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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.

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Evidence for Paleomagnetic Dating of Diagenesis by Basinal Fluids, Ordovician Carbonates, Arbuckle Mountains, Southern Oklahoma

R Douglas Elmore, David London, Don Bagley, Guoqiu Gao

Special Publications of SEPM

... during both AF and thermal demagnetization Figs 9A B Maximum unblocking tem peratures are 5800C or below IRM acquisition and decay studies suggest...


Marine influence in the Upper Ordovician Juniata Formation (Potters Mills, Pennsylvania): Implications for the history of life on land

Neil S. Davies, Michael C. Rygel, Martin R. Gibling


...Marine influence in the Upper Ordovician Juniata Formation (Potters Mills, Pennsylvania): Implications for the history of life on land Neil S. Davies...


Oil and Gas Developments in Western Canada in 1989

R.M. Creed, M.D. Hewitt, J.R. Hogg, C.J. Yeo

CSPG Bulletin

... Crown land disposition increased by 62%, the total bonus increased by 4%, and the average bonus dropped by 36%. Seismic data acquisition in Saskatchewan...


Environmental Considerations for Real Estate Development of Oil Well Drilling Properties in California

Dawn H. Garcia, Evan C. Henry

Pacific Section of AAPG

... Developable land is at a premium in urbanized areas such as Southern California. Oil well drilling properties in many areas represent a large percentage...


Tax and Finance in the Petroleum Industry „ An Update

S. Breckenridge

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... a pendre by a landowner was a part disposal of the land (the underlying grant) so that no CGT liability would arise if the land had been acquired before 20...


Fletcher Challenge Energy - A Company Profile

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... acquisition of r aw land and producing properties, and th rough successfu l explo ratio n and d eve lo pment of its own properties. FCE's strategy...


Detailed Structure of the Nankai Trough from Migrated Seismic Sections: Convergent Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

Yutaka Aoki, Toshiro Tamano, Susumu Kato

AAPG Special Volumes

... shows the tracks lines and the parameters of data acquisition and data processing are listed in Table 1. Lines K54-1-2, S-4, and S-8 were acquired...


2012 South Australia Supplement

Tom Koutsantonis, PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... for The higher ran ked Ocean ia jurisd ictions up to 2 MM scf/d after a seven stage at least 15-20 Tcf gas in terms of probable were New Zea land and Victoria...


Abstract: Application of Engineering Geology in Land Reclamation Project from Persian Gulf; #90172 (2014)

Morteza Sheshpari

Search and

...Abstract: Application of Engineering Geology in Land Reclamation Project from Persian Gulf; #90172 (2014) Morteza Sheshpari AAPG Search and Discovery...


Working on the Land

Matthew Paull, Natasha Patterson, Anthea Patch, Kelli How

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Working on the Land Matthew Paull, Natasha Patterson, Anthea Patch, Kelli How The APPEA Journal 2018, 58, 582–585 Extended abstract


Oil and Gas Beneath East-Dipping Underthrust Faults in the Alberta Foorhills

Peter B. Jones

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... belt and Front Ranges of the Rockies are rooted in a sole fault, decollement, or lower detachment. The geometry of the Triangle Zone proves...


Geostatistical three-dimensional modeling of oolite shoals, St. Louis Limestone, southwest Kansas

Lianshuang Qi, Timothy R. Carr, Robert H. Goldstein

AAPG Bulletin

.... Louis Limestone have produced more than 300 million bbl of oil. The geometry and distribution of oolitic deposits control the heterogeneity...


Spicer Cove and Squally Point: Volcanic Rocks, Dikes, and Thrust Faults

Peter Wallace

Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications

...-S diabase dike, forming a head­ land, is cut by a flat-lying thrust, visible as you walk towards the headland from the east. 7. Immediately west of (6...


Gyrolithes in Holocene estuarine incised-valley fill deposits, offshore southern Vietnam

Andreas Wetzel, Rik Tjallingii, Karl Stattegger


... be recognized unequivocally in outcrop and core by its characteristic geometry or cross-sectional pattern. The ichnogenus Gyrolithes includes various...


Pennsylvanian Rocks of the Tulsa Area: Senora Formation

A. P. Bennison

Tulsa Geological Society

... sedimentation. Areal Extent and Formational Geometry Sandstone bluffs along Mountain Creek on the north edge of the Conjada Mountains and in the southeast...


Commentary on "Catastrophic Termination of the Last Wisconsin Ice Advance, Observations in Alberta and Idaho" and "Inundation Topography in the Columbia River System" By C. W. Hunt in the June 1977 Issue

L. E. Jackson, Jr.

CSPG Bulletin

... of sediment, the geometry of the lake, the proximity of the damming ice mass, the degree to which ice rafting contributes to sedimentation, etc. Varves form...


Field Summary: Comanche Creek Field

John Dolson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... % porosity) very fine to medium grained quartz arenites J Sand: 20-35 feet of very fine grained to coarse grained quartz arenites Geometry of Reservoir...


Drilling a Well

Mike Shepherd

AAPG Special Volumes

... scale and cost of a drilling operation differs between wells onshore and those offshore. An onshore well is drilled with a relatively cheap land rig...


Abstract: Reservoir Characterization of the Swan Hills Eastern Platform Trend; a Multi-disciplinary Approach in Building an Applied Model; #90187 (2014)

Thanos A. Natras, Ian A. McIlreath, Dusty Baldree, Kevin Gunning, and Doug Uffen

Search and

... large accumulations of oil, however, aside from the unitized blocks of land along the defined “platform edge” (i.e. House Mountain & Deer Mountain Units...


Three Dimensional Exploration in California — A Case History

E. T. Selby

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the requirement for a three dimensional survey is to maximize the amount of data to be collected, while minimizing the surface coverage. For land collection...


Diagenesis, Geochemistry, and Origin of a Precambrian Dolomite: the Beck Spring Dolomite of Eastern California

Maurice E. Tucker

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... commonly forms mammillated crusts and botryoids. Type D fibrous dolomite forms thin layers of acicular crystals, with a distinctive geometry...


North Sumatra Basin: A New Perspective in Tectonic Settings and Paleogene Sedimentation

Ahmad Syauqi Hidayatillah, Ricky Andrian Tampubolon, Tsania Ozza, Muhammad Tajul Arifin, Raden Mohammad Aviandito Prasetio, Terry Alfa Furqan, Herman Darman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... will be discussed later. During the Eocene, Sumatra land was lying on a stable craton that was sloping into the North Sumatra Basin (Barber et al...


Oil and Gas Developments in Far East in 1984

R. A. Soeparjadi , L. Z. Valachi , S. Sosromihardjo

AAPG Bulletin

... their exploration drilling. Seismic activity in the region was up by 6%. A significant increase in marine seismic acquisition occurred in India, whereas Indonesia...


Paleogene Yucatan back-arc basin in the northern Caribbean: Ridge and fracture zone geometry in oceanic crust, depth-to-Moho, and Cenozoic sedimentary fill

Juan Pablo Ramos, Paul Mann

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Paleogene Yucatan back-arc basin in the northern Caribbean: Ridge and fracture zone geometry in oceanic crust, depth-to-Moho, and Cenozoic...


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