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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.

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ABSTRACT Goose Point Louisiana - A Geo-ecological Model for Landscape Level Plant Community Succession Driven by Fault Movement Associated with the Baton Rouge Fault System, #90104 (2010)

Haggar Kathy S.

Search and

... the area today.     What makes Goose Point so interesting is what is not present. The possible causes of coastal land loss in Louisiana usually include...


Oil and Gas Developments in Far East in 1982

G. L. Fletcher

AAPG Bulletin

... parts of the world for the petroleum industry. Exploratory acreage acquisition, drilling, and seismic activity maintained the busy pace set in 1981. Most...


Tectonics of the Bedout Sub-basin and deposition of the Archer and Lower Keraudren Formations; influence of tectonics in a rapidly deposited succession

Jon Minken, Melissa Thompson, Jack Woodward, Rebecca Ryan, Rylan Fabrici, Marty Allen, Fred Fernandes

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... et al., 2015). The continental grabens became important sediment fairways for later depositional systems. The geometry of the Bedout Sub-basin...


Seismic Geomorphology Applied to Lower Glen Rose Patch Reefs in the Maverick Basin, Southwest Texas

Enzo S. Aconcha, Charles Kerans, and Hongliu Zeng

GCAGS Transactions

...., 1988, Geometry of Upper Cretaceous bentonite beds: Implications about volcanic source areas and paleowind patterns, Western Interior...


Subaqueous Sediment Instabilities in the Offshore Mississippi River Delta: Section 5

J. M. Coleman, D. B. Prior

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Project SEASWAB: Real time acquisition/reduction of submarine sediment data. Proc., 9th Offshore Tech. Conf., II:475-480. Prior, D. B., and J. M. Coleman...



Saeed Khan, Brent Wilson, Ryan Ramsook, Hasley Vincent

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... structures and sand body geometry: examples from North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, p. 1073–1091...


Two-dimensional stratigraphic forward modeling, reconstructing high-relief clinoforms in the northern Taranaki Basin

Migdalys Salazar, Lorena Moscardelli, and Lesli Wood

AAPG Bulletin

... Society of America Bulletin, v. 62, no. 1, p. 1–20. Salazar, M. B., 2014, The impact of shelf margin geometry and tectonics on shelf-to-sink sediment...


CMP domain near-surface velocity model building based on deep learning

Yihao Wang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... learning Yihao Wang, PetroChina Exploration & Production Company, Beijing, China Summary In land seismic exploration, near-surface velocity model building...


3D surface-consistent residual statics estimation by deep learning

Han Wang, Jie Zhang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... several data augmentation methods based on the assumption of surface consistency. Shots and receivers may be located at any position in a 3D land seismic...


Introduction: Chapter 1

Daniel A. Busch

AAPG Special Volumes

..._Page 1-------------------------- body, (2) relate its geometry to its depositional environment, and (3) predict its subsurface development beyond...


Tidal Inlets

Thomas F. Moslow

AAPG Special Volumes

... sequence of similar geometry on Portsmouth Island, North Carolina; however, he observed four separate fining-upward cycles of inlet deposition. Inlet...


Lower Paleozoic foreland basins in eastern Canada: tectono-thermal events recorded by faults, fluids and hydrothermal dolomites

Denis Lavoie, Guoxiang Chi

CSPG Bulletin

...-bentonites of eastern North America. Geological Society of America, Special Publication 313, 84 p. Land, L. S. 1983. The application of stable isotopes...


Ultrastructure of enigmatic phytoclasts (banded tubes) from the Silurian…Lower Devonian: Evidence for affinities and role in early terrestrial ecosystems

Wilson A. Taylor, Charles H. Wellman


... adapted for life on land. More recently Hueber (2001) resurrected the fungal hypothesis, suggesting that Prototaxites was a giant fungus. Boyce et al. (2007...


Cllmatic Zones Throughout the Ages

George W. Bain

Special Publications of SEPM

... be applied mapping groups of parallels of latitude across existing land masses as they were disposed during past ages These patterns to show high...


Abstract: The Role of the Federal Government in Managing Public Resources

James W. Monroe

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... in managing the vast amount of public land and mineral resources has changed in the past several years and is bound to continue to change. Efforts...


Abstracts of Papers: Macropalaeontology of the Surface Formations, Cypress Hills Area, Alberta and Saskatchewan

Loris S. Russell

CSPG Bulletin

...-water and freshwater mollusks, some vertebrates; Oldman Formation, freshwater and land mollusks, land vertebrates including dinosaurs; Bearpaw Formation...


The Land and Lease Situation in Colorado and Western Nebraska

Richard J. Heider

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...The Land and Lease Situation in Colorado and Western Nebraska Richard J. Heider R.M.A.G. Oil & Gas Field Volume, Colorado-Nebraska-1961 THE LAND...


Abstract: Return to Gondwanaland: Geowandering in Cape Peninsula, South Africa and Western Dronnning Maud Land, East Antarctica

Azhar Hussin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Return to Gondwanaland: Geowandering in Cape Peninsula, South Africa and Western Dronnning Maud Land, East Antarctica Azhar Hussin 38...


Terrestrial to Marine Transition of Heavy Minerals: ABSTRACT

E. Azmon

AAPG Bulletin

... of sand for the beaches and sea floor off Southern California is provided directly by the adjacent land areas. The longshore movement of sand is only...


Environmental Restrictions on Mineral Resource Development in Rockies: ABSTRACT

John W. Rold

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Rockies. The two major factors which adversely affect present and future development of each mineral in a different manner are land availability...


Design and Operation of Land-Treatment Systems for Minimum Contamination of Groundwater: ABSTRACT

Herman Bouwer

AAPG Bulletin

...Design and Operation of Land-Treatment Systems for Minimum Contamination of Groundwater: ABSTRACT Herman Bouwer 1973 1592 1592 57 8. (August...


Evolution and Porosity of Carbonate Shoaling Cycles Lower Cretaceous-Lower Glen Rose, South Texas

Annell R. Bay

GCAGS Transactions

..., Distribution and geometry of an oolite-shoal complex - Lower Cretaceous Sligo Formation, South Texas: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs. Trans., v. 28, p...


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