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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,170 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Simultaneous Sources: The Inaugural Full-Field, Marine Seismic Case History from Australia (Paper A2)
I. Moore, D. Monk, L. Hansen, C. Beasley
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... acquisition is an established technology for land data, and has a proven record of providing enormous increases in acquisition efficiency. A plethora...
What are the Benefits and Challenges: Land Acquisition Process Based on Presidential Regulation No. 71 Year 2012 Versus IFC Performance Standard 5?
Adis Noer Rachmi Prima Dewi, Leonas Chatim, Lastyo Lukito, Aldi Muhammad Alizar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...What are the Benefits and Challenges: Land Acquisition Process Based on Presidential Regulation No. 71 Year 2012 Versus IFC Performance Standard 5...
Seeing through the Salt
Jerry Kapoor, Nick Moldoveanu, Denes Vigh
GCAGS Transactions
.... The concept of circular geometry for tow-streamer marine acquisition was introduced in the early 1980s by French (1984), where the full azimuth dataset can...
Abstract: Remote QC of Land Seismic Acquisition; #90319 (2018)
Stephen K. LaFon
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Remote QC of Land Seismic Acquisition; #90319 (2018) Stephen K. LaFon AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90319 ©2018 GEO 2018...
Appendix A: Considerations for Optimum 3-D Survey Design, Acquisition and Processing
R. Malcolm Lansley
AAPG Special Volumes
... Abstracts, p. 4–5. Mougenot, J.M., E. Robein, I. Ravat, and A. Morash, 1992, Design of 3-D land acquisition in a structurally complex environment...
Abstracts: Making New with Old: Reprocessing Vintage Seismic Data from the Western Arctic Islands using Modern Methods; #90173 (2015)
Mathieu J. Duchesne, Virginia I. Brake, and Tom Brent
Search and Discovery.com
... and to variations of its physical properties as well as transition areas (i.e. land to sea-ice). Other artifacts include acquisition footprints...
Broadband Marine Seismic, Does Acquisition Make a Difference?
Martin Bayly, Sandeep Kumar Chandola, Low Cheng Foo, Abdul Aziz Muhamad, Swee Leng Ng
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Bhd. © A question that is often asked is how much difference does changing the acquisition geometry make? In this paper, we present a case study...
3D Seismic Acquisition Design in a Volcanic Environment Using Simple 2D Dynamic and 3D Static Seismic Acquisition Method Analysis in the North West Java Basin
Adib Banuboro, Gilang Wiranda, Agung Adi Susanto, Alpius Dwi Guntara, Dwa Desa W, Firman Syaifuddin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... design analyzed in static method. Static analysis only show the geometry measurement. The seismic acquisition parameters used in this study are shown...
Abstract: Re-Evaluating Fluvial Architecture of Pre-Vegetation Reservoirs Using Large Digital Outcrop Datasets from the Tumblagooda Sandstone, Western Australia, Southern Carnarvon Basin
Ginny-Marie Bradley, J. Redfern, D. Hodgetts
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... of fluvial systems prior to the evolution of rooted plant systems. The colonisation of land by plants influenced weathering, energy of the system...
Abstract: A New Generation Magnetic Resonance Logging Tool; #90213 (2015)
James Kovats and Tony Smithson
Search and Discovery.com
..., 2004 A New Generation Magnetic Resonance Logging Tool James Kovats* and Tony Smithson 110 Schlumberger Drive, MD-7, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA...
Case Study - Advanced Seismic Acquisitions and Processing Results in Indonesia
Michele Buia, Bakhrudin Mansyur, Herastya Iman Priyonggo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Survey data started onboard in August 2008 and was completed in February 2010. It was clear from the beginning that the circular acquisition geometry...
Fresnel criteria for 5D survey design: A proof of concept decimation test
Michael Hons, Dave Simmons, Sean Contenti, Yong Xu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... to increase productivity without compromising trace density or Fresnel coverage. Figure 7 shows an example of a proposed alternative geometry for a land...
Abstract: Big Seismic Era Time to Change the Old Ways? How High-Density Seismic Technology Affects Way We Acquire and Process Land Data; #90310 (2017)
Anastasia Poole, Phillip J. Bilsby
Search and Discovery.com
..., Gatwick, West Sussex , United Kingdom. ABSTRACT Recent developments in land seismic acquisition technologies have resulted in a shift towards high-density...
Exploration Decision-Making: Ten-Year Forecast and Case History on Anadarko Shelf, 1956-1966: ABSTRACT
John P. Dowds
AAPG Bulletin
.../statistical theory which quantified and codified an exploration strategy to guide in the acquisition of leases. The deterministic versus...
ABSTRACT: Qatif 3-D Survey: A Case History of a Large Transition Zone Survey; #90051 (2006)
AbdulRahim A. Al-Mubarak, Robert E. Ley, II, Ralph Bridle, Hashim Hussein, William L. Weibel
Search and Discovery.com
..., transition zone marshes, shorelines, and shallow water depths finishing with deeper marine zones. In addition, the land portions contain very densely...
Abstracts: Enhanced Data Quality Through 5D Interpolation, Pre-Stack Time Migration for Stratigraphic Targets, Provost, AB; #90173 (2015)
Heather Joy
Search and Discovery.com
... in Provost due to thin, stratigraphically discontinuous targets and irregular acquisition geometries. New processing methodologies, such as 5D interpolation...
High-Resolution Acquisition for Reducing Drilling Risk: An Example From the Tunu Field, Kalimantan
Jean-Paul Diet, Stéphane Midenet, Jean-Philippe Coulon, Rick Walia, Thierry des Vallières, Hervé Lancien, Benoît Mouly, Siswoyo Rojab Subianto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...High-Resolution Acquisition for Reducing Drilling Risk: An Example From the Tunu Field, Kalimantan Jean-Paul Diet, Stéphane Midenet, Jean-Philippe...
5-D Interpolation Fills in Missing Data, by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt; #41136 (2013).
Search and Discovery.com
Illuminating Resolution
Paul Wood
GEO ExPro Magazine
... – sampling the acoustic reflections from subsurface targets as completely and finely as possible. 3D Geometry Evolution When marine acquisition moved from 2D...
Advances in OBN Technology: Full Azimuth, Long Offset Illumination for Complex Reservoirs, #70290 (2017).
John Smythe
Search and Discovery.com
... from Block Acquisition through Production, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, August 22-23, 2017 **Datapages © 2017 Serial rights given by author. For all other...
Abstract: Relationships Between the Morphology and the Infilling of Incised-Valleys: The South Armorican Example (Western France), by David Menie and Jean-Noel Proust; #90039 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Modern Trends in 3-D Seismic Permit and Lease Acquisition/South Louisiana [Abstract]
Mark K. Miller
New Orleans Geological Society
...Modern Trends in 3-D Seismic Permit and Lease Acquisition/South Louisiana [Abstract] Mark K. Miller 2003 34 34 Acquiring contracts and shooting 3-D...
ABSTRACT Seismic Imaging of a Cretaceous Fluvial System, #90104 (2010)
Velez Claudia C.; McLaughlin Peter P.; McGeary Susan; Sargent Steven L.
Search and Discovery.com
... margin, alluvial plain setting. Precise delineation of the distribution and geometry of these Cretaceous sands has proven to be difficult based...
Portable airgun tank for land VSP applications
Alejandro Martinez, Jorge Castillo, Helmut Gmach, Rafael Barcelos, Jose Sales, Ramiro Santivanez
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... for vertical seismic profile (VSP) acquisition, as well as added flexibility to maximize the value of BHS surveys, such as offset VSPs. Introduction Land...
GCTime-Lapse 4-D Technology: Reservoir Surveillance, by David H. Johnston, #40142 (2005).
Search and Discovery.com