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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 23,151 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Seismic Processing in the Papua New Guinea Fold Belt - Recent Experience
N. J. Fisher, F. R. Nicholson
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of land seismic data over the Papua New Guinea fold belt is inherently problematic. There is rugged topography both locally and over the length...
A Contribution to the Origin of the Green River Formation and Its Oil Shale
W. H. Bradley
AAPG Bulletin
... figures: Phytoplankton 42 Spores of fungi 30 Filaments of fungi 29 Pollen and spores from higher land plants...
Aviation Strategy to Respond to Oil Spills in Indonesian Waters
Patricia Njoto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with immediate mitigation actions often based on expected oil type, predicted trajectories and oil behaviour. There is a need for rapid acquisition...
History of Coal Mining in Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah 1870–1980
Jean Semborski
Utah Geological Association
..., during World War II. All of these communities were coal mining camps. The land on which they were built belonged to the coal companies and most...
The Oil Industry and Coastal Zone Management in Louisiana
Jack R. Van Lopik
GCAGS Transactions
... patterns, trends in land/water ratios, changes in water freshness or salinity, erosion of Gulf shores, and cumulative environmental impacts within...
Structure and Origin of Three Continental-Margin Plateaus, Northeastern Brazil
Roberto Fainstein , John D. Milliman
AAPG Bulletin
... geophysical surveys which help to establish the morphology and general structure of the plateaus. DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING In 1973, preliminary...
Technology Strategy Considerations in Reservoir Optimization; #70154 (2013)
Susan Smith Nash
Search and Discovery.com
... techniques and technologies for land work. We need to prepare mineral takeoffs, and to go in with a team and lease as quickly and quietly as possible...
Near-Surface Hydrocarbon Seeps as Indicators of Petroleum Charge: The Evolution of Site Selection, Sample Collection, Laboratory Analysis, and Interpretation; #42455 (2021)
Bernie Bernard, Michael Abrams
Search and Discovery.com
... marine sediments. On land, gas may exist in significant proportions in each of these forms in the complicated soil matrix. In the simpler soil matrix...
Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms: An Overview: Chapter 1
J. A. Toni Simo, Robert W. Scott, Jean-Pierre Masse
AAPG Special Volumes
... Platforms Barron, E. J., J. L. Sloan, and C. G. A. Harrison, 1980, Potential significance of land-sea distribution and surface albedo variations...
Multi-Isotope Studies Investigating Recharge and Inter-Aquifer Connectivity in Coal Seam Gas Areas (Qld, NSW) and Shale Gas Areas (NT)
Axel Suckow, Alec Deslandes, Christoph Gerber, Sebastien Lamontagne, Dirk Mallants, Philip Davies, Andrew Taylor, Cornelia Wilske, Stan Smith, Matthias Raiber, Karina Meredith, Praveen Kumar Rachakonda, Alf Larcher, Paul Wilkes, Henning Prommer, Adam Siade, Damian Barrett
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
..., Henning Prommer E, Adam Siade E and Damian BarrettF A CSIRO Land and Water, Gate 5, Waite Road, Urrbrae, SA 5064, Australia. CSIRO Land and Water, 41 Boggo...
Petroleum Developments in Central and Southern Africa in 1971
Augusto Cortesini , John R. Minner
AAPG Bulletin
... and 2 wildcat rigs offshore in Cabinda and 1 wildcat and 2 development land rigs in Angola. Geologic and geophysical exploration increased by 35...
Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1972
W. E. Kennett
AAPG Bulletin
... for 1973 is that OGDC may carry out exploration activities and drilling programs on land in cooperation with Techno-Export of USSR. Gas production in 1971...
Interpretation of Marine Magnetic Gradiometer and Multichannel Seismic-Reflection Observations over the Western Ross Sea Shelf, Antarctica
J. C. Behrendt, A. K. Cooper, A. Yuan
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... there. The asymmetric Victoria Land basin ( V L B ) is deepest along its west margin and is the westernmost of three north-south-trending basins...
Developments in Oil Shale in 1981
Carroll F. Knutson , George F. Dana
AAPG Bulletin
.... Duncan, D. C., and V. E. Swanson, 1965, Organic-rich shale of the United States and world land areas: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 523, 30 p. Hayes, C. W...
Hydrogeology of Gulf Coast Aquifers, Houston-Galveston Area, Texas
C. W. Kreitler , E. Guevera , G. Granata , D. McKalips
GCAGS Transactions
..., is a high-mud-percent unit that represents a coastal progression of delta-plain to delta-front facies. Four arbitrarily defined intervals from land...
Stratigraphy of the Trinidad Sandstone and Associated Formations Walsenburg Area, Colorado
Lee T. Billingsley
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... the lithologies to become stacked vertically in the same sequence as their lateral arrangement (Fig. 4). Weimer and Land (1 976) discussed criteria...
Reservoir Compartmentalization of the Morrow Sandstone at Sorrento Field, Southeastern Colorado
Sandra McDonald Mark
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... distribution of these features is combined with sandstone geometry and faulting, reservoir compartments become apparent. 101 Type Log Sorrento Field...
Western Caribbean intraplate deformation: Defining a continuous and active microplate boundary along the San Andres rift and Hess Escarpment fault zone, Colombian Caribbean Sea
Luis Carlos Carvajal-Arenas, and Paul Mann
AAPG Bulletin
....proc.sr.165.028.2000. Aitken, A. R. A., 2010, Moho geometry gravity inversion experiment (MoGGIE): A refined model of the Australian Moho and its...
A global study of dolomite stoichiometry and cation ordering through the Phanerozoic
Cameron J. Manche, Stephen E. Kaczmarek
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... de l'Institut français du pétrole et Annales des combustibles liquides, v. 15, p. 3– 68. Behrens, E.W., and Land, L.S., 1972, Subtidal Holocene...
Meteoric Diagenesis of Plio-pleistocene Limestones at Enewetak Atoll
Terrence M. Quinn
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., p. 1260-1270. BUDD, D.A., AND LAND, L.S., 1990, Geochemical imprint of meteoric diagenesis in Holocene ooid sands, Schooner Cays, Bahamas: correlation...
Dolomitization: A Critical View of some Current Views: PERSPECTIVES
Lawrence A. Hardie
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... on to identify dolomitizing fluids. Similar overall objections can be brought against Folk and Land's (1975) "schizohaline" version of mixing-zone...
Paleoclimatic Controls on Sedimentation, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality: Lessons from Miocene Carbonates
S. Qing Sun , Mateu Esteban
AAPG Bulletin
... settings, and (2) arid, land-locked temperate-subtropical settings. In humid, oceanic tropical-subtropical settings (e.g., Miocene of Southeast Asia...
Geochemical, petrographical, and petrophysical evaluations of a heterogeneous, stratiform dolomite from a Barremian oil field, offshore Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
Kazuyuki Yamamoto, Gary Ottinger, Osama Al Zinati, Hideko Takayanagi, Koshi Yamamoto, and Yasufumi Iryu
AAPG Bulletin
... values of the dolomites are relatively high (>5‰), and 87Sr/86Sr mostly fall in the range of Barremian seawater. The thin stratiform geometry...
Carbonate facies models
Wolfgang Schlager
Special Publications of SEPM
.... This production system generates a platform geometry with a particularly flat unda environment swept by waves and tidal currents, and a rapid...
Abstracts of Theses: Mapping of Naturally Occurring Surficial Phenomena to Determine Groundwater Conditions in Two Areas Near Red Deer, Alberta
Clissold, R. J.
CSPG Bulletin
... in the permeability of the medium. Discrete discharge of groundwater in the general discharge area results from local inhomogeneities near the land surface...