DIAGENESIS, SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND CHANGES IN RELATIVE SEA LEVEL
Clyde H. Moore, Ezat Heydari
AAPG Special Volumes
... Gulf Coast Section Research Conference, p. 149-170. Jackson, M. P. A., and S. J. Seni, 1983, Geometry and evolution of salt structures in a marginal...
Tem and Aem Study of Pervasive, Multi-Step Dolomitization of the Upper Triassic Dolomia Principale (Northern Italy)
Silvia Frisia , Hans-Rudolf Wenk
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... method: American Mineralogist, v. 69, p. 165-175. CARBALLO, J.D., LAND, L.S., AND MISER, D.L., 1987, Holocene dolomitization of supratidal sediments...
Estimation of Duration of Subaerial Exposure in Shallow-Marine Limestones--an Isotopic Approach
Wan Yang
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: A modern example for confined-aquifer cementation models?: Geology, v. 21, p. 33-36. BUDD, D.A., AND LAND, L.S., 1990, Geochemical imprint of meteoric...
Echinoderm Skeletal Preservation: Calcite-Aragonite Seas and the Mg/Ca Ratio of Phanerozoic Oceans
J. A. D. Dickson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to the Bermudian eolianites, in Whitten, E.H.T., ed., Quantitative Studies in the Geological Sciences: Geological Society of America, Memoir 142, p. 187-204. LAND...
Structure of Argentine Continental Margin
William J. Ludwig , John I. Ewing , Maurice Ewing
AAPG Bulletin
... basin, and with seismic-refraction measurements, bore holes, and surface geology on land. Between Buenos Aires and the southern end of Tierra del Fuego...
ArcGIS Maps Depicting Topography of the Basement-Cover Contact (the Great Unconformity), and the Traces of Faults and Folds, in the Cratonic Platform of the United States; #30410 (2015)
Stefanie L. Domrois, Stephen Marshak, Curtis C. Abert, Timothy H. Larson
Search and Discovery.com
.... In the Midcontinent, land-surface topography does not provide insight into the location and character of tectonic structures, because sedimentary...
Structure: PART 1
K. O. Emery, Elazar Uchupi
AAPG Special Volumes
... floor (as also on land) leaves many questions about the underlying structure and stratigraphy unanswered. Direct sampling at considerable depth below...