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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.

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"The New Global Tectonics": Major Inconsistencies

A. A. Meyerhoff , Howard A. Meyerhoff

AAPG Bulletin

.... 379-395. Ahmad, F., 1967, A note on the Bering "land-bridge" concept: Aligarh Muslim Univ. (India), Geol. Dept. Annals, v. 3, p. 76-84. Ahmed...


Developments in Western Canada in 1968

D. H. Kyle

AAPG Bulletin

.... Remaining reserves of crude oil, natural gas liquids, marketable gas and sulfur, all increased during 1968. Industry land holdings increased to 519...


Petroleum Geology of the 2018 Offshore Acreage Release Areas

Thomas Bernecker, George Bernardel, Claire Orlov, Nadège Rollet

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... and Corallina accumulations over the Laminaria High, and those from the neighbouring Sahul Syncline region, have a mixed land-plant and marine source af...


Stratigraphic and Structural Compartmentalization in the J and D Sandstones, Central Denver Basin, Colorado

Robert J. weimer, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Thomas L. Davis, William M. Berryman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and transgressive events (Weimer and Land, 1972; Chamberlain, 1976). From extensive outcrop work, MacKenzie (1965)subdivided the Muddy (J) Sandstone...


The Sloan 1 and 2 Kimberlite Complex Near the Southern Boundary of the State Line District of the Colorado-Wyoming Kimberlite Province

M. E. McCallum

Wyoming Geological Association

... immediately west of the Sloan 1 and 2 pipes by Superior Minerals (Shaver, 1988). Figure 2. Locality map showing the position, surface geometry, and relative...


Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Mesozoic and EarlyMiddle Cenozoic Rift Basins of Central and Northern Kenya, Eastern Africa

Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Peter Thuo, Jean-Luc Potdevin, Thierry Nalpas

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Sedimentary environments and geometry of sedimentary bodies determined from subsurface studies in East Africa, in C. K. Morley, ed., Geoscience of rift...


Stratigraphic Applications of Dipmeter Date in Mid-Continent

R. L. Campbell, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

.... Busch, D. A., 1961, Prospecting for stratigraphic traps, in Geometry of sandstone bodies: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, p. 220-232. Chambrier, Pierre...


Oil and Gas Developments in Middle East in 1985

Darwin O. Hemer , Klaus H. A. Gohrbandt

AAPG Bulletin

... was nearing the start-up stage at year end. In Iraq, an average of 5 land seismic crews were believed active for the Iraq National Oil Company, and 4...


Oil And Gas Developments in Western Canada in 1984

P. W. Hay, D. C. Robertson

CSPG Bulletin

... marginally in every province but Manitoba. Land sale revenue continued to soar, increasing by 44% to $812 million3, but still below the 1980 peak of $1311...


Franklinian Reef Belt, Silurian, North Greenland

Martin Sonderholm, Tom L. Harland

CSPG Special Publications

... graptolites from Washington Land, western North Greenland: Bulletin Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse, v. 142. Bjerreskov, M. 1986. Silurian graptolites from...


Hydrocarbon and Mineral Resources of the Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado; Frontmatter

Thomas D. Fouch, Vito F. Nuccio, Thomas C. Chidsey Jr.

Utah Geological Association

.... Nuccio U.S. Geological Survey Howard B. Cleavinger, II U.S. Bureau of Land Management Charles H. Cameron U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs William...


Integrating geophysical monitoring data into multiphase fluid flow reservoir simulation

Trevor P. Irons, Brian J.O.L. McPherson, Nathan Moodie, Rich Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Li

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... a mature technology that is relied upon to image resistors at depth. On land CSEM is a less common technique, but one which is increasingly being adopted...


Chapter 9 - Regional Geology and Stratigraphy of the Kutei Basin

George P. Allen, John L. C. Chambers

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in deltaic progradation across the Kutei Basin over the transgressive Palaeogene section. Figure 9.4 summarises schematically the geometry of the Kutei...


Geostatistical facies modeling trends for oolitic tidal sand shoals

Jason W. Rush, and Eugene C. Rankey

AAPG Bulletin

.... A., and L. S. Land, 1990, Geochemical imprint of meteoric diagenesis in Holocene ooid sands, Schooner Cays, Bahamas; correlation of calcite cement...





... of comparable size high-walking on land, due in part to punting locomotion, but also to wave action moving the reptile’s body. Pace angulations were also...


Chapter 11: Pikka Field and the Opening of the Nanushuk Play, North Slope, Alaska

Jesse V. Sommer, Kevin Dorrington, Colby VanDenburg, James R. Bonelli, Jr., José Luis Algibez Alonso

AAPG Special Volumes

..., generally from west to east, and are separated by major regionally correlative flooding events (Decker, 2010). Each cycle has a clinoform geometry...


Structural Controls on Growth Stratigraphy in Contractional Fault-related Folds

John H. Shaw, Enrique Novoa, Christopher D. Connors

AAPG Special Volumes

...: Tectonophysics, v. 282, p. 353373.Suppe, J., 1983, Geometry and kinematics of fault-bend folding: American Journal of Science, v. 283, p. 684721.Suppe, J...


Prudhoe Bay--A 10-Year Perspective

H. C. Jamison , L. D. Brockett , R. A. McIntosh

AAPG Special Volumes

... probability of statehood, and the announced intention of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to make lands available for lease acquisition. The first lands...


Chapter 3: Tools and Techniques for Studying Mudstones

O. R. Lazar, K. M. Bohacs, J. Schieber, J. H. S. Macquaker, T. M. Demko

AAPG Special Volumes

...–87. Ketchum, R. A., and W. D. Carlson, 2001, Acquisition, optimization, and interpretation of x-ray computed tomographic imagery: Applications...


The 40th Anniversary of South Louisiana’s Lower Tuscaloosa Trend—Recollections and Early Media Coverage

Jeff A. Spencer

GCAGS Transactions

.../reservoir level. Successful infill drilling and recompletions brought success to the team which then led to the acquisition of 3D seismic surveys...


Effects of the coupling between slope morphology and bottom currents on flow erosion and sedimentation at the Dongsha Continental Margin, South China Sea

Hairong Wang, Chengqian Yu, Zhipeng Huo, Hongfang Gao, Wen Jiang

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Paleogene extension to latest Miocene–Recent arc–continent collision offshore Taiwan: comparison with on land geology: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v...


Controls on Early Diagenetic Overprinting in Icehouse Carbonates: Insights from Modeling Hydrological Zone Residence Times Using CARB3D+

Richard J. Paterson, Fiona F. Whitaker, Peter L. Smart, Gareth D. Jones, David Oldham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... on freshwater-lens thickness and rate of dissolutional lowering of the land surface. Residence time within all meteoric hydrozones is characterized...


Energy, Mineral, and Ground-Water Resources of Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (B-132)

R.W. Gloyn, D.E. Tabet, B.T. Tripp, C.E. Bishop, C.D. Morgan, J.W. Gwynn, R.E. Blackett

Utah Geological Survey

..., mineral, and ground-water resources in Carbon and Emery Counties. This report provides information for use in both short- and longterm land-planning...


The Foreslope and Toe-of-Slope Facies of the Middle Triassic Latemar Buildup (Dolomites, Northern Italy)

Mark T. Harris

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... GOLDHAMMER, R.K., AND HARRIS, M.T., 1989, Eustatic controls on the stratigraphy and geometry End_Page 144------------------------ FIG. 16...


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