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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,170 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Superior Definition of Geologic Features by Running Geometric Attributes on Preconditioned Seismic Data
Search and Discovery.com
Case Study Land Acquisition in the Oil and Gas Industry in Indonesia
Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Didik Sasono Setyadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Case Study Land Acquisition in the Oil and Gas Industry in Indonesia Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Didik Sasono Setyadi IPA15-O-126 PROCEEDINGS...
Closing the loop between acquisition and processing: Data-driven volumetric SNR estimation versus acquisition design predictions
Andrey Bakulin, Ilya Silvestrov, Pierre Leger
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Closing the loop between acquisition and processing: Data-driven volumetric SNR estimation versus acquisition design predictions Andrey Bakulin, Ilya...
Abstract: Applications of Broadband Land Seismology; #90286 (2017)
Zhang Ruijie, Tao Zhifei, Zhang Baoqing, Chen Hongtao
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Applications of Broadband Land Seismology; #90286 (2017) Zhang Ruijie, Tao Zhifei, Zhang Baoqing, Chen Hongtao AAPG Datapages/Search...
Vibroseis sweep sequencing research based on convex optimization model
Zhu Xujiang, Ni Yudong, Wang Jingfu, He Yongqing, Xu Yingpo, Wang Wei, Sun Junqing, Li Kanghu, Wang Mingliang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., the geometry adopts the push-pull acquisition mode, and the source points are located at both ends of the receiver lines and evenly deployed, which can...
ABSTRACT: Model-Based Coherent Noise Attenuation for Complex Dispersive Waves, by Strobbia, Claudio L.; Zarkhidze, Alexander; May, Roger; Quigley, John; Bilsby, Phillip; #90141 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Deblendable land acquisition
Amarjeet Kumar, Joe Fuller, Tom Rayment, Mason Phillips, Dave Monk, Chris Ansorger, Stuart Schmitt
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Deblendable land acquisition Amarjeet Kumar, Joe Fuller, Tom Rayment, Mason Phillips, Dave Monk, Chris Ansorger, Stuart Schmitt Deblendable land...
Abstract: The Next Paradigm Shift in Land Acquisition, by J. Grimsdale, #90188 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Data Processing For a Crucial 2014 2D Seismic Data Acquisition Decision in S Area, South Sumatra Block, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Gerry R. Hutabarat, Danar Yudhatama, Erwin Kusumah, Yusnita Yunus, Stephen M. Scott
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., SOUTH SUMATRA, INDONESIA Gerry R. Hutabarat* Danar Yudhatama* Erwin Kusumah* Yusnita Yunus* Stephen M. Scott* ABSTRACT Acquisition of 2D and 3D land...
Recent Trend in Data Acquisition Technology: Abstract
M. Murphy, M. Cox
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... this transition have provided advances in source/receiver configurations, hardware and software systems for land and marine, and data acquisition methods...
ABSTRACT: Chasing the Faults within a Permian Carbonate Using Wide Azimuth Seismic Data — A Thailand Case Study, by Kong, Vincent W.; Lawlor, Mike ; Hinz, Curtis E.; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: High-resolution Reservoir Mapping by Simultaneous Vibratory Sources; #90172 (2014)
Stephen K. Chiu, Peter M. Eick, Joel Brewer
Search and Discovery.com
..., U.S.A Summary The advancement of the simultaneous-multiple-sourcing (SMS) technology in seismic land acquisition has matured from the research stage...
Undertaking Land Census to Support Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
Amelia Bruce, Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Aldi Muhammad Alizar, Rizal Kapita
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Undertaking Land Census to Support Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan Amelia Bruce, Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Aldi Muhammad Alizar...
Understanding the Root Cause of Poor Seismic Data Through Modelling, #41912 (2016).
Anastasia Poole, Peter V. Baaren
Search and Discovery.com
... No Shot records Shot records Match? Yes Geometry simulations Modelled acquisition geometries Shot-Carpet Orthogonal Array Point-Source Point...
Why Make Jungle Acquisition More Difficult? Leave the Cables in the Warehouse
Greg J. Schurter, Supriyono, James Keggin, Michael Pfister, Dave Howe, Mark Foster
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... developing for decades, can offer significant advantages for land acquisition, especially in difficult and environmentally sensitive areas...
Abstract: Enhancing First-Break Picking in Land 3d Seismic Data using Smart Supergrouping Technique; #90254 (2016)
Saud S. Saadi, Pavel Golikov, Maxim Dmitriev, Andrey Bakulin
Search and Discovery.com
... is assigned to the reference (central) shot location. The output acquisition geometry and the size of the output data can be identical to the input data...
Abstract: The Land-Streamer Acquisition System to Map the Sand Dune Base, by Hashim Almalki, Tariq Alkhalifa, Ramzy M. AlZayer, and Abdulrhman Alanezi; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Can Interpolation Help Reduce Acquisition Costs? A Case Study; #90187 (2014)
Ye Zheng, Balazs Nemeth, Christian Escalante, Andrea Crook, Keith Millis, and Laurie Ross
Search and Discovery.com
.... It is a hot topic if interpolation can help reduce acquisition costs. In this study, different decimation tests of a typical orthogonal land seismic survey...
Abstracts: Cable Free Seismic Acquisition in the South of México; #90173 (2015)
R. Malcolm Lansley, Gilbran Armenta, and Lenin Espinosa
Search and Discovery.com
... cable free seismic data acquisition systems on land. Most of these discussions has been focused on the weights of the systems, battery management...
3D Finite-Difference Acoustic Modeling to Address Advance Seismic Imaging Challenges in Bintuni Bay, Irian Jaya Barat: Part I of II
Yayat Supriatna, Angke Nuraeni, Supriyono, Greg J. Schurter, Carl J Regone, Nurul Kabir
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... shallow marine, to transition zone, to land. Land and transition zone acquisition is generally impacted by sensitive environmental and harsh surface...
Abstract: Impacts of Acquisition Footprint Analysis on Thin Bed Edge Detection Attributes, by Inanli, Burcin, Kurt Marfurt, and Bob Wiley; #90031 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Understanding the Land Acquisition Process, Nationals Laws Versus International Standards and Practices
Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Aldi Muhammad Alizar, Agni Primtasari, Saiful Amin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Understanding the Land Acquisition Process, Nationals Laws Versus International Standards and Practices Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Aldi Muhammad...
Abstract: Land Cover Classification for Seismic Data Acquisition in the Arid Area from Drone-Based Imageries: Comparing Ground Filtering, Random Forest, and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network; #91204 (2023)
Ahmad Ramdani, Ezzedeen Alfataierge, Pavel Golikov, Andrey Bakulin
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Land Cover Classification for Seismic Data Acquisition in the Arid Area from Drone-Based Imageries: Comparing Ground Filtering, Random...
Abstracts: Improved Near-surface Velocity Models from 2D Waveform Tomography of Vibroseis First-arrival Data; #90173 (2015)
Brendan R. Smithyman and Ronald M. Clowes
Search and Discovery.com
... geometry. To date, most published results from WT of on-land data have dealt with straight-line 2-D datasets acquired using explosive sources. Several...
Optimised 3D Land Geophysical Survey Design - A Case Study
P. van Baaren
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of 480m was proposed (Fig. 5). Using this basic geometry a number of different acquisition Operational Issues 288 Optimised 3D Land Geophysicai Survey...