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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 22,958 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Paleomagnetic Dating of Sulfide Mineralization and Cap-Rock Formation in Gulf Coast Salt Domes

Wulf A. Gose, J. Richard Kyle

Special Publications of SEPM

... rank metamorph It ism Light and others 1987 Land and Kupecz 1988 diagenesis hydrocarbon maturation fluid that salt dome cap rocks and associated...


Oil and Gas Developments in Far East in 1987

S. Courteney , R. A. Soeparjadi , S. M. Sayeed Ahmad

AAPG Bulletin

.... Seismic acquisition increased slightly, and the fall in exploratory drilling was less dramatic in 1987 than in 1986. No major discoveries were reported...


Mass-Transport Complexes (MTCs) and Tectonic Control on Basin-Floor Submarine Fans, Middle Eocene, South Spanish Pyrenees

Kevin T. Pickering, Jordi Corregidor

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...), North Sea: implications for flow evolution and deposit geometry: Sedimentology, v. 50, p. 45–80. Mayall, M., and Stewart, I., 2000, The architecture...


Aqueous and Petroleum Fluids Associated with Sand Injectites Hosted by Lacustrine Shales from the Oil-Shale Group (Dinantian), Midland Valley, Scotland

R. Jonk, D. Duranti, A. Hurst, J. Parnell, A. E. Fallick

AAPG Special Volumes

... p.Fisher, R. S., and L. S. Land, 1986, Diagenetic history of Eocene Wilcox sandstones, south-central Texas: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p...


Using delta channel width to estimate paleodischarge in the rock record: geometric scaling and practical sampling criteria

Octria Adi Prasojo, Anna E. van Yperen, Trevor B. Hoey, Amanda Owen, Richard Williams

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... channel geometry: Hydrological Sciences, v. 53, p. 401–408. Bhattacharya, J.P., 2006, Deltas, in Posamentier, H.W., and Walker, R.G., Facies Models...


Diagenetic History and Hydrocarbon Potential of Upper Permian Carbonate Buildups, Wegener Halvo Area, Jameson Land Basin, East Greenland (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... These outcrop studies, which have accompanied extensive acquisition of proprietary seismic data from the Jameson Land End_Page 701...


Revisit Geology and Geochemistry of Buton Asphalt Deposits, SE Sulawesi: Implications for Petroleum Exploration of Buton Area

Awang Harun Satyana, Cepi Irawan, Wendy Kurniawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... operatorship in May 1970. After acquisition of aeromagnetic data, surface geological data, and marine as well as land seismic data, Gulf drilled...


Memorial: Dean A. McGee (1904-1989)

John A. Masters

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... where the really prolific potential production might be—salt domes. T h e good ones on land were gone but we could move out in the shallow water...


Oil and Gas Developments in Eastern Canada in 1987

T. R. Carter , G. R. Campbell

AAPG Bulletin

... to confirm the extent of reserves in known discoveries. Seismic data acquisition decreased also, with only 1 program comprising 195 km (121 mi) versus 3...


Technology Strategy for Shale Plays: Independents vs. Majors--An Analysis and Outlook; #70159 (2014)

Susan Smith Nash

Search and

... acquisition rather than simply leasing prospects. These examples are not to suggest that all independents experienced success, nor that all majors experienced...


The effects of magnesium concentration in high-magnesium calcite allochems on dolomitization: Insights from high-temperature dolomite synthesis experiments

Chia Pei Teoh, Juan Carlos Laya, Katharine Rose, Stephen Kaczmarek

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, p. 209– 213. Land, L.S., 1967, Diagenesis of skeletal carbonates: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 37, p. 914– 930...


Abstract: Land Use/Land Cover Classification of West Central Alabama Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data

G.D. Irvin, K.E. Richter, B.H. Tew

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Land Use/Land Cover Classification of West Central Alabama Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data G.D. Irvin, K.E. Richter, B.H. Tew 1998 Vol...


Pnyang Field: Discovery and Geology of a Gas Giant in the Western Papuan Fold Belt, Western Province, Papua New Guinea

G. L. Valenti

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... analysis and map­ ping (Valenti, 1989) identified the most promising areas, leading to additional fieldwork and seismic acquisition where possible...


Eugene Island Block 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana

D.S. Holland, W.E. Nunan, D.R. Lammlein, R.L. Woodhams

AAPG Special Volumes

... to 81 m) and Fig. 2. Acquisition and production data from the Eugene Island Block 330 field. End_Page 255------------------------ the shelf's surface...


Energy Programs-A Contribution to Salt Dome Knowledge

Joseph Didier Martinez

GCAGS Transactions

... of radioctive waste on land. National Academy of Science, Natural Resources Council, Division of Earth Sciences, Report Committee on Waste Disposal. Hilton...


AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 19: The Future of Pressure Prediction Using Geophysical Methods

Alan R. Huffman

AAPG Special Volumes

... MULTICOMPONENT DATA Recent developments in multicomponent seismic acquisition and processing suggest that this new technology will be increasing...


Storm- and Fair-Weather Combined Flow on the Central Texas Continental Shelf

John W. Snedden , Dag Nummedal, Anthony F. Amos

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Mustang Island, Texas (Fig. 1). This included the deployment of current meters as well as the acquisition of previously recorded, unpublished current...


Future of Geology in Petroleum Exploration

Robert J. Cordell

AAPG Bulletin

...) erroneous mapping of sandstone and carbonate geometry. Moreover, the logs cannot reveal many of the rock details important to sedimentological...


New Page 1

Search and


Petroleum Developments in Middle East Countries in 1969

John F. Mason , Quentin M. Moore

AAPG Bulletin

...): Exploratory activity comprised 14 party-months of geologic field survey and 14 party-months of seismic-reflection land operations. An aeromagnetometer...


The Sedimentology and Alluvial Architecture of a Large Braid Bar, Rio Parana, Argentina

Gregory H. Sambrook Smith, Philip J. Ashworth, James L. Best, Ian A. Lunt, Oscar Orfeo, Daniel R. Parsons

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 144, p. 307–334. Julien, P.Y., and Klaassen, G.J., 1995, Sand-dune geometry of large rivers during floods: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v. 121...


Revision of Platte River Alluvial Facies Model Through Observations of Extant Channels and Barforms, and Subsurface Alluvial Valley Fills

John D. Horn, Christopher R. Fielding, R.M. Joeckel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., slow walk. Antenna step size was set at 0.5 m using an odometer trigger. Automatic gain control (AGC) was applied during acquisition with a maximum...


Tectonostratigraphy and structures of the southern Perth Basin

C. M. Thomas, S. K. Martin

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... Newly reprocessed legacy seismic data and recent seismic data acquisition have helped image the deepest depocentres, allowing the identification...


Stockholm Southwest Field--U.S.A. Anadarko Basin, Kansas

C. Brent Shumard

AAPG Special Volumes

... to help delin ate local sandstone geometry was integrated into the mapping. More important, the location of the discovery well is directly attributed...


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